Be crossdresser

>be crossdresser
>24 y/o
>slowly catching the gender dysphoria bug
Kill me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Have fun you'll be hitting the wall soon

It started to get to me when I was at college last year. I found a group that were comfortable with me crossdressing and wearing feminine styled clothing so I got to do it a lot more. Eventually I started criticizing my body for not being more, wearing make up more often, tucking my genitals more and more, and the occasional sob fest about being a boy. It got either better or worse when they would tease me and refer to me as female, depending on my mood really.

It's hard.

So u saying u want sum fuk

You're a trans girl, and that's fine. Do yourself a favor and get off this site ASAP because the world is much more accepting of you than this board might make it seem. Don't repress your feelings, and just try to live whatever way makes you happiest and most comfortable, and surround yourself with people who are okay with those choices.

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>tfw caught dysphoria bug
>tfw haven't killed it yet but an making progress towards being happy as a man

I don't want to ruin my life with hormones. I have a future. Being a man is beneficial. Like I want to be cute and graceful. I wax obsessively. I do everything I can to make myself happy without going off the deep end. I'm sorry I'm just throwing up emotions on you.

Natalia Mars transitioned at like 30 years of age if thats what you are wanting but keep in mind you can't just go from a hyper masculine man into a woman.

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You forgot to mention the whole "cut your dick off" part.

Are you cute femboys?

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Modern MTF usually keep the dick because its less of a pain than dealing with the pussy

Is there something wrong with just being an effeminate gay guy?

I would recommend never getting bottom surgery, but hormone therapy won't ruin your life (just make sure you get it from a doctor and not from the dark web. That's where most trans ruined-lives come from). For a very long time you'll just look like a basedboy as your face and body feminizes. By the time you look unmistakably like a woman, you can transition (and by then trans rights will have certainly advanced significantly)

The biggest regret of most trans women is waiting too long to transition. Start now, save up for facial feminization surgery, and be true to yourself. You're gonna do great.

Dysphoria is real mental illness, and the only treatment universally accepted by the psychiatric community rn is gender change procedures.

I think a mtf with a girl is fucking amazing. But being gay with a dude is gross, and will probably lead to some fucked up arguments ending with you kys. I live in a city with a lot of trans but I felt nothing but good feels when its a mtf with a girl

As real as depression, meaning 95% of those putatively afflicted just talked to someone and got diagnosed on the basis of what they said. This is a joke.

It's so scary user. Is it okay to do it in college? I'm about to start up again really soon. I'm only 19 so I'm not late or anything. Are there people at colleges to talk to about this kind of thing?

>Depression isn't real because i say it isnt
abit past your bed time huh old man?

>can't be physically tested or observed
>but it's real just trust me

This isn't medicine.

precisely i am feeling dysphoric because i look like a stoner cromagnon with my long hair and manly features

i'm at the juncture at which i either attempt to be the best man i can be; go the complete opposite route and become a tranny, or linger in this desperate limbo in which things will likely get much worse

chances are i've memed myself into this whole, however.

Dog, college is BY FAR the best place to do it. Even the most conservative campuses are gonna have a million support groups, LGBT+ clubs, and an accepting student body to help you with it all. You're gonna do SO FUCKING GOOD!! I'm excited for you :-)

who would not want to cut their dick off?

I mean, if your ass is nice and you have a cute cock i'd still fuck desu

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Verily impels one upon a course of cogitation.

>Being this anti-science based on a hunch
>Acting like psychiatry isn't just as rigorous as any other type of medicine.

Is it bad that this actually excites me a lot?

>depression can't be observed in any way

dude clearly this shit isn't healthy for your mental, break the habit stop wearing girls clothing, i mean it just sounds like a bad addiction. you dont have to stop rite away but atleast start moving towards not thinking this way about yourself Anymore.

why does the right wing have the best traps?
I don't think i can hold out for the left when the right has traps like this.

Why do you believe firmly in things the existence of which cannot be confirmed by observation?

cute but i'll pass the offer lmao

>Duhhh if I can't see it with my eyes it's not real

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At least post some pics? Don't leave me hanging desu

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Are you gonna answer the question? You believe in things which can't be observed, tested for, or proven to exist. Why?

I'll take in any cute crosdressers/traps/mtf's.

Please respond, I want cuddle and watch anime and cosplay together and stuff. I don't want to date an actual woman, I want a cute boi.

