Traveling is a stupid meme and waste of money

i worked for a travel company and i've been all over the world [except antarctica], and i'll tell you a secret: every place is exactly how you would expect it, except usually worse.

>cultural experiences are totally overrated, mostly it's only good for taking pics to show off to normie girls how 'cultured' you are
>toilets are garbage in most places; you have to wipe your ass and throw it in a trash bin, you can't even flush it!
>foreigner normies always trying to rip you off with dumb shit, selling fake rice or whatever
>3rd world peasants always trying to steal your wallet and other shit
>the people you meet are usually boring normies, or hardly speak intelligible english
>you're often tired because of the jet lag and circadian rhythm fuckup shit
>you can get altitude sickness (i normally live at sea level so it's worse for me)
>you can get sick from the water or other food, contaminated with disgusting crap
>you'll probably buy a bunch of overpriced useless shit
>airports are fucking terrible, as are air planes
>it doesn't make you happy

traveling is a terrible meme we need to get rid of. truly refined and cultured individuals have their own unique set of beliefs formed by careful study of philosophy and the arts. no need to travel to achieve that

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only travel to first world countries boiiiiiiiiiii

>Only travel to first world countries boiiiiiiiiiii
after paying to get there, it's literally exactly what you would expect. there's just no point

save your money and buy something nice instead, a physical object

People give themselves paris syndrome by having unrealistic expectations. They want to show up to an exotic place and be amazed by whatever tourist shit they get roped into.

if you had an interesting idea of something to do it might atleast be worth it. For example: going to have sex with Dutch whores, or visiting and/or looting something that is abandoned

Have several thousand dollars in bank, accruing interest.

>People tell me to travel
>Don't realize the beauty of having currency instead

I'm glad you understand, too, OP. Memories traveling don't provide financial security, they don't appeal to me, and I can't acquire anything with them.

Nice triple dubs- and I agree. If you only have the money to travel somewhere but are not rich enough to do any of the cool shit, there is no point in going to places. If you go to Paris without enough money to go to the expensive hotels and restaurants, all you're gonna get is a stinking city just like every other shithole city in the world.

If you have a plan and money though, travelling can be fun.

>wish i could travel
>get panic attacks just going to the grocery store
i doubt i'd survive an airplane ride.

>>People tell me to travel
i really don't get it. when i decided to take a vacation from work, people kept asking me where i was going. i had no plan to go anywhere, i just didn't want to work. i told them 'i am not sure yet' and they were so confused, wondering why i didn't just stay at work.

these normies literally equate 'vacation' with 'traveling' when 'vacation' actually means 'not working' and i live in a tropical spot anyway so i got a tan, feasted, got lots of sleep, smoked nice cigars all within a 20 mile radius of my apartment. it was great and i didn't have to waste a bunch of money just to travel to some shithole and sleep in the same bed and use the same toilet as over 9000 other people in some hotel

>except antarctica
That is pretty much the one place outside the country I really want to go to. But traveling is a meme if you dont have some cash to burn.

>it's literally exactly what you would expect
This is how I've felt about everywhere I've traveled. Not much that pictures and videos can't teach you.

Not really. I did that as a kid a few times.

Any "midwestern truckstop" tier hotel is better than my college dorm. Yes, you'd need to have money if you want to fuck dutch whores. But it's not worth it to spend money on first class seats, fine dining and nice hotels.

You should expect a shit hole in the first place. Only spend money on what is really necessary, and your plans should be good enough to make it worth the effort.

This. You can do half the shit people do on holiday in your own home in the summer at least. I'm in the UK so I sometimes go to the middle of france for a holiday (it's only a days drive). All I usually do is sit by a pool, drink and go to the local pub to socialize.

For some reason loads of English people love spending thousands on going all the way to places like Mexico or Australia, just to sit in a sunny resort and tan themselves. What the fuck is the point when Europe has nicer, cheaper resorts and it doesn't take a 14 hour plane ride to get there? I never will understand this mentality of going a thousand miles away just to sit in a hotel that doesn't even have the culture of the surrounding country

>ITT:cultureless plebs

stay in your NEET dens faggots

t. cultureless pleb that feels 'enlightened' and superior after shelling out money to visit a 3rd world shithole

Please tell me what you do that is so cultured that you also could not do where you are at. Theaters, operas, symphonies, and many more are in just about every city in every country.

>I'm in the UK so I sometimes go to the middle of france for a holiday (it's only a days drive).
amerifat here

how do you drive to france if you're on an island?

LARPing the night away

Drive car onto the channel tunnel train or a ferry. Ferry takes 2 hr to the French coast and train goes to Paris in about the same time but for more money

I live in a cold place but really enjoy going to tropical places and snorkeling at nice beaches.

