*pours one out for the boys*

*pours one out for the boys*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Zoo we mama

Does it not feel empty inside now? We should really fix that.

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Do you want to lick it up?

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You're such a horrible woman. I really mean it. Just trash. Fuck you and fuck your parents for birthing such an abomination.

Where does it hurt, user? Show me on the puppet where they hurt you.

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Fresh out the tap, or no joy. But hey, if you feel like inviting me on your next sacrifice to moon goddess...

I sacrifice every night, you're welcome to join if you pay the price user~

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I fap while sniffing some old woman's dirty panties that even have a shitstain on them. Come at me roastie

This is hot as fuck. MORE


When did you first realize that your mother regrets not aborting you, user?

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Why is it so goopy? Blood isn't normally like that right? Its supposed to be a liquid

It congealed because it was exposed to air, duh

Attached: 18-08-16-00-44-58-081_photo.jpg (4128x3096, 1017K)

Temping but perhaps costly. In more then one way, seeing your timezone. Pity.

I'm sure your timezone is full of mentally ill bitches too, user, we're a dime a dozen.

Attached: 18-08-16-00-44-07-413_photo.jpg (3096x2025, 1.31M)

>mentally ill bitches
How dangerous is the average women with this sort of interest?
Conversely, how dangerous is the average man whos into this?

She was not a retarded feminist cunt like you

>I'm sure your timezone is full of mentally ill bitches
I freaking wish. Or just not in the way I want them to be.

What the hell is going on?

Why does it seems like everyone knows each other in this thread?

How do you want them, user?
I'm pretty docile, I'm more of a danger to myself than others.
Can't speak for men, obviously, but have experienced them to be more violent.
I know nobody ITT.

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You're allowed to talk like a normal human on the internet user, 's really not that hard

"Hey, browsing /fa/ was fun, I wonder what my dear friends at Jow Forums are up to?"

Attached: deathbulgeimg.png (680x326, 239K)

Clingy, possessive, slightly autistic, with a taste for pain and born female. Too much to ask for it seems.

I appreciate that post.
Sounds like me, but we already concluded that it won't happen, so godspeed, user.

Attached: Screenshot at Aug 17 02-22-33.png (420x684, 422K)

why do I just want to drink it?
I think I might have some mental problem

You just might. Bottoms up, user!

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>Sounds like me
If you have XX chromosomes, those nails are not doing you any favors.
>Screenshot at Aug 17 02-22-33.png
I notice I might have been mistaken with some of those costs.

fuck that looks so tasty

what is this stuff? blood and mucus from a nose?

I have really bad man hands because I don't take care of myself, no need to rub it in :'(

There's more where that came from

Just coagulated blood, nothing else

Attached: 18-08-13-20-18-04-189_photo.jpg (1544x2064, 1.85M)

pass me the template niggy, I might need this

yummy let me feast

lewa? wtf does it mean

lemme drink your blood

Why the fuck do you people want to eat or drink ladyblood. Is this simply that much better than anything in the fridge

shit like this is why you weirdos don't have friends

Attached: stop.jpg (125x77, 3K)

vampires, bro

idk, doesnt matter if it's male or female. Blood just looks so tasty to me, makes it even better when its human blood

see pic related

I have friends, I just don't mention this kind of thing to them and I'm not enough of an attentionwhore to flash my cuts

Attached: ZEWASOFT2.jpg (458x458, 35K)

>I don't take care of myself, no need to rub it in
But there is, how else to remind you that someone else should?

we vampire now


Go to sleep user it's getting late

That was nice so I didn't know how to respond desu

Attached: 18-08-16-00-34-57-437_photo.jpg (4128x3096, 1.09M)

By being truthful and saying that it is already done by whoever would work. After all, you do have friends as you say. And with that, any sort of caretaker isn't far off for a female.
Incidentally, how do you avoid flashing those cuts? Placement or cloth?

Placement (upper thigh, no pix this time)
No caretaker because I don't really want to burden them with this

Seems popular with those that avoid avid attentionwhoring. I should really take more looks around when swimming I suppose.
Anyway, you have those who you could burden so you'll have your care once you require it. Best to leave it at that before I get tempted to find out if the price is a pittance, or an arm and a leg.
Take care and do not overdo it.

Farewell bloodthirsty user

this is a man playing with mashed up strawberries, rasberries, and his mothers pads

i usually do it on my hips and lower stomach
a few weeks ago I had a really bad cut though and it got slightly infected and festered a little bit but thankfully I didnt have to go to the doctor
I wouldn't even know what to tell him and i dont want to end up at a psych or something

I had a necrosis once (not from cutting but from acid) and it absolutely needed medical attention and was not fun to explain or heal, so please take proper care of your wounds, user

The only true fembot i've ever seen post on Jow Forums

i kinda liked the smell of the wound
(it still smells a little bit but doesnt hurt or itch and isnt swollen at all)
weird right?

Did it smell a bit buttery? Mine did.

I'm not sure if it's an insult or a compliment, but I'll take it.

why would you save your period blood

It's not period blood, it's from cuts. See

post your scars op. i'm curious how they look


very originally.

user, not that I expect you to know about the intricacies of menstruation, but if this was my period, there would be no need to save it because one push would be more than what's in that tiny cup.

