When did you realize that you were no better than Chris chan?

when did you realize that you were no better than Chris chan?

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Nobody here is that bad.

some people are as bad as nick bate

when I liked sonic passed the age of 12

Ah, that's what that guy's name is.

He was better than me in every way until he became a tranny.

when Mary Lee Walsh kicked me out of community college for solicitation

When a nonverbal autist who had violent tantrums was considered less erratic than me.

he's objectively better off than me in various ways and i could already tell this when i first got to know about him
>not a virgin
>had a female friend in school
>has strangers interested and invested in his life / well-being
>healthy self-image
>industrious and actually makes money off of his work
>genuinely enjoys living

when I cut my taint open to create a vagina and it got infected

CWC is the antithesis of industrious
he's sitting on a goldmine of shitty low expectation commission work and he only makes them out when his accounts are overdrawn

Bate logic:
>I can't be a paedophile
>I don't like vagina
>Here's a video of me smearing shit on my centimeter peter

I love that guy, I think he's too autistic to actually be capable of harm, and I do care about him and don't want anyone to hurt him.

I'm autistic disclaimer

When I realized that chris chan really isn't that bad

When I turned 16

>the first well known neet
>the first brony
>was one of the first to make a shitty well known sonic OC
>30 year old virgin
>posted his address, full name, and many other aspects of himself online
>never had a gf in his 37 year old life span
>drinks his own semen
>drew porn of his friend with crayola model magic
>drew porn of his shitty OCs in an attempt to stop trolls from posting gay sonichu fanart
>has been a well known lolcow for 10 years
>dick is bent 90 degrees
>still lives with his 70 something year old mom
>nearly 40 and still buys vast amounts of lego kits
>has an open wound which he claims to be his vagina right under his balls
>fucked many waifu pillows when it was uncommon
>house is so cluttered with shit that he built tunnels to get through
>hated gays so much he became one
>no body muscles whatsoever he's a walking ball of fat
>everyone he will come in contact with is either going to stalk him or troll him in new and embarrassing ways that will define an era
Nope definitely not this bad, sounds like you're a newfag who found out about CWC from Pewdiepie's video.

when I was a small child and my grandparents taught me that nobody is better than anybody else

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fucking losers, no wonder why you are here

Daily reminder that Chris' white knights on Kiwifarms raged when Bryan Silva took a photo of Chris at a clinic and tried to get him arrested for violating HIPAA laws

To all the bigots in this thread. Christine Weston Chandler is a woman. Calling her a "he" is actually fucking horrible as it is obvious that she has made her choice and is a FEMALE.

You cis white scum never pass up an opportunity to pick on an oppressed individual do you. Fucking despicable.

Attached: cwc.jpg (704x960, 48K)

I am stronger than any attempt of yours to tear me down. Why are you discouraged?

That kind of bait only works on twitter.

b-because I am CWC

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Yeah, he's actually really kind, and I don't think he's capable of hating someone, which makes him a good guy in my mind, why do you think he's not that bad?
Stiff he does is pretty harmless

The photo in question

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Is this a playable character in cyberpunk 2077?

To the user who told me to put mayo in my egg sandwiches: thank you.
You are truly based.

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Chris-Chan is better than many here in a few of ways:
>lost virginity (to a prostitute)
>asked many girls out
>goes outside regularly
>attends cons

But that's only because he's naturally extroverted, low-inhibition, and lacks self-awareness. Chris-Chan has videos of himself in diapers, having sex with blow-up dolls, and doing/saying other fucked up shit, which will be on the internet forever.

If he were a normal person, he would feel so much crippling shame and embarrassment that he would have either roped or gone into hiding (like the Star Wars Kid) by now.

Wew fucking lad
This is either some retard level posting
Or genius level bait

He's just slightly more intriguing than your average autistic freak. That's all it takes.

Take that shit to the next level user.
Add a breaded chicken fillet.

pretty sweet kicks

Fecking kekkle

Not giving that faggot a you.

Nope, betterthan Chris, i'm getting my degree a decent person, i might have some issues, but at his level and don't bring this shit of we ruined his life, Chris life was ruined by the people that live around him, they shouldn't let him sink this low, when he went viral for the first time someone should have intervine, look at Sammy he's going to college and having a normal life

He's not any more disgusting or wierd than your average liberal.

I never laughed at him or people like him. I see myself in these aspies minus the being famous part.

>Yeah, he's actually really kind
If I got roasted that hard I'd be nice for the rest of my life too.

did ... did he paint them?

Now add mustard.

I've got a legitimate imaginary friend I've kept since I was a child and even we don't think I'm as bad as Chris-Chan.

I wouldn't even notice him. Would fit in perfectly in Seattle or Portland.

Do you mean Chris chan being roasted being nice? or me calling him nice was a roast?

He got roasted, hell, cremated, for the past decade or so, so he's a nice person now.

Chris is better than me in almost every way.

