5 more hours and it has been 31 days
5 more hours and it has been 31 days
31 days since what?
since the suffering has begun
What kind of suffering
of the brain user and soon to get worse i'm so excited
Are you a fake moon/sadboy? Or are you not tripfagging anymore?
is this a nofap post
lol but no and thx 4 bump
I have a feeling its a transition thread
i havent smoked a cigarette in 5 days im proud of myself
i hope what youre doing is good too (unless its transitioning then im gonna tell you to knock it off)
trannies are retarded
i hope you see this thread i know you lurk
Is op gonna die for some brain related desease?
The plot thickens.
Since fuccing what? ITT we guess what retarded shit op's up to.
Ill start you raped and kept a six year old in your dugeon?
You've become a moon wizard?
my last one was on 9th of july :) i dont even feel like doing it anymore. i *think* i finaly made it
The problem isnt quitting smoking, its not starting again.
Reported for avatarfagging. Moon is a faggot
If only you could report for butthurt...
I'll have you know I had to switch to firefox to get the captcha to work just to ask you what you're on about. Google is gay. You are gayer.
I'm not Randy ffs
I went from doing xanax, adderall, and wax interchangeably for about half of the week every week for almost a year to completely cold turkey
It's been 2 months so far, wish me luck
havent smoked since 1 day.
when will it get better?
yeah i know. i tried many times. never got over 3 weeks. but this time is different. i just feel it. there's no craving at all, i hate the smell of it on my clothes just by standing next to a smoker.
So 31 days on not smoking?
Alright man keep it up.
good job user!
idk i feel better after a couple days but I knows theres more to go
stay strong my man im rooting for you