But actually I just got my period literally between this post and the last one, so I'll demonstrate if you want~

That feels too intimate and attention-whorey I guess, so no

Hey desu, cool to see you again.
I'm eating a pot of 25 cent ramen this time.

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This doesn't prove anything, you can take a picture of a body tampon next to a razer too

Welcome back, may your ramen always be blessed with sodium

If period blood is what gets you off, I won't stand in the way of your dreams. Free your mind.

Only my betrothed may see my slit(s)

my girlfriend has posted her cuts on here. i'm curious how thick your keloids are

Want someone else to hurt you a bit? Or a lot?

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yeah I guess so, but also a bit foul.
funny thing, i didnt have any disinfectant at hand so I used vinegar, and it did the trick apparently.

No keloids, my skin doesn't scar easily

Not particularly

I use surface disinfectant

You sure? Could be a real nice experience for you. Just handing your well being and life over to someone else. I'll even let you play around with the blood.

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Elaborate and I'll think about it, but still most likely a no

Thanks, it's allways nice to see an user again.

Wh( )re

what are you sad about femanon?

What flavor ramen did you have?


Who said anything about being sad?

why are you cutting yourself then?

Are you in krautland by any chance?
We would first need to set up some lines that shouldn't be crossed. First one I assume would be that I shouldn't cut in places that are easily seen. I'm fine with that. Inner thigh is a very nice place to cut. You probably also wouldn't want me to cut too deep. How deep are you comfortable with? I'm basically up for any extreme and you need to set the parameters. Or you could leave that up to me and see what happens.

1. What makes you think I am?
2. I think you're better off going on Fetlife.

It's not sadness particularly, it's more a feeling of frustration and stress with an urge to release some tension. If I had weed, I'd probably smoke instead. Or both.

do you use razors? how deep do you usually cut?
and are you actually desu/desuka/sakura?

utility knife, not super deep, and those names don't ring a bell

oh alright, got things mixed up then it seems

Eh, just a hunch I suppose. Bades on that it's also night where you are and that we krauts are all a bit weird. You not answering the question of course doesn't lessen my suspicion.
And when did you start cutting and more importantly why?

have you though about cutting your throat?
imagine how much tension that would release

Answering those questions will narrow it down further, but oh well.
1. yes
2. over a decade ago
3. too personal

Good idea, please demonstrate

1 packet of beef, 1 of chicken, and a tablespoon of black pepper. It sounds gross but I'm just super hungry and have shit taste in food.

am i the only one who finds it funny that the kind of person who would intentionally cut themselves buys "ultra soft" paper towels?

>utility knife
>not a razor blade
wut. you know a utility knife uses a razor blade right?

Not a fan of pepper, but the real question is, have you ever tried adding more than one of the oil packets? Or are you using the kind of pleb ramen with just one powder pack

Joke's on me because this brand frays really easily while wiping and I get sore from doing it a million times over, sandpaper would be more kind to my butt

you wipe your ass with paper towels?


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It's toilet paper

Seems my kraut detector is still on point then. A lot of young girls over here seem to cut themselves at one point or another. Have you got any tattoos? Figured you have some since they seem to be another popular and more socially acceptable form of self harm.

Do you guys gals who cut themselves feel/care about pain? Girl from my class recently ended in hospital beacuse of blood loss and severe cuts, for shame, was great fuck and loved to be degraded.

Not that young
No tattoos
Sorry to disappoint

if you have to wipe a million times
probably you should eat better

Well I figured you wouldn't be that young if you started cutting yourself a decade ago. And I never particularly cared for tattoos on women. I would assume you've had some sexual intercourse in the last decade so how did the other person react to the scars?

That would require taking better care of myself

The scars aren't very large or prominent, so there was some concern, but no surprise or serious talks since I don't date normies, so they know the drill already.
I'm embarrassed about them though because I don't want to advertise myself as damaged goods.

I buy the cheap ass 25 cent ramen squares that are wrapped in plastic. And what I do is I buy a 20 pack of them and put in five of the powder packets in each two square serving I eat, along with the pepper. For the other 8 squares I just put some tabasco and shredded cheese in instead.
Sounds nasty but 1, I'm a poor fag, and 2, again shitty taste in food. At least I only eat that hellish concoction of flavor once a week. I don't think any more often would be "safe".

>I don't think any more often would be "safe".
Fucking amateur, once I ate nothing but pic related for ~2 weeks

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I don't think anybody here is suprised that you are a slut. Does it even need to be mentioned anymore? And do you see yourself as damaged goods? Obviously the men you sleep with or date do since nobody seems to have stuck around.

>Lifespan -10 points

It was sort of a joke. I just don't want to fuck up my health more, and I can't stand eating the same food for days on end.

That's cute, go a little harder now

Eating the same food for a prolonged timespan is great to me but I guess I'm a creature of habit

I had an ex that cut
and she never really took care of herself
like she was addicted to negative energy (I know that sounds stupid but idk how else to describe it) and refused to improve herself in any way
found a loophole by just making her feel extremely insecure about whatever stupid shit she was doing so she'd stop it
but it was so fucking repulsive, not unattractive, repulsive
then she broke up with me for some vague reason and literally went on a dick sucking rampage
sometimes I think about her and her flat ass
she could have been so much better