People talking about doing drugs to deal with loneliness

>People talking about doing drugs to deal with loneliness
>literally so friendless I don't have the connections to buy drugs

normies will never understand this level of loneliness.

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Go to the dank web.

Don't trust online retards to not get me caught.

Don't do drugs, but honestly if you are still in school, start smoking, the autist at are school started smoking, he got friends just like that

>implying most all of these people dont just buy drugs online

>also legal drugs like dxm, nutmeg, lsa you can buy in stores


Go to Robocough, buy 4 bottles of DXM. It'll only be $12 total with shipping included. Down half a bottle to one bottle if you want euphoria and to be comfy, down two bottles if you want to hallucinate, down 3-4 bottles if you want an experience you'll never forget about. DXM is stronger then a good chunk of drugs you could buy on the deepweb.

How safe is it tho

make sure the only active ingredient is dxm
constant overuse causes brain damage

Not safe at all. I did that once when I was in high school. I remember I felt like my entire energy was completely drained. Getting up to take a piss was a STRUGGLE. I was laying in bed for like 24hrs like a retard. I didn't even hallucinate or anything

But smoking is fucking gay

Enjoy being a degenerate like the rest of us

I don't smoke, but I also don't have any friends. If the least popular kid who also is disabled can make legit friends by smoking, so can you

buy San Pedro cactus (100% legal in the USA) and extract mescaline. trip for 12 hours.

Fucking retards who consider nutmeg a drug

the nutmeg epidemic is killing millions guys ! we have to stop it !


true robots have no human connection outside parents

Are you happy with your life right now?

Happier than the average leather faced smoker

Take 15-20 benadryl or so then thank me later. You'll trip balls.

Don't do drugs it's the stupidest thing to do. Don't let this faggot society make you think it'll help. It's just a pussy way to escape who you are. If you decide to do drugs then your a loser.

People who smoke are fucking faggots that deserve to get cancer

Glue. Cough Syrup. Good ol' booze. There you go, get wasted already.

Don't encourage this you retard. Taking drugs is fucking gay. If you need to take drugs to find friends then your fucking stupid. People who take drugs for reasons non medical are the trash and are the biggest losers.

Yeah that autist is probably going to kill themselves from a overdose. Great advice loser.

Indeed we are, fucking faggots for escaping reality

Hahaha ok reagan era PSA

Sorry but you are a normie. True robots don't get lonely. Loneliness is a normalfag trait.

you're not a true robot you're just autistic

>If you need to take drugs to find friends then your fucking stupid
>then your fucking stupid

Shut the fuck up you boring, geeky faggot.

>unironically playing the cool kid card on doing drugs

what are you, the villain of a 80's coming of age movie?

i'd rather be autistic than a failed normie tumblr tier teenager

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Then trust them to not get themselves caught, retard. The police can't be assed to go through the effort to bust a small time user.

Every thread

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The postal service check that stuff, they'll find out with an address that leads straight to me.

This. The only people who smoke are trailer trash thots with daddy issues. They would probably fuck you if you tried but would immediately accuse you of rape afterwards because bitches are crazy.