What's it like having eating disorders?

What's it like having eating disorders?

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You would know

Ask the vegans.


The fuck are the black disks?

He burnt his cookies.

delicious blood sausage or its british equivalent

You put chocolate cookies on a plate of salty food?

Attached: Screenshot_20180907-195446.png (132x149, 31K)

Please gib me that fry up
Throw those tomatoes off & do me some mushrooms instead

elo m8, ett es a nice pair o glockensmockers

thats sausage bud


Blood pudding, chap

I could eat 2 more plates of that in half an hour + something sweet and then vomit it in 10 Min.

Went from 120kg fatass down to 50kg, and had anorexia. Shit ruined my life, and still kinda has. I hate eating food and find it mentally hard to gain weight, and gave me body image problems, where I don't really want to leave the house because of the way I look.
Physically, all you need to do to recover is eat more food, but it's the mental aspect that's the hardest to recover from.

I'm not english, so I wouldn't know.

>Says the man with the 1500 calorie breakfast

Vegans tend to be underweight because there are are almost no calories in vegetables. Just as meat eaters tend to be overweight because there are to many in meat.

No idea, I'm not a ketotard

Awful. I suffered from severe BED that eventually resulted in bulimia after losing around 90lbs. Have yet to really conquer either of these brain problems, but doing IF or OMAD has helped me avoid relapses.

You feel like shit after eating

>full english

Our legacy to the ages. Not seen bubble and squeek for a bit though.

Black pudding. Delicious and good for you. Made from pig blood too so eating it is like dancing on achmed and shlomos grave.

Black Pudding is best pudding

its terrible. all socializing is around food so you tend to have no social life, postponing trying to date / do fun things until you hit another goal weight, and before you know it you've turned full monk mode and wasted years and opportunities because you were starving that day.

Went down from 250 lbs to 180 then my fucking pig brain took over and I went up to 200 over the course of 2 months.
Being fat for most of your life truly fucks you up mentally. I'm now hovering around 190 but I still feel like a huge piece of lard inside and I'm so insecure I can't even eat in public.

It’s blood sausage, we call it “morcilla” in spain and it’s one of the best foods here, combined with fried eggs it’s delicious