What you popping or smoking bots?
/drugfeels/ D.A.R.E Edition
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I went to a psychiatrist that specializes in addiction
After my 2nd appointment with her she says I have ADHD and is thinking about prescribing me stimulants
I didn't even try to do this
clean of weed for 1 month after 10 yrs. never thought ill make it. peace.
Gonna roll up a joint and pack my vaporizer then head on down to the park at my favourite spot to toke up.
I know that heroin is addictive and dangerous as fuck and all, but a lot of the ex junkies seem like they went full retard
>vomiting (how does that happen? are you taking dumb amounts?)
>using the same needle several times
>sharing needles
>using for a week+ straight
otc sleep pills been feeling weird since yesterday afternoon
>inb4 do real drugs faggot
no you fucking retard i dont want to become a junkie like you
Fucking nothing.
I have nothing. And I hate it.
I have behind the counter sleeping pills.
What now fag?
Lunesta all day.
hell yeah i got some generic rapid release shit from walmart i always take them when im depressed 6 of these and i'll be on my way to whackyville
Why would you wanna quit weed?
Got a nice stash
Had to quit weed recently.
Was tired of the anxiety.
Back to the sober life.
Would do DXM if it didn't make me so nauseous
popping hydrocodone or smoking pot if i get any
Just smoked pot for the first time in a month yesterday because it was my friend's birthday. Don't know if I'm gonna keep doing it or not.
I quit because weed made me lazy, complacent and a shell of my former self. I lacked emotion and I stopped enjoying my hobbies.
My main hobby became sitting around high with other stoners.
I was tired of it. It's up to you though. Weed can have benefits and help some, but in my case it just made my paranoia and anxiety worse.
What kind you got user? Ambien? I can't seem to reach that kind of high with lunesta. Am I not doing enough? I got the highest dose. 3mgs.
Lucky legal state.
I get what you mean completely. Still, nothing beats chilling at a friend's house for like a weekend smoking and playing random vidya. I'm sure if I keep it as a smalltime hobby and use it responsibly I'll be fine, but shit dude I have way too much on me rn. Gonna take forever to get rid of.
I started about 3 months ago and haven't stopped since. I'm up to about 4 - 6 smokes a day now. I guess this is how I'll die.
Shit, DPH is fuego
I feel that user
I still use CBD oil and have the odd vape hit or drink but mainly I find its still fun to chill not fucked up 24/7, just gotta be around the right people
I heard its terrifying and you see spiders and shadow people, can anyone confirm this?
Speedanon reporting in, the ride never ends robots
Skip to 2:57 and tell me what that sounds like/how it feels on speed.
8.6grams Kratom and some beers. Can't really feel it, my tolerance is so high. Wish I had some weed
kek is this a joke? have you ever tried speed?
this is the shit or some trance. Rap never worked for me on speed.
Drinking some cat 5's and smoking on some royal gorrila
>tfw might have finally found a legit clearnet RC vendor after months of dry spell
lets get it on boiz
uk otc laws are majestic
everything is purple
Just stay the fuck away from needles all together. It more than likely won't end good. I have dabbled in all sorts of substances casually, and I just stick to snorting with heroin, and eating with stimulants.
>fucking hates needles
>will never get that kick IV does
Indeed the way to go, atleast try to avoid ever doing it
Anyone here fuck with nutmeg or dxm?
im smoking tree tonight. dropping lsd tabs tomorrow. anyone have psychedelic reccomendations?
yeah, i used dxm a couple dozen times earlier in the summer. had mixed experiences, most luck with polistirex or mixing w weed. 3rd and 4th plateaus are worth trying
>timestamps the drake verse
the travis verse is way better. i was tripping sack to this song a few days ago on acid, i tried to jump into my tv
Kek, is anyone over 12 actually doing Nutmeg?
went to the dispo and bought some half gram pre-rolls. I'm assuming that I don't smoke the whole thing on my own, right? have just eaten edibles before
I am prescribed the phengran but you seriously can get that exact battle of codiene otc? You gotta be lying.
>don't smoke the whole thing on my own
well you could share it, but assuming you dont have friends, yeah you usually smoke the whole joint. but if you have low tolerance and hit your limit you can put it out and finish later, i did the same first time i bought a dispo preroll
> assuming you don't have friends
how dare you
but yeah, was mainly curious about finishing em later
did about a point of iv dope. 1mg clonazepam lots of weed and a mickey of vodka. Life sucks. Handle your issues folks.
Thats one cosy mix.
What a coincidence, I was also listening to astroworld hyped on acid and it felt like I was at a show because my hands kept leaving tracers and dancing was really cool and fun. I swear my motor abilities are better on acid.
how long you been on dope user? did you start with a different opiate? try quitting ever?
Bullshit, I've only hallucinated on actual psychedelics. I did 500mg DPH and threw up everywhere but was still high
I started with kratom and worked my way up to ODSMT for awhile. Then took the plunge of sniffing dope and eventually i got the itch to iv. I've only been only dope for a year but im tapering currently. This is my own fault
No self control and i'm really irrational/impulsive. don't recommend
Is there cheap acid on the Dream Market?
What is the quality like?
DPH anons in 50 years:
>has severe early onset alzheimers, debilitating brain lesions
>"well at least i didnt use any real drugs like you junkies!
stay away from this shit friends
5000mg doses of glucose
oh yeah and some fat dabs
How safe is sniffing dope for somebody with no opiod tolerance? Is it possible to od easily? How would split a 100 mg pebble of dope to sniff?
ive had to stop myself from getting opiates after using oxy for the first time. shit is too good for your own good, really. has been easier since i got into psychs which are equally rewarding in a different kind of way
don't do it user. I don't recommend getting into this at all. Just stay clear. Kratom is decent with no tolerance actually.
You will get FENT laced shit. DON't DO IT. It's unsafe as fuck
This. DPH shouldn't even be legal to sell otc honestly. It actively erodes the brain and every study from the past 15 years looking at the substance confirms it alone can cause Alzheimers and dementia. Fuck that.
sniff pebbles? srs read up some shit user nao
you can get it on clearnet
Would dn stuff with good ratings be laced too?The stuff looks like those tiny rocks you would pick from the ground as a kid.
I had no fucking idea what it was about til the other anons talked about it spreading like epidemic laced with fentanyl.
Dont do it user, do some ligher version of opoid first and safest.