>I don't want to date an actual woman, I want a cute boi
then you should look for gay dudes instead
I mean mtfs get boobs and stuff

>reiko got another in this very thread and I'm too late to save them

ohh god what the fuck

Put some make up over those bags and you'd be so cute! Thanks for the image.

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>this is what faggots larping on r9k look like

unironically going in the cringe collection

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how can you guys mock that

it's too sad for ridicule

Get off Jow Forums, stop watching fucking anime, stop wearing girls clothes, and stop jerking off to gay shit like your OP, seriously retard. Either that, or end up like the +50% of trannies who repaint their bedroom wall in brain color.

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i mean not to be a tranny shill but the dude isn't even a tranny at all. just crossdressed as a regular dude and that was result of fuckloads of makeup and a wig.

i made explicit before hand that i don't look particularly attractive as a girl, and i'm not on hormones so whatever

fuck you rudeposting niggers

Im the one trying to be nice desu

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if you walk like a man, and talk like a man, and look like a man, and have NO way of changing this, why do you persist in half-assedly wearing chick clothing, wigs, walmart makeup, and posting unnerving selfies on Jow Forums? you literally warranted some innate primal response of fear in my brain when i opened your picture - get actual help fag

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I like boobs tho, just not vaginas and I just find it easier to talk to not biological women.

Mtf's, traps, whatever else, they just are all more interesting and fun to talk to than a true roastie.

oh i thought you were being ironic
i've posted in the past with good responses and i enjoy attention, plus that user asked for one so why not?

but, yes, it is a risky move hence i'll probably post on more on-topic places like /soc/ next time.

Dude you should have been at this stage 10 years ago to make it and be a good trap. Even if you have really good genetics and you're okay with being a tranny who only passes on still photos that ship sailed like 4 years ago.
Just go to the gym and start picking fights with people. It helped me cope although I'm not completely over it and I guess I never will be but it's better than being a disgusting abomination.

Please link threads if you do post. I love cute femboys

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Repost please. I gotta see this!

Didn't save it, my bad desu

Goddamn this board sucks.

I kek from these mentally ill trannies
I kek even more from """transbians""" i.e. straight men in dresses
Thanks for a good laugh

t. gay boy who eats HRT pills for additional cuteness, while having complete disdain for femoids and no desire to behave like one

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You should be a man in the ancient greek way. But there isn't much i can teach you in this format, and the philosophy is very profound. Study ancient thought and you will understand more about the world we live in and about yourself. This is clear to all but the unlearned.

Answer me back desu

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This is the exact type of qt bf I want. How do I get a qt gay boy who tries to look as soft and smooth and cute as possible without being mentally disabled and trying to chop his dick off?

Find a twink boi and convince him to take some estrogen

I'm almost done with my first week of hrt, and it gives my a lot of peace knowing that I won't masculinize further, and will become more feminine instead. But even though I have a not so masculine baby face and I'm starting at 18 I feel like I'll never pass and I'll just end up being an emotionally fragile twink with gyno. At least I will dislike my body less with time, I think...

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But most twink boys are straight. I need a gay one. I just realized as an added bonus the disdain for roasties. Gay guys seem to like roasties as friends and are all flamboyant and shit.

The definition of twink is "a boyish looking young gay man" desu

pls ky

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>never crossdressed
>like women
>catch the gender dysphoria bug
WTF I thought it only happens to fags and crossdressers!

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This reeks of bait from some of those old groups that were trying to force people to feminize themselves via blackmail. Fucking yikes.

Even so, the other problems still exist. I'd like them to crossplay as a girl sometimes and not have a lisp and whst not.

Maybe I'm asking too much. Probably why I've been looking for so long.

like you've never seen a dude wearing makeup and a dress before

I just want a cute straight bf that doesn't want to be a girl but takes anti androgens to slow down his aging and will get laser hair removal and also give me his boipussy and eat my cum

Be cute
Be handsome
Be rich


>Gender Dysphoria bug
That won't be the only bug you'll be catching nigga

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The majority of mtfs on here are virgin spergs too

Stop crossdressing
Stop looking at sissy porn

It is too late for you. Transitioning and crossdressing will just make you feel WORSE not better. Especially as you begin to hit your middle age growth milestone. If you are gay/bi then just try to find comfort in being a bottom or a sissy IN BED, not in public. You will be okay if you just try to accept that your dysphoria will go away if you find someone who will love you for you without you having to ruin your body and public image.

>t. someone who started HRT at 16

Wait a minute. Is that the same person with generous amounts of photoshop?