Chris burned his house down, portrayed himself as a lesbian woman, and pepper sprayed some guy in the face over Sonic the Hedgehog's arms. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Some people on here might be autistic as Chris but no one will ever surpass all the stupid shit he did. I'm surprised that he isn't in a mental facility or has been killed yet. As soon as his mother dies that'll probably change.

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>too autistic to actually be capable of harm

but you still responded to him you fucking sperg

I gotta be real I can only think of someone as bad if they can do deep interpersonal harm to someone, and no one likes Chris as someone to talk to so..

Just looks like a regular liberal

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You're jerking yourself off over the "stealthy" nature of what you're saying. You're a 2bit dime a dozen faggot and I'm going to be the most significant thing that ever happened in your miserable cockroach tier life. I won't read what you reply but you'll be here again tomorrow anyway wont you?

I am worse than Chris Chan I am a 26 year old NEET who has never worked a day in his life since my grandparents supported me. I am 300 lbs and my health is in sharp decline

Still not as bad. Where do you live btw

Bakersfield CA. The heat is unbearable and the air quality chokes me when i am forced to go outside

no better than?

i am objectively worse

>no medallion
>not making easy living off of being a living meme

I will say tho that watching lot of Chris' decline in real time I realized a lot of it was exacerbated by 4ch bullying..I guess a lot of you would be as bad as him if the whole of 4ch tortured you daily for years. The weirdness of that shit is what snapped me out of "muh 4ch is harmless fun" naivety

Says you. At least he gets NEETbux

"healthy self image"
nigga what?

what do you mean, no better? if i was on the same level as CWC it would be an improvement for me. that guy is FEARLESS and just does it and doesnt care for the consequences. hes a reckless pioneer who doesnt care for anyones opinion of him

if i could play on his level it would be a noticeable improvement

imagine that 20 years older riding the bus with you.

Even if someone here did its not like we'ed figure it out.

honestly what a brave man. doesnt give a fuck about anything and just does himself 24/7. i wish i could play at his level

the internet is originally serious business

>stealthy nature of what you're saying

Nigga what, literally all of that shit was documented and put on the internet.

Most of you are either not autistic or don't have the patience or conviction to get your autismbux.

The dude does care what people think about him.

no he doesnt. he fucking posts all these pictures of himself online, posts his cut off penis shamelessly, fucking wears his sonichy amulet in public like hes some nigger rapper with gold chains, look at him

thats what a man looks like when he gives absolutely Z E R O fucks about you and your opinion. not even a drop

I'm pretty sure giving a fuck about your gender, putting yourself in all of your artwork and dressing like clown puke is attention seeking behavior, he's just horrible unaware of how to go about doing it properly because of utterly crippling autism

The absolute alpha even managed to grow multiple chins

One chin is not enough for a chad like CWC

How can single chinners even compete???

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>im pretty sure giving a fuck about your gender
yeah, he did that for HIMSELF. he does HIMSELF, thats what hes about, but giving a fuck about your faggot ass opinion is not his problem

>putting yourself in all of your artwork and dressing like clown puke is attention seeking behavior
>dressing like a clown

he likes dressing the way he does, and he does it for HIMSELF. he didnt change his gender for you, neither did he wear his clothes for you, you braindead retard. just because you dont like how he styles himself doesnt mean he gives a fuck about you

he doesnt give a FUCK about you to such an extend he lets you make fun of him endlessly, just cause he likes sharing himself to other people

chris is the epitome of giving ZERO fucks

>when did you realize that you were no better than Chris chan?
When i looked in the mirror. When I realized I too was obsessed with cartoons and video games and (attempted) to draw my own comics (horrendously). When I threw tantrums to get what I wanted, had bad hygiene, poor social skills, declining quality of life and tried to pretend none o it was happening. Oh and I'm autistic (actually an aspie), so that only fueled the paranoia.

>yeah, he did that for HIMSELF. he does HIMSELF
>present yourself as a certain thing to other people is something you do for yourself
>he likes dressing the way he does, and he does it for HIMSELF.
still makes no fucking sense dude, you know you're just pissed off

if he gave zero fucks he wouldn't put effort into his appearance, he only gives half a fuck because he'd rather wear a sailor moon tiara and carry around stuffed animal than lose weight so he can pass

He's not a virgin and he had a girlfriend.

>Runs over store owners he doesn't like with his car
>Bangs hookers
>Fistsfucks his friends in his own alternate cartoon dimension
>Keeps his own sperm in the freezer next to him and his mother's food
>Burns down his own house making coffee
>No fucks given

The absolute chad

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>Burns down his own house making coffee

He blamed the coffee machine company and threatened a lawsuit

Yes. It's on YouTube.

Mmmmmmm... is this... eyyuuhh
mm, is this Carlos Chantor?
I thought I heard something about.... mmm... something about you having an escort service going on

I would love to talk to Chris Chan about Sonic