Whats your preferred method of using marijuana
Whats your preferred method of using marijuana
Joints, you can smoke them at a relaxed pace and rolling a joint is enjoyable in and of itself. Also best method for sharing
My friend has a history of buying good bubblers/water pipes for the rest of us to use.
I don't smoke alone so idk what I'd use if I wasn't hanging out with him. I guess if I had a good way of getting edibles it'd be pretty tempting to just scarf a gummy or a piece of chocolate to get toasty while playing vidya or watching something alone though.
What's yours OP?
joints cuz i never have to roll em, otherwise it would be edibles but i only do thc if its offered to me.
anyone have experience with addy and drinking? done plenty of addy, dont plenty of drinking, never mixed em
I mostly smoke bowls though recently I've been into vaping it since I can drive/go to work high because it doesn't smell.
Dabs are pretty nice but edibles are the comfiest, just picked up pic related a few days ago
wax is my preferred method
Woods are best
>best taste
>fun to roll
i pretty much exclusively use my vape pen, its just so much more convenient than actual bud
but when i do smoke bud its blunts for sure
drinking calms the nerves from addy and addy cures the fatigue from drinking
weed is great in the mix too
Well, edibles get you blown (which is what I like) but I stick to wax
I use a vaporiser
-more convenient for me, I can vape inside with stinking up the whole house
-more efficient, use less bud, saves money in the long term
-no harmful effects that come with combustion
-can make use of the left over vaporised bud (AVB) i.e. eat enough of it and get high
if you want to get high on your own alone, nothing beats a vaporiser. If you're with company, nothing beats a joint
How does a robot find someone to sell him weed?
Asking for a friend haha.
weed is 4 cuckz
wen i smoked i liked blunts
I use a pipe.
Using a Budbomb at the moment.
Try xans and alcohol
As long as you don't over do it like a dumbass and die, it's fun
Your a fag for not preferring liquid weed
ive done shit like that before. Ive just never drank and done amphetamines. Ive done amps and painkillers though, thats fun.
Never cared for xans anyway, ambien is way freakier so I prefer that.
You kind of need connections, go out and socialize if you can
if you live in a medical state its super easy to get a card
any shitty service job should have at least one person that smokes who could refer you
one bar and a couple shots max will have you fucked off your ass, almost guaranteed
no ones gonna be offended by you asking, unless you ask a fuckin priest or something, so just dont be nervous. it really shows on the other persons end and you could get robbed. be careful and be alert
Smoking joints tbqh, they're relaxing, aesthetic, and they're easy to take on the go and smoke wherever you want.
Should i try xans?
I'm curious but ive heard some scary stuff about side effects
Literally just go into a gas station and ask the cashier (as long as they arent a manager) if they sell drugs. Phrase it like youre asking if the store does so say
'hey you guys sell drugs?' if they say something about cough drops or whatever say
'not what im looking for'
wait a second or two for them to understand and either laugh it off or hook you up.
Otherwise if you have any bigger public parks (like city sized stuff) go there during a weekday lunctime and walk around/chill out. someone will try to sell you weed within the first 20 mins without fail. just dont get gyp'd and watch your back for blacks.
beyond this asking waiters at resturants like ihop or all nighter places if they sell is also a decent method. and even if you get shot down chances are someone eating heard you and will sell. ive had it happen to me several dozen times in everything from a casino to a hospital waiting room, no lie.
they are ok but dont get too hyped theyre over rated meme drug imo
SWIM buys all their bud from the deep web. Cheaper, much more variety and they can buy from a trusted vendor to know what they're buying is good shit and that's it going to be delivered fast
The vendor SWIM usually buys from does first class delivery so they can literally get it the next day
I like them, HOWEVER, it's an acquired taste
Most I've ever done is 4mg of alprazolam and it is like being really drunk for like 4/5 hours, then you pass out or black out
No real euphoria but I love the feeling of being blown
listen to this guy user. just imagine you are in another country and trying to score.
its 2018 after all, people really dont give a fuck anymore...
I'm the user who posted this, I'm in nyc, any robots here that can help me?
>just imagine you are in another country and trying to score.
lmao nigga walk down a couple blocks, I'm sure you'll find somebody
We know that it's you, mate. Just giving you a little head up before shit goes down.
Desktop vape with bag.
Bowl. I'm a lightweight so it helps conserve a shit ton of weed and I can stop before I get too anxious. The most fun I've ever had was with a brownie, but that was a long time ago and I don't have a lot of money (or friends for that matter.)
Edibles are terrible. Taste like ass and the high is shit.
Edibles can be good, I think the issue with dispensary ones is that it's only pure THC, with no CBD. Some homemade stuff my friebd made? Had so much fun, and I was really comfy too. Some shitty gummies probably made in a lab? The craziest, downright worst anxiety I have ever felt in my life, felt like I was being drug to hell. The dosage was fine too, at 1x of that dosage I felt nothing, at 1.5x of it still felt nothing, 2x full dose was just enough to send me to hell.
>Whats your preferred method of using marijuana
Rejecting it every time it's offered to me
Injection. I injected like 7 marijuanas last week and I died instantly.