Natural bodybuilding thread?

Post pics of your current natty progress

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Who let Jow Forums out of its cage again

Lookin wham OP, sick v taper
Fuck the haters

no matter how much you lift u will always be a nigger


Looking good dawg, dont worry about these incels, you can fuck bitches they only dream of

You are a waste of oxygen and will die loveless and alone. You know I am not wrong.


Mirin hard breh, you look almost like Lotus, i miss him so much he was the best tripfag we have had since scoobs

dirty nigger.

At least I'm not a nigger.

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It appears you are a black male

inb4 ban

how many white women have you fucked?

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I know, god forbid you were, cause the roasties you fawn over might actually be interested in you. I like you better this way, lovelorn and bitter

Based and Redpilled

nigger cuck

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>hahahha look I will post some coalburner with a black guy that will totally made him mad kek
jokes on you, in more than 80% of black man white woman relationships the woman ends up with a black eye and being a single mother so idc about them

Typical site to see in


All my girlfriends have been white...

lets not forget after that no white guy wants her anymore

false, im white

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Why does every thread by a black OP end up like this

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>the same cuck making these threads day in day out
do you not have any other pics to use eurasiantiger?

>all these future single mothers with potential future prisoners

we hate niggers

because blacks aren't welcome here

I want all samefagging Jow Forumstards to leave

Jow Forums tried to infect every board with their racist bullshit

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Basé et rougepilulé

>gets called a nigger
>brags about hating his own kind and chasing white whores
Why do blacks take pride in associating with anyone but themselves?

If op just doubled down and said "yeah I'm proud to be a nigga" or something, nobody would be able to fuck with him. Why did he have to prove us right?

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>see all these replies disagreeing with me!
>it must be the same person!!!!!!
this niglet doesnt look so ugly like the others but this thot still paid the toll
flushed her genes down the toilet

you don't have to browse Jow Forums to be "racist". it's natural to judge other people based on their appearance and race is a part of that. negroids have a lot of negative genetic predispositions and should be judged accordingly. they are, generally speaking, not the same as whites and should not be treated as such.

not op and i know it pisses you people off

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>racist bullshit
There's a site you'd like called Reddit dot com

Go to worldstar, nigger.

You should really get back at those racists by finding a nigger and letting him fuck your gf while you watch. That'll really show them!

OP did you happen to be at a beach on lake Michigan a couple weekends ago?

you people are easy as fuck

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sorry monkey, I didn't catch that

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Chicken Nugger

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Bro, I'm serious, find a nigger and record him fucking your gf to OWN THE RACISTS

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>Implying this reddit incel-in-denial has a gf

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As a nigga, how do I stop this board from despising me? I already have a black gf.

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the beta male pose


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Never mention that you are one.

>giving a shit about the opinions of a bunch of dyels on a ukrainian radiator discussing chatroom

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go to a black country and have black children with your black girlfriend and do the best you can for that country. you aren't hated as long as you aren't in white spaces. Jow Forums is predominantly a white space so you arent really welcome here. if you insist on browsing you should stick to lurking.

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Don’t pay attention to the retards and keep on going

Go full Jow Forums, strive for a fascist mono ethnic black state, have kids, family and be the black version of a nazi

>he thinks this is a legitimate post instead of blatant race bait

What anime is this?

also niggers

But every other nonwhite is welcome and embraced here. How do I reach their status?

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let their anger fuel your desire to grow stronger. know that you being superior than them in strength, academics and wealth makes you the superior man

Am i a nigger for not calling anyone else a nigger? I just wanted to know the anime so i could watch it ):

These kiddos aren't worth it.
They post fart noises and think it's funny, bro. They're mental midgets.

what are you talking about? my arab ass gets spammed with poo in loo because hey can't even tell the difference. And these fucking faggots have being the first sperm to reach their mother's egg as their only accomplishment under their belt. Let them bitch and moan about white girls not fucking them for the simple fact that they are undesirable.

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No, indians, pakis, sandniggers or beaners are definitely not welcome here either.

>that shitskin cope

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Lol this board will find any reason to poke fun at you whether that's because you're black or you're attractive or your wrists aren't a certain circumference just don't take it serious bro

Fuck off sandnigger, you a*ab subhumans are such a shit race in my homeland we shoot arabs for fun at the border. No one wants and will never date an Arab, such an sandnigger jihadi race

looking really good brah

Based and redpilled. We need to stop bullying OP so much.

Nigger lover, lmfao at the absolute state of the white pathetic cuck race