>Oh my god guys, I'm eating a real French croissant at a Paris Starbucks, I'm like soo French

I'm 30 and I've never left the country. I'm a wizard and I was thinking of asking one of my oldest friends to take a trip with me to thailand and fuck some jungle slits. Maybe even try some boipussy.

Should I?

Dont travel unless you're extroverted, it's a waste of money if you're introverted.

If a captain's greatest goal was to keep their ship from sinking, no boat would ever leave the harbor

>No fun allowed: The thread.

Wow, who would've thought travelling for work would be shitty.

stupid shitty analogy
unironically kys

nah, all of these were free for me. i had 4 weeks vacation per year and was allowed 2 different free tours [up to $200 each] including at least 1 other person. we basically made websites for different locations and then just offered tours or other shit for a % commission

i would normally do 2 different 2-week vacations, and i would just take the free tours because they were accompanied with other free shit, and i took photographs as well just to be a good wagecuck.

so yeah, i usually had at least a whole week free to do anything i wanted in those places. i just put a lot of really nice meals on the company card, got some vitamin D from the sun and did some exercises at the gym. the goofy tours were all cringey. even the booze cruise was cringey as fuck, i got laid though but i am still afraid that i have a child with some mexican whore.
i don't really like alcohol though, it makes me feel really hot, piss a shitton, and also makes me want to argue on the internet REALLY BADLY

>guided tours
>booze cruise
>gym exercises abroad
>afraid of having a child with a mexican whore

Something tells me you've never been further than the main district of any given country's capital on your own.

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i've been to a lot of places, they're all just as boring as america, perhaps even more so.

i really just do not understand the appeal. tell me what is so great about traveling. be specific

I occasionally travel, but mostly I stay in Texas since we have Big Bend and a shit ton of state parks

New experiences, that's what it all boils down to for me. I like my town, I like hanging with my friends, but sometimes it's just fun to throw yourself into a completely unfamiliar world where you don't know anything or anyone. People and places around the world really are vastly different and I just really like seeing and experiencing that and mapping that in my mind.

>everything around him is boring and a waste of time
>doesn't realize that he's the boring waste of time
you just sound like a miserable person desu

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am i banned tho wtf riginal

>just as boring as home country

sounds like just a good ol' case of the depressions is your problem, my friend

This so much. Fucking NORMIES always tell me "Why dont you travel!" Because i fucking love america. I love having a place that is not a god damn city after city shit fest like Euurope.

I enjoy spending my vacation, hunting a deer with my BOW, or just visiting all the parks around me and smoking pot, and going off the trail and watching the deer, or other animals.

Oh im also DEBT FREE make 6 figures, and can buy any house anywhere i want, but i make more money if i just go to a new company and get 50 $ more an hr, so why bother? Once i can buy 100 acres of land, with cash, im doing that, and building a small ass house there, that i can use as my vacation to hunt and live on during my 3 weeks off.

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As most do it, it's larping upper-middle class youth that don't work or pay their own bills, the children of petty bourgeoisie.

I do however live in an ugly, hot, mixed-race area, full of asphalt and strip mall culture, and so going to the east-of Germany, west-of-Russia Butthurt Belt is my only opportunity to soak up (in person) culture and beauty, and maybe find a wife.

I've had a lot of sex here, but everyone is of ugly mixed race, and the Polish-German woman I was with was the only time I've ever really clicked with another person.

I'm starting to feel the same way. It's globalization, man. Every trip feels like the same catered and crafted "experience." It always feels inauthentic, and always like they're trying to offer you the same feeling.

Then stop going on tours brother

would a guy like in OP pic also be really tall or does the thigh fat make him appear taller while sitting?

That's a surprisingly good question that I don't know the answer to

>smokes pot
>debt free
>makes 6 figures
>doesn't have enough to put down on 100 acres
>looking for $50 pay increase per hour
>never wants to leave the area
What kind of nonsense LARP is this?

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hmmm, every day is a new experience for me. it's unfortunate that you must spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to achieve that. unless you're rich, then who even cares it's just peanuts

>you just sound like a miserable person desu
nah i'm not boring, but most places are. i keep my mind sharp and learn new things every day.

>calls others boring
>is on Jow Forums

men are rarely interested in travel

it's only ever women because "travel" is secret code for going to foreign countries and getting picked up in bars from chads all over the world

they just want to fuck hot exotic guys, it's not about history or culture

Why are you calling someone else out for calling you boring while you're doing the exact same thing?

you are right its a larp. nobody ever makes 100 an hr without a college degree. Now go back to psychology which is totally not a psuedo science bullshit. you TOTALLY have to be SUPER COCK FUCK 100 women every month TURBO chad to make money like that.

