
had to use my day pic because nobody else was going to make a new thread, no complaining edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Last thread went quick

First for /ourtim/

eating some wotsits right now lods

Lee nips. Ziggeh suckeh Lee nips. Niceable indeed.

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just in time lad

I had just made my own thread ())

you saved the day

For the furries!

>this was the best vendor on the market so you cannot say it was shit ket
Sounds like shit ket to me mate, good ket has hallucinogenic properties

Anyone gonna be watching disenchantment on Netflix today?

the first time I tried to make a new thread it wouldn't let me because a duplicate file of the OP image existed

I went and edited in paint and added a single red pixel. I attempt to post it again and it said the file size was too big. Absolute top notch bamboozle

*checks the schedule*
nah afraid not mate i'm putting up a telephone line in Grimsby all day :/

My mattress is far too firm and uncomfy

did you ever find out why it made it bigger?
I reckon paint saved it in a different format

My social worker ended up helping actually. He got threatened with legal action over the 170 quid test fees and he refunded that finally because that bit is theft. The rest of it is probably gone unless I worked hard because I technically used the hours of training despite it being a complete fucked up joke.

Another frustrating part is he went abroad and posted a load of pictures when it was supposed to be my test dates, so I was falling down into insanity while he partied up on my money. When I left a review and sent an angry text he outright denied using his phone and said he used it once with a hands free set which is an absolute blatant lie because he was physically on it 80% of the time. Kept putting it down really fast when he saw the police too so he knew it was illegal.

Astoundingly bad person but on the outside hes a great person who spends all his time fundraising for charity, he's a high reputation in the charity too. Everyone would choose him as the nice person over me yet its not the truth. Despite being a complete fuck up reject I wouldn't treat people like this or fuck them over yet someone with a good place in society and family secretly has very little morals.

Firm mattresses are the best, so nice on the back. Soft ones just make me ache

Not sure what I'll be doing next

Binged vidya for the last 2 weeks and hardly left my bed. Watching a show might be an improvement

Spent 300 quid on mine

goodnight boys
might be on in about 4 hours when I wake up in a confused panic state

What's the British version of a Chad.

I'm envisioning a tall, attractive middle class guy who plays Rugby. What's his name?

like a Dan or a Tom, maybe Ryan

>What's his name?

Hugo is close but not quite feeling it

ill try a fat line of racemic ket next time

My coach showed at bjj showed up a new guy who claimed to be a brown belt this evening, lads. After embarrassing the dude he then demoted him saying if he wants to continue to train with us then he will take a purple belt.

Same format but it went from 8.5KB to over 2MB, so yeah paint fucked it up in some way

did you know you can get codeine prescribed online?

Brad, Kyle or Jack

It's got to be Roger or Marcus

Been getting quite into SCP readings lately lads. Is this a bit autistic?

I think if you have private healthcare you pretty much get anything prescribed if you find the right Doctor

oops that's the stella typing. I bet any money the geezer wont come back.

I can buy codeine at the chemist over the counter u mullet!

yeah but you can just fill in a form on a website and get them sent to your house under some dodgy romanian doctor's prescription

Henry or Harry

Yes but also quite good.
I always stick to the main articles though, the stories and such always seem to get a bit wanky

I remember the first time I did ket, I zoned out and my thoughts sort of disconnected from my brain. I could see myself sitting in the chair and everything was spinning in circles constantly. Felt like hours but it must have only been minutes. Everything started to look like it was made of sand. When I came back to the view from my own body I just said I'm back and my mates burst out laughing. Got called spaceman for months. I've been too scared to do ket ever since

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from 3000 on it just gets a bit noncey and annoying honestly

too royal sounding I reckon

Yes its extremely autistic
in comp sci class it was literally the one heavily autistic guy

talking of names ebin whats tildes girl name? is it fit?

This thread in its current state

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It's belinda

alri, it's me ebin. decided not to trip anymore. she changed her name to tarkwesha jones

Would be hilarious if his name was actually Belinda

hair dresser asked about my Birthday
why do they have to ask such questions

i'd be pissed off too if i were the shit hitchens

You lads watch any Indian films? Netflix has so many of them I might check some out. I dont think I've seen a Bollywood film in my life.

>just found out I'm 13% english
Hello my bretheren. I am eager to return to my homeland.

His name is Andrew and he posts here.

The irony is both hitchens were atheist, Peter is just in the closet about it

Anyone else easily experience anxiety? i guess a lot of us here do. I think i am genetically predisposed to it, something in my genetics makes me easily suffer from it, i think, because my mum is the same way. Even when i was semi-normal and left the house everyday i would get anxiety quite badly, been the same way my entire life. i dont know if you lads care but typing about it helps me a bit

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I'm Danny Dyer

Playing hard men and acting tough has been my bread and butter.

But now I've got a new role. I'm gonna be tracking down some of the most feared trips in the country.

