How are you holding up robots? anything positive?

how are you holding up robots? anything positive?

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so far so good i guess. how about you op?
still thinking about all those people who are talking about you?

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>been on tinder and bumble all summer, swipe right blindly on everything
>literally 3 matches all summer, all of them are uggos
>work as a lifeguard and sneak glances at the girls in bikinis who come
>started finding my eyes drawn to progressively younger girls (started at grown women, now degenerated to girls who are clearly 15-16)
Send help sexual repression is turning me into an ephebophile

turning 25 soon. still mentally 16.

they all probably forgot about me and have their own lives to worry about

not going to great in my life right now
>hot as fuck
>pc broke cant even escape reality in world of warcraft
>mom has to go to work to another country again
>drug addict schizofrenic brother at home of wich i need to take care of if hes not stealing or freaking out again where i have to call an amublance with the polcie saying hes talking to himself again going crazy

truly the worst timeline

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Not bad thanks user, eating hobnobs and shitposting on /b

I just masturbated for the 9th time today. I dont feel so good...

>worst timeline
nope, it could always get worse user. but i hope you and your brother get trough this.

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>anything positive?
Date with an asian single mom
Not sure that really qualifies as positive or will be anything but awkward.

someone insulted me at a fighting game so now i'm upset

i'm impossibly bored
nothing interests me
I don't know how to make my life fun
I just want to sleep
I'm so exhausted with doing nothing

Nice. Keep at it.

I'm sorry you feel this way.

it's just family but I get invited to stuff instead of looking at the walls all day

>Went to see a movie with my oneitis
>Some dumb horror movie
>She snuggled up to me during the scary scenes
Feels good man

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I don't want to be a pedophile user, I want a sweet monogamous relationship with an adult woman who loves me.

>Had a good chat a few days ago
>Got a new phone
>Enjoying monster Hunter world
I think it's been a good week. Still craving banter, but I've got monsters to hunt.

Someday I'll find myself a friend with a high power level to have autistic bantz with.

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>had a good thing going with this girl
>fell in love with her
>she has a boyfriend
>made her choose between us
>she wouldnt
>cant take being her side thing so I called it off
>think Im gonna call in sick tomorrow because I cant take feeling like this out in public all day
>will probably lurk all night wondering why Im such a massive fuckup

Haha. Good luck with that. I hope you'll find something like it.

how are you finding that game? i heard the coop sucks

>anything positive?
I managed to suppress my depression for a bit and signed up for a school program again

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It's not that the co-op sucks, it's just I have literally one other person to play with, and the servers are struggling from the player count.

It's really fun though.

My disgust for humans and grows stronger in general again.
That's a positive.

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I've created a different persona to become the me everyone else knows
no one will ever find me out

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I started doing so many things so I'd distract myself from dark thoughts. Now I'm exhausted with all the stuff I have to follow through.

Just trying to die by starving myself it's going pretty good on day 3!

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The fresco life is extremely draining.
I just wanna be comfy in my bed all day and play vidya instead of earning Shekels for Muhammed.

I started working again.

I want to be a NEET again.

I hate having to get up in the morning so much.

good shit, what program?

Things arent the most ideal but I still cant complain, looking for at least something part time to get some money in before choosing what school or field I should go into, my aims are shit like civil engineering, electrical technology, HVAC, and electrician, to name a few.
>inb4 urrr just go neat
I was deemed not retarded enough and it would probably fuck up me owning guns anyway. At the very least I dont have meme anxiety or depression though, so I have that going for me which is nice.

I've been a degenerate for years, but I just got a solid job and moved out of my parents' house.
Now I'm the same degenerate except with more money.

There's literally nothing wrong with being attracted to young girls.

>>been on tinder and bumble all summer, swipe right blindly on everything
you don't know how tinder works.