A moment of silence for all those poor kids...

A moment of silence for all those poor kids, pulled out of groups to be told how smart they are not knowing what that truly means.

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They did that shit to me in primary school, they substituted the lunch period and recess period for that class.

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#1 way to fuck a kid up is to tell them that they're smart.

That's genuinely horrifying, OP.

Fuck, I can't believe I actually believed them when that happened.

>pulled out of groups to be told how smart they are not knowing what that truly means
Wait... what did it truly mean? This happened to me all the time through school.

Yeah I don't get it either

I don't get it... can someone enlighten me and fuel my rage?

Oh user... don't worry about it, you're plenty smart.

Tell me what you mean right fucking now

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seriously what does it mean this happened to me

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Does that mean they put you in the tard class?

When you're pulled away like that, its a sign to you and everyone else that you are different than the rest. It starts you on the path to being a robot.

>did this to me in grade school
>skipped 2nd grade
>everything is fine until middle school
>at the end of 8th grade move to a new state
>start highschool one year younger than everyone else and with no friends
>struggle through, barely B- student
Fuck this gay earth and fuck the American public education system

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funnily enough this happened twice for me, one for a speech class and one for a "gt" class

I got that.
Then every day for an hour I had to try solving this hard math problem with other smart kids on poo colored paper that tore if you erased too hard
Oh wait was I actually-

also as a note, almost none of the other kids in the gr8 class were robots like me, they were very socially adept

Well, it's that or telling them they are slower than the rest.
I seriously hope all the anons who "don't get it" are acting.

>I seriously hope all the anons who "don't get it" are acting.
I thought I was smart.. I was 3 years ahead on math and got all As. Are you telling me I wasn't informed I was retarded?

I know this feel.

I'm autistic but everyone thought, and told me, that I was some kind of savant as a kid. I didn't know what that meant or how that was supposed to help me with my problems. I didn't like the attention. Okay yes I knew it meant I was precociously skilled at one or two things but more in the way of 'good for a kid' rather than 'good'. I was good at singing (pre puberty), good as musical instruments, and I could draw well. At the time I didn't even enjoy music that much and was forced in to it by parents.

Most of my childhood memories of feeling this crushing pressure to succeed in some way. My parents were financial failures, never achieved anything they set out to do, got divorced, it was a whole big mess. But that pressure. I sympathize with any talented kid who gets tossed in to whatever their thing is early, gets burned out, becomes a drug addict in their 20's. It happened to me too.

Perhaps this thread wasn't made with your particular example in mind.

Or maybe posting at 2:30 AM makes me retarded. I dunno.

It's not just the "literally mouth-drooling retarded" kids but also the sperglords/autists as well

This pressure to succeed was compounded by the fact that I was NOT smart in the usual way. I was good at one or two things and that's it. Everything else I struggled badly with. Grades were a disaster. And I kept getting these disapproving lectures from parents and teachers along the lines of you're so smart how come you can't do this?

>It's not just the "literally mouth-drooling retarded" kids but also the sperglords/autists as well
I can't be autistic cause I like sarcasm. Weird.

What country are you from that is 2h30am right now?

Again, refer to

Some call it "The World's Ass". It's exaggerate, but not entirely inaccurate.

>this happened to me in grade 3 but I knew exactly what it meant so I knew I was a retard and it destroyed my self esteem and I spent years of schooling thinking I was mentally slow

I was put into AP classes and special ed at the same time and there was no pretence that the special ed class was for "Smart" kids. Maybe we just had different experiences in childhood.

I still resent being called smart. I should have only been called that when my grades were good.

Hmm.. mexico?

Further to the south, but if you're (north)american or european it's probably the same to you.

They did this to me in grade school. I didnt need to study or do homework to get good grades in the class. Also I thought studying, homework and asking for help were for dumb people because they told me I was smart. This only led to me having a poor work ethic that continued into high school. Didnt realize until then that you dont need to be smart to graduate high school only a decent work ethic. So now me not doing my work is now suddenly a problem and it's my fault apparently. Not the teachers who failed to discourage my behavior way back then since I was "smart"

>tfw was actually a smart kid but because I was told I was smart all the time I slacked off and became the dumb adult

Anybody else ktf?

>they sit you away from the other kids because "you were too mature for the others"

Kindergarten was probably the beginning, man.

Also fuck those teachers who give that untapped potential speech it's horseshit

This. That and the fact that I have I tendency to think of things in an overly conceptually manner rather than in an immediate sense so and when people would say things like how important education is I always took it in broad terms and never realized that they meant at a personal level and what they were really saying is that of you as an individual need to put the work in now and persue a higher education if you want to successfull. That message seems kind of contradictory to how teachers were always telling me how brilliant I was and that I would go on to do so much as if it was a given. I'm improving now but I'm closer to 30 than 20 at this point and whatever potential I may have had once doesn't matter anymore.

>work ethic
That's almost all there is to it. You can graduate hs with flying colours and all it takes is an hour or two of study a day.

Telling a kid from a young age that they are smart and separating them from the group is a great way to fuck up there heads

>tfw you were told you were a smart kid
>tfw you actually ARE smart in ways that they didn't understand so you don't care that it was bs

I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to get at

Boy do I got news for you.

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