I just heard about it and it sounds fascinating
Has anyone here eaten and gotten high off "High Meat"
Other urls found in this thread:
More importantly, what do you call this haircut?
Never had high meat but have had various kinds of fermented fish. Tastes delicious and makes the gut very happy.
The Alex Jones
>that hairline
What's wrong with him, why won't he just shave it all off?
The hehecut.
The "sungazing" hehe
Because he is a mentally insane person who eats raw, rotten meat, stares at the sun and thinks that serial killers and cannibals are admirable humans. I doubt how his disgusting hair looks matters to hum very much
I bet you eat fast food and shit yet you think raw meat is bad kek
Fledgling Bald Eagle
This guy eats red meat almost daily, in large amounts. My uncle recently, who shoots deer, and eats nothing but dear (eating red meat daily less then balding eagle), and had a blood test recently. Doctor found two big problems, one; he is way over in iron, and two he has a fatty liver.
Both are bad, it can manifest into liver cancer if the problem persists and the liver gets inflamed.
I really want to see sv3rige blood test.
First commend;
>cholesterol, kidney, and liver function tests?
Well that sucks.
I'm glad we have a radical vegan activist on the thread. Can you tell me what happened to Emily the bite size vegan?? Are the rumors true? Did she really die from her unnatural vegan diet?
Is this guy obsessed with telling people he eats meat or something
Some say she stopped posting videos to YouTube, for the good of the cause? Is that true?
Was her ghastly corpse-face so shocking that they decided to remove her from the vegan scene, because of the terrible optics??
>50 trillion vegans on YouTube screaming about their diet.
>>Literally like 8 or 9 carnivores posting their diets
>>They're the obsessed ones.
Sverige is a true rebel, and he is following a very rare path on the raw meat diet. Adjonus vonderplantz. Was the trailblazer.
>a bunch of bacteria makes the gut happy
Neck yourself retard
he is a rebel retard.
you are the archetypal overcompensating hipster.
you look at niche groups and think everyone is in that group.
maybe . 25% of Americans are vegans.
so you think it's cool to rebel because in your mind vegans are the majority.
but really, you're rebelling against a small, minority, who are rebelling themselves.
so in the end, you do something even dumber than being a vegan or you end up the same as the average person.
10% of Canadians are vegetarian or vegan
so are you rebelling with 10%,or conforming with 90%?
Vegans are not rebels in any sense. Vegans are the ultimate sheep conformists, being brainwashed by retarded emotional propaganda.
Sverage and milkjar are the ultimate rebels, following a path which is taken by an ultra small minority of raw meat connoisseurs.
The sheep Vegans pay for their stupidity thank God.
Your .25% number is laughable low.
Can't answer for him, but I'm with the 0.00001% of raw meat eaters with Sverige and milk jar, how about you??
I have celiac disease as well as allergies to dairy and eggs. I eat meat because it's practical for me.
your psychosis is showing
I mean I think the ultimate conformist would be your average person, not someone on an extreme diet/lifestyle.
If you're raw meat, you're just as non conformist as a vegan.
I'm not saying that is bad.
>√egan ad-hom.
Like vegans spindly bodies, your ad-hom is pathetically weak and Ineffective.
Any updates on the late bite size vegan? (RIP)
Looks like he his hairline got high off it.
Veganism is a huge, trendy modern movement. Nothing non-conforming about veganism whatsoever. Vegans are literally conforming to F R E E L E E ' s creepy shrieking and the emotional propaganda of the vegan agenda drivers like Joey Cuckstrong.
You are either trolling, or you just enjoy tying logic and the truth up into pretzels for your personal yucks.
Is there something I'm missing to this whole sungazing thing? Do people literally just stare directly at the sun in broad daylight? How long does it take your eyes to deteriorate badly from doing this?
I'd also like to know the history of this. This is beyond flat earth tier shit.
Not in broad daylight, they do it at dusk, and sverige admits he overdid it once and damaged his eyes. Still he can see, post on YouTube etc??
They're actually the same, but even worse. They copy the zealous ideology but to the opposite end of the spectrum. Anything a vegan or the 'government' says they automatically believe the opposite and act like it's the truth on that basis. Then comes the confirmation bias. This isn't science, it isn't funny. These two are mentally deranged, but at least it might weed a few idiots out of the gene pool.
Things that are not made from an animal are not meat.
Things that don't come from a nipple are not milk.
Stop trying to fuck up the language. This is what marxists do to try and stop people from being able to say things they don't like by making normal speech confusing. "I eat meat" "Do you mean animal meat or mashed-together beans?" There shouldn't be any question there. "Run to the store and get some milk" "do you mean cow milk or basedbean juice?" No fucking way. That's asinine and needs to stop. I fucking see what you're doing.
Don’t forget that vegans want to force everyone to be vegan
Anything 'advice' by people who hate me and want me to die (vegans) I can do the opposite and it will be the best option for my happiness and health, I'll agree with you there.
And Vegans convincing themselves and all their left wing comrades to self castrate and never reproduce, definitely a win win for humanity and the earth.
Absolutely. But I think they only succeed in a kind of mass-self-genocide of leftists. They sicken and starve themselves to death and rarely reproduce.
I'm starting to become a supporter of abortion and veganism. (Veganism only/mostly sickens leftist weak minds)
Trips of truth, starting to really believe Gatis is the next Zyzz in his own rite
His favourite hobby is roasting Libtards with no survivors.
He doesn't roast vegans for being Libtards, but all Vegans are Libtards, for whatever reason.
Its always the fucking same with these threads
You don't have to be vegan to realize sv3rige is schizophreniac, and that milkjar is a sperg
I would recomend sv3rige's channel, its great to get some laughs
>vegetarian or ve-
that's the keyword right there though, vegetarians aren't necessarely vegan, the vast majority of vegetarians are not vegan.
what about all of those hunter gatherer tribes eating raw meat that retards like sv3rige idolize?
kek vegan-cuck COPE
Probably all that vitamin deficiency hehe
>nothing non conforming about veganism
All cultures are not vegan, the vast majority of people eat meat, it's a pain in the ass to eat only plants at restaurants or going out with friends.
Veganism might be trendy but so is the carnivore diet.
The IMAX screen
Sure in Africa and north Antarctica, the percentage of raw carnivores goes way up, also their rate of reproduction and overall strength and health is way up too.
I was speaking for my country USA.
That its absolutely false, inuits "survived" on a diet consisting almost exclusively on meat, but their health and life expectancy improved when introduced to a "standard" diet
See, its easy to see you are not an actual sv3rige fanatic because you didn't post the three standard videos about malnourished vegans
I don’t take this guy seriously but him shitting on “what I eat in a day vegan” videos is hilarious
t. dyel
Gatis can outlift 90% of the larpers on this board, and he only lifts casually
He doesn't lift casually, he lifts often but says "uh you don't need to lift really hehe" and then claims that every dude bigger than him roids
He es actually very similar to "el duende verde", we could consider him his nemesis "el calvito del parasito"
Post body.
How is this remotely related to the topic, are you goin to claim vegan or something because i dared speak against your schizo god?
>only lifts casually
don't we all?
please stop sucking his cock, he's been lifting for almost a decade now and has 16" arms
>has anyone one here gotten eaten
society chewed me up and spit me out
How you holdin up anons
>he fell for the big arms meme
Lmao at you weirdos, I eat cooked meat with rice and veggies daily. You don't have to be a fucking numale vegan or fatass burger king regular to recognise that this man is literally mentally unhinged.
Good goy