What keeps you living? Is it the fear of death? Something else? Please tell

What keeps you living? Is it the fear of death? Something else? Please tell.
Heavily drunk rn and I don't know why I keep breathing?
Are you afraid of hurting others?

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Fear of seriously hurting myself or becoming a vegetable on suicide attempt. Thats basically it.

Absolutely this and the innate fear of death.

This. I'm not afraid of death - it's nothing, so what's to be afraid of? I'm afraid of dying, though, as are all biological creatures.

pleasure hunting. drugs, sex, food, adrenaline, music, anything to make me feel good.
also because ill die anyway so why rush it?

nice anime btw one of my favs.
watcha drinkin? why are you alive?

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Op here. Im afraid that the afterlife will exist and won't be oblivion. If there is an afterlife I'm gonna be pissed. I hate existence and just want to sleep.
Angel's egg turns this emotion of emptiness into visual-audio form.

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Really, I have a slim hope of being there when friendly strong AI takes off, and gives everyone Gifts.

Generally, fear of missing out keeps me alive even though I hate my life and my fate

Fleeting bursts of happiness, sometimes good things occured to me and I was convinced that my situation will somehow improve with time. But lately I've sobered up and realized that they won't, things are shittier now than ever before. I don't know if I'll be alive in a month.

so you would be the man not the girl in that scenario? i tend to agree. i hope there is nothing in the egg. but i can wait to find out. and if there is something else ill just be upset about it until i find more distractions.

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better read up on roko's basilisk then user.

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My parents being traumatized by my death is the only thing stopping me. I don't talk to them but I don't have the heart to make anyone feel as depressed as I do.

Yes, I would be the cross-bearing man and smash the egg.
I love the symbolism in Angel's Egg. When the camera zooms out and reveals the island is a capsized boat, revealing God has abandoned us. That moment made me want to sleep.

Fear of death? No. Fear of the ultimate destruction of my ego? No. Fear of the very unlikely threat of entire damnation propogated by stinky jews in the desert who died thousands of years ago and employed very human-specific fear tactics to keep us docile, served up to us as "christianity?" Extremely.

Fear is a pretty strong motivator. My dogs too, I guess. They're the only thing I like in this world.

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Lesswrong is a circle of mentally ill (mostly depressed and autistic) intellectually impotent people. They only produce memes. True progress in AI is done at megacorps using deep reinforcement learning, and this progress won't stumble into any of lesswrong's hypotheticals.

I dont want to hurt my family, but this is suffering day in and out. ive accepted death long time ago. its fine. I just dont want to feel the pain anymore from this shit life and shit people making it worse

I actually had a friend who committed suicide in 2014. I more or less try my best to not have the same fate as them as I feel like it would be upsetting as I still talk with the same circle of friends they were in.

Although when they went it was really unexpected and it hurt me a lot since it was the first real death I experienced in my life.

I still miss you Peachy

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This is why I don't kill myself. I couldn't stand the thought of anyone else killing themselves because my example gave them the justification.

Im numb to all physical feeling and pain. I hope I dont end up like this again, but I think I will many times

that film was so bad

writing and hope

>What keeps you living?
My family, and the hope that one day it'll get better

I always switch my shit up whenever the good ol' suicide timer starts ticking
Last time it happend I was a computer engineer now im majoring in English
Im actually enjoying myself for once I haven't made any friends but reading books and playing ball at the school gym helps me forget about death

Most of the time is basically the notion that my sister could be a fuck-up like I am and my parents thinking they made something wrong that caused my death, when its just me that made me a failure at life.
Other times is the feeling that it could get better and its just a matter of time until something good happens.

artificial intelligence and automation. watching the world burn, watching humans become economically obsolete and made unemployable, and the consequent collapse that will most likely result from that, it was keeps my will to live existing

>Are you afraid of hurting others?
yep only reason im not dead, although im waiting on weeb shit so tahts cool :)

I don't know how I do it, but I'm really content with dying at any time. I'm not (horribly) depressed or anything, I guess it's just who I am. I don't go out of my way to talk to people, and I'd probably be fine with being single for the rest of my life. I'd be sad if my loved ones died, but the inheritance would fuel my future escapades and help grow friendships. I have ambitions but they're rather unclear; I'm planning to teach English in Japan for a few years, then return to the states for gradschool and eventually become an english prof. I got one of my papers published a few months back and got a lot of good feedback, so maybe I'll stick with the writer meme. I'd honestly be happy doing most things.
The people aren't really keeping me here.
My dreams aren't really keeping me here.
It's probably just because I love eating eggs, playing vidya, watching anime, etc.

only this

because i know when i kill myself, it'll be even more pointless as living right now,
only hope i have is, someday the japs will bring out some sex robots and ill just continue living alone with a robo harem

Literally sums up my entire reason for continuing my existence

angels egge

For me it's the chance, albeit slim chance, of being able to reproduce one day.
I almost kind of wish that I will wake up one day and become impotent so that I can let go of it all

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