Why is this turk rape baby so arrogant? I can understand if he looks shredded but he is so DYEL its not even funny...

why is this turk rape baby so arrogant? I can understand if he looks shredded but he is so DYEL its not even funny. Kudos to him for showing his under average body and face though

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I bet based zoomer Phil fucked your gf LEMAO

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>doesn't even have 200k subs
>already sells merch

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Can't take soem criticism?

Mad you got called out as a fake natty

the fucking mole over his left eye lmfao

He squats 4pl8s but looks like he barely lifts, I guess he's trying to be the iDubz of "youtube fitness" since his older videos about his "youtube fitness" lifestyle didn't take off. Now he's a retard starting shit with other retards, good for them. He tries to play it off like he doesn't care and his channel is a whatever thing for him but it's clearly cope

I think he's the only funny fitness guy on youtube

Since Dom went to shit and Hodgetwins went full Reviewbrah it's sadly true.

I would like his channel if he was actually funny. But it's just cringe worthy CSGO tier humor through out all of his videos.

is like he thinks he is david or something taking on fucking mark bell

david laid and jeff seid may be lying through their teeth that they're natty, but they both make videos about themselves and their friends. Philion's content is 99% him sitting in a dark room and whining about other men. Cringe

>turk rape baby
What’s his ethnicity?

honestly he makes pretty good content

his physique is chitty genetics man, unlucky, he squats heavy tho

I thought he was jewish

>looks like he barely lifts
he's like 6'5", hard to look built in pics when you are that tall

New manlet cutoff was set at 6'9

he dwarfs jewymofo

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Juji is like 5'10 tho?

Juji is just 5'11"

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Isnt phillion like 19 years old

I love this guy. The amount of asshurt he generates is great.

Nice trips. These stupid pussbois are just butthurt because he called them out lol

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he's 6'3''

I just assumed he was a kike because he lives in jew york and is a smug faggot

Based philionfit btfo'ing all kinds of xoomers

only funny fitness channel

T. Never could get out of silver

Whats wrong with csgo

What I mean is the 14 year olds who scream while playing CSGO would think his videos are funny.

Just mute em

Yeah I’m really sick of “le reddit contrarian everyone is a sellout poser except me” tier shit. He makes a living whining about other men on the internet all day, nobody is a bigger loser than him.

based ignoring the point poster

Nice dubs, checked


I like Phillion but this pic is a fokin disgrace. He clearly doesn't mew.

man I love those clarence videos. they're a godly mix of fun and inspiration.


Really a shame about Dom. I still watch the broscience videos from time to time for the hundredth time. The Brad Martin collaboration shit is fucking gay and unfunny. I get that he felt like he was running out of material for broscience, but there was honestly plenty of other gym-related content he could've done.

Also the shit where he breaks kayfabe and vlogs about being a richfag driving Bugattis and shit isn't interesting either.

Is juji actually a jew? Just seems like a normal dude from 'bama. Not many jews down there.

Stopped giving a frik about his videos pretty much once the whole Vs. ___ thing and him driving sports cars started. The Dom persona was getting tired, anyway. The douchey later content just sealed it for me.

Worse than any other fitness youtuber, he would be nothing without the hard work of others which he shits on while doing nothing of note himself

it's pretty funny when he calls out total faggots like kinobody and other tards who are just blatantly shilling shit to cash in on being fit.

with that being said, the dude is blatantly trying to be the idubbz of fitness like said with his "content cop" or "fitness flop" videos.


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