I'm gonna find out what makes them tick, how they got their fearsome reputations, and why they're considered some of Britain's Deadliest Trips.

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>Peter is just in the closet about it

You mean he only pretends to believe in Christianity to cope or he pretends because he thinks it is culturally beneficial ?

Yeah lad, I've got a bit of anxiety. Proper scared of lasses and people around my age.

Weird to look back at this show now he's a regular on Eastenders.

watched bombay babes earlier

I'll tell you what guv, when I got in the room with tilde and ebin, i was really flappin' a bit. I didn't know what to expect

He acknowledges Christianity as a solid foundation for a moral society, but probably doesn't believe in god

Just tried to redpill me dad on thots, lads

Told him that piercings are red flags and that he should have known better when he shagged me mum (she cheated on him and they broke up)

He laughed and said that piercings aren't related to being loose

Mission failed, we'll get em next time

I get it with almost everything. I get anxious when leaving the house, going to the gym and speaking to new people.

Is it blind awareness month or something? I'm seeing constant ads now about audio description on different channels.

I've always suffered social anxiety but growing up as a kid my dad always told me 'just stop being a pussy' and the like. So I've always feigned that I'm a confident chad, teachers would always tell me that I'm a great public speaker and I would pretend I love doing it. Mates would tell me to go up to lasses in clubs and chat to them and I had to pretend like it didn't bother me, meanwhile I was shitting my pants everytime.

I've come to meet a man with a reputation as one of the creepiest men in Rochdale.

A man who terrorized a Polish flatmate with hidden cameras.

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iirc, Peterson said he's a Christian but he doesn't believe in the Resurrection

Sounds pretty heavy lad. You might want to talk to your doctor about it or something I reckon.

>being scared but doing it anyway
this is much more respectable, good on you la

Other than his oratory skills, why was the drunken Iraq war mongerer better?

yep i'm gripped with terror whenever i leave the house

Fairs. was going to state my opinion on the moral of it but decided against it because cba with a debate. I will say this though, i reckon loads of Christianity just go along with it because they find comfort in a church enviroment, me brothers ex was like this and actually admitted it once.

>He acknowledges Christianity as a solid foundation for a moral society, but probably doesn't believe in god
How do you know this for certain?

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na night see you in the mornin pals

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feel like discounting the main thing they are both known for is cheating a bit, i don't know them both personally

na night see u in mornin pal

na night lad have a good sleep

>mfw see a trip post with no replies

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I think even if you don't believe in it there's something to be said for group rituals

As i said in my previous message, i think i am just genetically predisposed to it to an extent. I do shit that helps but i think it is always going to be there to an extent. even on the internet i get anxious over nonsense

At least you have the bollocks to do things despite your anxiety.

I don't for certain, but his arguments have indicated that


yeah my anxiety is crippling and i think its because it has built up unscathed from such a young age, it's always limited me and it's caused me to be depressed. My Mum is also a very anxious although she refuses to acknowledge, I suggest it to her and she said that "anxiety" was a "new thing" and that's she just shy. If that makes her feel better then so be it i guess

I don't know how to use a trip

Keep going with these lad they are brilliant

I understand being anxious about internet things. It makes me really pissed off when I think about it. I even sometimes get anxious typing to you lads.

I want to be fit like Ryan gosling
Do I have any hope bras?
I got the height and depressed stare nailed

Prefer the wonder bra myself lad

plastic surgery is getting better every day user
unironically going to get some work done if i can afford it

just start lifting mate. plenty of beginner guides out there. Jow Forums is only good for keks and not actual advice.

Cheers lads, it's a constant battle to be honest. I'm anxious about not doing it and pussying out and my mates finding out I'm actually some loser that gets nervous over small interactions

use it to go somewhere you've always wanted to go

the only surgery i'd get is a hair implant if i ever bald. maybe a chin implant too.

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Its because you know how much people truly hate you. They want to hurt you because you're ugly and you leave a bad taste in their mouth. They would bash in your skull with a mallet in a fit of rage if they could get away with it.

Its basic biology. They're animals. You're an animal too. But you can break away from that ethos in the knowledge that no matter how much they hate you, thanks to the modern laws of man, they can't hurt you.

just remembering the good feels and lurking

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>tfw self-conscious of my extremely strong chin

if its not one thing its another.

Three boxes of Tesco cereal for three quid. Absolute bargain if you ask me. Got me some knockoff Krave, Coco Pops and Frosties.

Yeah I'm trying. It's pretty hard though. My body doesn't have much stamina so I'm not really making progress.

shit forgot the tunes forgive me lads

>cereal for breakfast
I thought only children did this

yeah big chins can look pretty bad if you're not attractive.

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>it's cold Tinder because you light tinder with matches

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I am suffering from (you) withdrawal

>it's cold Tinder

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Nah lad. Why did you think this? I have cereal with some yogurt on the top with a cup of coffee or tea. Sometimes a chopped banana. Cereal is good lad.