Alright robots I need ideas. What is a painless way to commit suicide? I have no access to fire arms so those are out.
Alright robots I need ideas. What is a painless way to commit suicide? I have no access to fire arms so those are out
woah not the answer user, pls don't kys.
cutting ur wrists and squeezing lemon in it
Supposedly, helium with a cpap mask or plastic bag and some tubing.
Try getting a hobby
Carbon monoxide
they put enough oxygen in those tanks to not kill you pretty sure
why no access to a firearm?
hanging. I tried hanging myself before and it felt strangely euphoric. I passed out within 10 seconds, unfortunately the rope snapped
Pull a Paul Walker
I've read that some chemical suppliers offer 99,99% pure helium
I tried to kill myself in June. THere's no way anybody would sell me one. ALso it may sound weird, but I'd want to do it with a handgun and you have to be 21 to buy those here (i'm 20)
likely true, although CO is still a better bet if you can get it
very low ppms can kill because your lungs like to bond to CO more than O2
nice, i'll be looking more into this
Don't use CO to kill yourself you idiot. It's really painful
t. that 20 year old boomer who accidently fell asleep in his running car while in a garage
correct me if im wrong, but opiate overdose is pretty easy and feels amazing. just gotta find some good dope
>being this retarded
you can't even kill yourself with cars effectively anymore because of lowered emissions
CO (not your car shit that has a shit ton of chemicals) is basically imposible to notice in the air, its odorless and flavorless, you'll fall asleep very quickly and die
its not painful at all, its unnoticable until you die
you were noticing something else in your cars exhaust
>dying like a degenerate.
my car has shit emission rating (straight pipes past the cat). That could have been it.
Lost all hope is a v good website for info
Just go outside bro, talk to people. What interests you? Join a club, exercise, get fit. Get a haircut and clean your room bro its easy
t. Someone who was depressed for like a month straight
>a whole month
WEW LAD TALK ABOUT PAIN GOOD GOLLY HOWD YOU DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought summer was fucking over already