Tfw i started being interested in drugs at 13 and yearned for them/did research

>tfw i started being interested in drugs at 13 and yearned for them/did research
guess i was born to be a junkie

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Growing up, my childhood best friend gradually got super into drugs. First it was being obsessed with "marijuana culture," then it was smoking dope a little, then it was constantly smoking dope, then it was mushrooms, then it was acid, then it was God knows what else.
I stopped hanging out with him when we were about 20 and he started constantly smoking dope. He lost a great deal of his mental faculties and cognitive abilities (especially having memory trouble), activated mental illnesses within himself, and fucked his life up immensely. He's now 32, lives at home, and doesn't have a job or degree and can't hold down a job. It didn't go well for him.

>interested in drugs at 13 and yearned for them/did research
same, but i think it started earlier with me

are you using?

I mostly use heroin

are you looking to quit? or just floatin thru the days

>started snorting my parent's oxys at 15

>are you looking to quit?

how the fuck does a 13 year old find drugs/get a dealer?

>this nigger really thinks smoking weed ruined his friend's life
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh wowwwwwww sorry i had a good chuckle

your friend did drugs every day because he was already mentally unstable. maybe if you were a good friend you would've given your friend support and helped him through hard times, but you'd rather laugh at his demise. oh my

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This user is right. You bailed on your homeboy, and for that you are trash.

Consider necking yourself. Withal, his friend did more than just weed - learn to comprehend, you illiterate savage.

be born african american in a mildly impoverished urban neighborhood

>Tfw same as op
>Even used opiates on a semi regular basis to the point of needing about 100 mgs of oxy for a dose
>Never got addicted cause I'm not retarded
>Still nodding once a week or so after about 6 years of use
>Don't even know what withdrawals feel like
Get gud

hAHA, I know this feel
Feels good to not be a retard

Same but the drugs were female hormones and i was 14

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Lets enjoy it while it lasts, who needs reasons when you got heroin.

I been clean for a month lads gonna score later on

1000 years from now there will no men or women, just wankers.

Sounds great to me

>using drugs once a week for 6 years
>Don't even know what withdrawal feels like
stop for a month and tell me how well you do. Something tells me you're underemployed.

I love trainspotting, t2 was a tad bit depressing though

I'm a chef at a major tourist destination but I kinda agree. Also I said a week or so, there's been plenty of times when I don't take opiates for a few weeks or months. You can use any drug responsibly some are just harder to do so

I have actually never done IV heroin, but its my favorite movie. love everything about it.

yeah T2 was fine for being a sequel, i missed the charatchers so much, and yes depressing it was.

I didn't do or find drugs at 13, I was just interested in them. I actually got into them at 18

i started doing drugs at 13 and it actually fucked me mentally. i wasnt as bad off as my friends who were doing meth but i dropped acid and other things of that nature. we lived in an area with a lot of junkies. we would literally get this shit from my friends mom.
good thing all of my friends stopped talking to me or else i would still probably be doing them. now i dont have to deal with any addiction and instead the crippling mental instability. who knows which route would have been better off.

did you take the /pillpill/

Acid at 13 can fuck you up, Atleast dont start doing any drugs again.

I was doing research from like 10 but I never really did drugs other than alcohol until my 20s because I presumed I would be an addict due to my parents substance abuse problems.

Turns out I was right.

>>tfw i started being interested in drugs at 13
i started drinking around that age,i dont drink anymore, not like i use to,i had a real drinking problem

Not op but interested in how you quit drinking?

>recovering from drug misuse
>used drugs I shouldn't
>docs gave me anti-psychotics that worsened everything for a few days
>had depersonalization and derealization
it gets better, doesn't it? How much should it take for me to get better into normal? 2 or 3 months? I don't have dpdr anymore, but I just feel like I have been run over by a train and have awful brainfog

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I don't do drugs of any kind. Tried weed 2-3 times but it is just not for me.

But I really want to try shrooms, acid and maybe dmt.

I imagine it to be awesome experiences since it opens your mind and whatnot.

sounds like you're still 13
>so deep

nigga I was doing dxm at 13 the fuck you talking about

christ this next generation of zoomers are all pussies
stick to weed, lsd,mushrooms, mdma, and maybe coke if you're responsible enough and not hanging with sketchy druggies and you'll be fine

>started on my moms diet pills at 10 because they made me feel like soda but better
it was over for me early

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Same but the hormones were toasters and I was a bathtub

Least you probably got pussy and girls from it

Junkie lifestyles get women

>Weed at 13
>LSD and shrooms at 14
>Coke at 16
>Heroine at 19

Not on the same level of hardcore drugs but my stress levels are rising and I want to relapse into smoking

Try to talk me out of it bros

don't do it, you'll die anyways

I'm getting mixed signals here...

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cigarettes are disgusting, literally every other form of nicotine intake other than dip are better

But cigarettes are comfy...