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I'm not saying my every day at home ain't a new experience either, it's just that being surrounded by completely different things greatly enhances the amount of new stimuli that your brains get exposed to. And I'm currently in a stable financial position so I don't mind spending money, and I've always preferred buying experiences far over material goods.

The truth desu


If you're able to do things by yourself then it can be great to travel alone and be alone during the whole trip.

flights are cheap and airbnb has sublets for a month its good to travel

For me, it's the journey instead of the destination.
I am far more hype to be on an airplane/airport than wherever I am going. I wanna have the experience of getting my wallet nearly stolen by some random thots in India, or nearly scammed. If I won't, could you imagine how boring of a person I would be? I could die knowing I experienced shit.

Add this to my love of the airport and natural tourist attitude, and this is a major plus.

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Iv'e never left the country (Canada) but I use to work at an airport as a ramp attendant and got partner tickets with WestJet and went to Nova Scotia, Montreal and Vancouver.

I could not see myself being able to do a 10+ hour flight. Longest I've done is 5 and that was more than enough. Going to Montreal and Nova Scotia was fun (Montreal is the best place for strip clubs, but even then after a few you realize it's a waste of money). Currently live in Vancouver and really don't feel the need to travel when I'm not working.

If I could go back in time I would have gone to Europe before the forced immigration began. All of my friends who went there have nothing but good things to say about it. I'd like to try out real absinthe with wormwood (can't but it in Canada).

The only good reason for someone to travel is to find a new place to live and work, not to just stay in hotel rooms and take pictures of food for facebook.

>cultural experiences are totally overrated

>I wanna have the experience of getting my wallet nearly stolen by some random thots in India, or nearly scammed

t. privileged 1st worlder

you want to experience this too?

Traveling really is one of the most stupid things normalfags all seem so obsessed with, and for what?

You spend a couple hundred if not thousands of dollars just so you can:
See famous landmarks, because somehow it's way different than just seeing pictures. It doesn't look any fucking different in real life.
Eat "authentic" foreign food. Wow it tastes like 10% different from what you could get from a restaurant ran back in your own country. That was sure worth the $50 bill for one meal, and the $1200 you spent getting to the country!
Get drunk and party on a beach! The beach and the booze are identical to what you did back home, but uhhhh, it's different somehow! Woo!

Like I seriously think the only tangible "benefit" if you can even call it one, is that they get to take a thousand pictures to slap on their social media that all the other normalfag friends, who will in turn feel pressured to also waste thousands of dollars doing bullshit in some other country. It's shocking how much of a compulsive desire to fit in and do what everyone else does normalfags have.

fucking millennial

Great response

Finally someone who truly understands. I hate when people say you have to go here or there.
>user you know how good cheese in the park on a baguette in London is? user you have to see the Louvre
Oh really what's your favourite piece(s)?
>oh I don't really like art, but the Mona Lisa is cool, here's the photo I took of it, do you think I should post it?

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Cheese in the park on a baguette in London

No but I've had ham on the land in a sandwich in wagga

Not going to Japan? Are you out of your mind? I'd think anime and manga fans would wanna go there.

>uses desu in every reply

> compares a stolen wallet to Isis attack

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kind of agree, i'd much rather be playing tekken right now

t. guy in costa rica in family vacations

Japan is probably the only place worth traveling to. First world country that's actually completely different. And the food there is outstanding for not a lot of money, you can't get that anywhere else.

>thinking ISIS doesn't steal wallets

And they have Samauri districts you can see. I think with travel it's cliche because the media only shows the same locations. There are so many places to see that are underrated.

Reminds me of a bit from pic related.

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This. Traveling to exciting, unknown locations without a lot of tourists is the way to go. Anytime there's a place with too many tourists it just kills the magic.

Tbh it just sounds like you have no hobbies. If those are the best things you can think of to do in other countries it says more about you than other countries.

what fucking hobbies do you have that are somehow 100000 times better to do in another country?

I play a keyboard instrument. I did an organ tour of Europe. I got to see a lot of them, I got to play some great ones that are hundreds of times better than anything in my country. I got to meet and talk to a lot of organists. They introduced me to conductors and other musicians. I got to play with people at various jazz festivals.

