Why do normies think it's creepy to want to fuck 17 year olds?

Why do normies think it's creepy to want to fuck 17 year olds?

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Because they have no thoughts of their own and only think what they are told to think

Because people who admit to wanting to fuck 17 year olds look like you.

I look like a nice young man. Middle-aged women say I have nice eyes and should be married.

but 17 is almost 30 in spic years

That's not how you say pigskin years

these people actually fucked when they were 17 so whats the problem now? i would die to fuck moner even when she was 15 or 16

I don't oppose what you're saying, I'm only providing a possible explanation for why normies think what you're saying is creepy.

I don't know, because as soon as she turns 18 they'd gladly line up to fuck her. It might be against the law in your country though so it's better to avoid getting in trouble.

You gotta have a cutoff point somewhere.

16 is fine. Why 17?

Because the moment a person turns 18 they automagically become a fully mature adult. Anything before that magic nanosecond is too young for anything

there's nothing wrong with it and normies don't really give a shit unless you're being a predator about it. when I was 26 I started dating a coworker who was 17. her parents loved me and we dated for 4 years before she joined the military and shipped out.

in the case of you fucking weirdos you're probably pining for 17 year olds *because* they're 17 and you want to live the high school pussy dream you never got when you were that age. you don't care who the girl is, only that she's borderline taboo. normies can sense that predatory desperation and that's what they look down on you for.

>somebody wants to fuck a 17 year old
>"nonononono thats so creepy!"
>somebody wants to fuck an 18 year old
>"perfectly alright nothing wrong here :)"

Why are normies so retarded?

They knew what they were doing. sdf

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The cutoff for fucking is 16. The cutoff for attraction is 15. Simple as that.

Gotta draw the line somewhere.

So where do you draw the line then? Explain that to me? By looks? Kek. Putting a limit is to keep people in check otherwise they'll bend the rule everytime.

>stop at a shopping center on the way home
>notice that there are a bunch of high school girls from the nearby high school congregated at the strip mall's Starbucks and Baskin Robbins
>all thin
>all wearing leggings/yoga pants
>realize my lack of attraction toward 3D women was probably because they've aged like milk by the time they hit my age

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She's only half Peruvian
Her dad's white

Americans are cucks

T. Bootlicker homo