Using tinder

>using tinder
>have a photo of me without a beard and with a beard
>girl matches with me
>tells me "having a beard is cheating xD"
>but isn't makeup cheating too
>think both are just bantz
>she unmatches

what did I do wrong?

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You tell her the truth, women don't like truth.

You did absolutely nothing wrong op. Its the current state of women. They are so far gone. Their parents failed to raise them but the media was always there

You had a beard.. duh, user. A beard is actually cheating.

>having a beard is cheating

>testosteronelets think being manly is cheating
go shave your legs and paint your nails somewhere else user, this is a MANLY thread

Girls don't banter, that's where you fucked up
She took it as an actual insult

implies some sort of deception. If you can't tell that it's not her real face then you need better glasses, mate.

You need good genetics to grow a nice beard though. You don't need anything, but money, for makeup.

Some women feel that makeup is an extension of themselves. So in her mind you just insulted her, saying she doesn't actually look pretty, she's just cheating.
On the other side of things, in her mind she's joking around with you. Saying that beards make all guys look good, so having one means you're cheating. She doesn't see it as an extension of your beauty, just a facade to look better.

She was telling you she thinks beards are sexy. How socially oblivious can you be?

>its your fault for not understanding women
>girls cant be wrong just misunderstood
>you are stupid if think makeup is cheating
wew lad

You were being overly literal. Having a beard is not actually cheating in her mind, she was trying to pay you a compliment.

sounds like you dodged a bullet, jackass

You told a dumb bitch off. Dumb bitches do not like it when you point out their hypocritical bullshit, OP. If you are with a woman, you have to understand you forfeit your manhood and sign up for a life of having to bite your tongue while putting up with stupid. Just how it goes.

t. She is mentally ill.

>what did I do wrong?
youre on tinder - a place for fat insecure landwhales instead of trying to pick up girls irl where all the hot quality girls are

fucking stop

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Not all of them are fat. Some are skinny, but highly mentally ill, so they cannot get a guy IRL.

>her real face
user, I...

please post more of the girl (male) in the op pic

You need a good face, and skill.

You outed yourself as a bitter virgin.

the woman gets to make fun of the man. it is a way to test his confidence and his alpha-ness.

the man does not get to make fun of the woman. that just means he is a cruel, evil person.

everything, EVERYTHING in the dating world and especially on dating apps is designed to WEED OUT THE NON-CHADS. every aspect of your interaction. you will be outed, you will be eliminated from the pool.

women want equal rights in everything but they don't want to give up their rights in the one area where they enjoy actual superiority over men--the dating sphere.

sorta. the better the face the less skill required and vice versa.

t. the whore's a narccissist who is too stupid to realize that other people look at things differently to her....

Women were a mistake. Kill.

on the one hand she was complimenting your beard, mot bantering. on the other hand, I cannot think of any other response to "beards are cheating" that accepts the compliment or flirts further.
something about "there's more hair where that came from"? no that's retarded.

>use tinder
>have 6 month big natty beard in my photos
>trim down only have 1 month growth
>girl tells me she was relieved and she does not like huge beards since they make kissing hard

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>she does not like huge beards since they make kissing hard
I am going to grow the biggest beard and make kissing impossible!

>she compliments you in a teasing way
>you sperg out and talk about makeup
yeah, I wonder why she didn't want to continue talking to your autistic ass

the firs post is the best one once again

You cannot joke around with women regarding their looks or age or their interests. Basically, you can only make fun of yourself and others. Women are so insecure and spoiled you have to talk to women like you're taking an exam. They're no fun at all.

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