Vampire tourism in Romania

Im done taking my selfie with the japanese gong! Gosh im so cultured

I can just use Google Earth for free. Every place I go is unexceptional. Colosseum? Taj Mahal? Eiffel Tower? Westminster Abbey? Temple of Heaven in Beijing?
Oh, wow. A building with a swarm of sweaty boomer tourists, squashed coke cans in the gutter, overcast sky, graffiti on nearby walls.
Travel is a meme - an expensive one.

You travel to feel, not to see.

Feel a gypsy pick my pocket?

yeah definitely. at least ur getting somehting out of it. most ppl just do it for a selfie

maybe if you go to franceistan

It's kind of sad to assume that the only reason there could possibly be to do things is to impress people like you.

I pretty much agree with OP but I will say the last time I was away on vacation it was nice knowing I wouldn't run into anybody I know.

One thing that pissed me most is when normies write something like "everybody there is so nice and good to you". Are they really that retarded and naive to not realize they are nice to you because they hope they can get some money out of you?

Are you really so naive to not understand that some cultures put a great deal of emphasis on hospitality? Do you also think that everyone in every foreign country is able to financially profit off of tourists?

Try to visit Egypt, everybody is nice to you, until you tell me you don't want to buy anything. Other countries are just not so forceful with it, but you are still nothing but a profit.

>I went to Egypt, therefore I know all cultures in the world
Say you walk down the street and ask someone for the time, how on earth do they profit from that? If you have been to parts of say Germany or France it is obvious that there is no cultural element of friendliness to strangers. Yet you can go somewhere where it's not possibly for the people being nice to you to make money off of you but they are still friendly.

I've been all over the world, from major tourist destinations to deep in the bush. It's almost always been fun as hell. The air travel part sucks a fuck tho unless I can swing an upgrade to business class or better.

To feel what? Like your wallet is emptier? Like a tool?

Or maybe it's to feel smug and full of yourself when you brag to strangers about how you're just so cool and intelligent and cultured because you bought a plane ticket, saw a building and ate some food.

>because you bought a plane ticket, saw a building and ate some food
So you are admitting that all you do in life is look at buildings and eat food? There have been posts in this thread about people doing things overseas other what your boring imagination can come up with but you chose not to reply to those.

yeah I dont know what these neets are on. As long as you dont go to shitholes and have at least alchol induced extroversion it is so easy to have a good time

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Read the second sentence as well, not just one that fits your argument.

I don't really give a shit if some pretentious fucker paid thousands of dollars to play some old pianos. Everybody who ever accuses other people of not having hobbies is an insufferable twat.

Blog about it on your fucking instagram if you want normalfag validation.

literally all t he shit people itt mentioned doing in other countries is shit i personally hate doing

>people think flying on a plane to another country is an achievement
I long for the good old days.

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I enjoyed traveling to NYC and don't regret it in the least bit. Traveling is a meme when you lack the ability to plan out your time. Most normies decide to "wing it" and end up fucking around in bars, getting drunk and wasting time.
I spent most of my time in museums and actually enjoying some of the food. I can see how it can be seen as a normie thing, but traveling along can be fun. It's not for everyone, but it certainly isn't all awful.

If it's worthless unless someone else witnesses you doing/owning it, then it's worthless.

Your the one accusing everyone of traveling as only looking at looking at buildings and taking pictures of food. By your own admission by saying they have no hobbies you are calling yourself an insufferable asshat.

>I don't really give a shit if some pretentious fucker paid thousands of dollars to play some old pianos
Yea, I paid money in order to do things which were impossible in my country. Your whole point was that there is nothing that can't be done in your own country. Now you are shifting the goals to just be I don't care if I was proven wrong, I'm just going to call you a normie and pretend that I am winning the argument.

>nobody is ever justified in traveling because I don't like their hobbies
And this means they shouldn't travel because? All you have done is set out a case for why you personally wouldn't.

Why go to france, there are lots of great places in uk to visit and you support the local economy.

Sexual Tourism mah nigga

those delicious cheap Cambodian ladyboys arent coming to my door tomorrow... so I must go to their countries to ramming full seed into their poopchutes

I did. It's just a blanket assertion that people are only nice to you because of money. Then I gave an example of people being nice where their couldn't possibly be any expectation of their being any money to be made.

>And this means they shouldn't travel because? All you have done is set out a case for why you personally wouldn't.
never said they shouldn't
just talking about why i hate traveling

My hobbies can be done anywhere. At most I'd need to go into the woods to do some of them, and those are everywhere.

What I find insufferable about you people is how obsessed you are with "having hobbies", yet you selectively define what does and doesn't constitute a hobby in order to jerk off your own ego and look down on others. You're also obsessed with "hobbies" that involve showing off and interacting with people, so yeah you are just a normalfag looking for attention.

The only place I want to visit is Akihabara!

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