>Look out of your window
>See this
Wat do?
Look out of your window
fap and cry aftwards
Film it and then post it on the interwebs, obviously
unzip dick and start to masturbate
Throw rocks at the window and yell at them to fuck off.
Wait, people are actually doing this? I thought it was just a porn thing.
film it and complain about how some old fatfuck is fucking super hot chicks and I am basically retarded
imagine that she's my gf and masturbate while crying
>record them
>find out who the girl is
>show the video to all her relatives
Unironically probably this, minus the "pretend she's my gf" shit. That would just kill my boner because my brain knows better.
based and basedpilled
>close my blinds and go back to trap porn on my xbox ceta
>Wat do?
Wonder why there's a room with just a bed on every floor
Easy, record the whole thing so you can jack off to it, then save the video for bribing.
>call the police
>explain what's going on
>show them video of evidence for doing lewd acts in public
>get them arrested
Bonus points if there were children around, then they're also sex offenders now.
Wonder how they did that double cantilever with the brick.
This. I'm appalled.
"The sights went by so fast."
laser pointer on his forehead and her tits with my curtains closed
Call the police. I could have been an actual child instead of just a manchild.
Bring out the telephoto lens. I have a 600mm for wildlife photo.
It could be just brick facade over concrete or wood frame.
pic related is wat do
I ended up doing it in China with some chick I met, window was wide open, lights on and she was happy to ride like that. I was on like the 7th floor with a hotel across from us, so i am sure someone saw.
Yes, people do actually have sex when you're not around.
:( posts like this make me sad, I wish I could be every lonely user's gf
>wood frame
In burger land the code only allows 12' of brick supported off of wood and even then it's a bad idea.
Anyway, I am aware that there is a solid structure behind it and there are likely relief angles supporting the brick itself, but that doesn't mean that the deflections are going to be as limited as you would want for brick in order to avoid opening up cracks large enough to let in a bunch of moisture and shit.
y'know wat to do
Throw a rock but don't say anything so they freak out and they get on the news about flying alien rocks.
Another normie bites the dust
Open my window and scream out "BENIS" as loud as possible.
that would be retard: someone's bound to find the vidwo and unequivocally identify the apartment where the creepy pervert peep lives
If I had a gun and was particularly depressed on the day I witnessed this, I'd go knock on their door.
so what?what are they going to do about it?
film it and try to get to know who those two are, with some luck once of those two is cheating on someone and i get to tell on them
>people are having sex in their bedroom
>>>show them video of evidence for doing lewd acts in public
what if that girl is underage
you legally have no expectation of privacy if you fuck in front of a giant open window
You can be absolutely charged with exposure if your windows are open like that, at least in America.
i dont know man, thats and apartment, if they are high enough i dont think they can be charged for exposure
I would use it to bribe the chick hehehehehe
>find what no. the apartment is
>send a USB with the video on it
>say unless she lets me fuck her I will release it on the internet