Reason to live

Can anyone please give an ugly, dumb, autistic virgin with no family or friends a reason to live?

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Nope. Might as well end it

Right. Well I can't yet because it would hurt mom too much but in a few years I'm done. Just wondering because everyone goes on about how it's wrong to kill yourself yet there's zero value in something like me continuing to live.

I reccomend 12 Gauge through the roof of the mouth, quickest and least painful. It's a bitch to clean though, not your problem anyways

If WW3 or the end of the world happens you'll be there to witness it.
Technology is very likely to advance enough for sex robots to be cheap and accessible
VR waifus

Those are just a few from the top of my head

Getting a gun in my country is a hassle. I think I'm gonna try to find a high place to jump off of. I'm sure my primate brain would make my last seconds here full of terror but I think it would be interesting to fly for a bit.

>If WW3 or the end of the world happens you'll be there to witness it
I don't really care about that. I guess dying from a nuclear blast could either be a very easy or very uncomfortable way to die, so at least it will get the job done.

>Technology is very likely to advance enough for sex robots to be cheap and accessible
>VR waifus
I figure it's decades away from being worthwhile and even farther until it's financially applicable to me. Not that it would mean much more than a masturbation session anyway.

Okay, just dive head first so you don't somehow live and become a veggie for life. Like said though, waiting a few years would probably be beneficial

Remember to do a flip. Bonus points if doing that actually makes it less deadly, leaving you in excruciating pain.

When you die you respawn on an even harder difficulty, and depending on what you accomplished in your first run heavily affects your second run.
Oh and if you suicide it's basically fucked for life, you're born death and blind and in agony since your skin melts from some rare .000001% disease and your eyes are inside out so your face is constantly burning.

It's basically hell, have fun.

Prep for your personal Day of the retribution. Get a high score . Be Breive

That would depend on the height I can manage. Landing a skyscraper would definitely be tough but I don't feel like compromising on flying.

Do you honestly believe that or are you just trying to amuse yourself?

If someone is retarded enough to kill themselves then they are retarded enough to believe the shit I typed out.

Stop thinking about the past, and think about all the time you have and what you can create. Force yourself to change your focus, not necessarily to optimistic thinking - but positive thinking. What is tomorrow going to be like? What about the next month? If you had the willpower to do anything, what would your options be?

What's retarded about ending your suffering? Existence for a creature like me is torture.

Okay then kill yourself and find out what happens.
Just remember that when you end up making things even worse for yourself I'll be here alive and well enjoying my life.

Tomorrow is gonna be the same as any other day, because i would be the same. As I reiterate, I am dumb, ugly, autistic. None of these issues can be solved, none of these attributes can be improved. You are what you're born with and I chanced to be born with nothing, nor the external support of others to comfort and distract me.

Rather than willpower, I will tell you what I would do if I had any sort of ability. I'd get a lot of friends whom I'd selflessly help, and a girlfriend whom I'd love, marry and create a family with. I'd graduate with honors from an Ivy league university in Computer Engineering, and land a prestigious job where I spend every day working creatively and intelligently. My free time would be used on having fun with my friends and family, reading philosophy and literature, playing the piano, drawing, learning languages, watching film, swimming and expanding my knowledge in areas of interest like physics, mathematics and the like.

I'm glad that you're enjoying your life, but I truly reincarnate in an existence even worse than this one then I'll just continue killing myself through all of my incarnations.

Fucking idiot, you can already do that shit if you actually tried.
And don't give me some bullshit, unless you wageslave 2 jobs and live paycheck to paycheck then you obviously have had time to - yet decided not to try any of the shit you wrote.
You're just a fucking lazy self pittying loser.

As I said. I'm ugly and autistic. Me getting friends and lovers is impossible.

I also have an IQ of 90. The average IQ in computer engineering is ~130, higher for an Ivy League, higher still for honors. Same rule applies for all the areas of interest I mentioned, it's simply not feasible for me to interact in a meaningful way with them, it's not possible for a mind like mine.

Swimming doesn't really require intelligence in an obvious way, but I'm not athletic at all either so that's that.

You go around finding excuses for thing you cannot do?? You can still have what you desire but you're a cunt who wants to gain sympathy for things you could but didn't do. No wonders, you would think about killing yourself. You are not born this way, you have just find excuses for not having a life like that because you are dumb. People have the life you desire by trying. But you find it easy to kill yourself rather than trying to achieve them. Fucking kill yourself, you don't deserve to live this life. And don't wait for time, fucking do it now. You fucking shithole

It's easy to get friends, you just don't want to try. Lovers are more difficult.
If you'd study every day you'd get smarter. Taking 1 test to find out you're stupid and then not trying to get smarter means you're actually stupid. So congrats on figuring that out, now fix it.
If you're not athletic then get athletic. Do some pushups right now.

Life is all about perspective. You are asking for others to form a perspective on your behalf to make up for your lack of a direction. This is bad. Why? Because you are merely getting another individuals perspective, other than your own. It's like asking a random user to donate you blood, you might get lucky, and get what you need, but odds are you're fucked.

If you don't want to become an hero, then sit down with yourself and have some hard introspection. Western society is plauged by people like you, who like direction, because we no longer have to struggle for our basic needs. Life has become too easy.

What you, OP, need to do is spend many hours reflecting on who you are, what you've done, and the why's behind absoloutely everything that makes you, you. This way, you shall form a perspective on your being, it may end with you concluding that death is the option... and that is okay, because it is your perspective. Normies say life is what you make it, this is wrong. Life is, in fact, what you believe it to be.

Your entire post contradicts itself. You claim he's looking for an outside perspective and doesn't want one of his own. Yet you also go and give your perspective on his life, which is what he wants.

He's been given advice and won't take it, your post is just like all the other posts. He wants to read how you feel about him, he doesn't want to actually do anything. Posting about it isn't helping, you're just proving yourself right by showing how pointless posting is.

That's not true. People don't have the life I desire solely by trying, they have it buy possessing the genetic requirement then putting in the effort. I'm also offended that you assume I never tried. I have many times and failed, since I do not have what it takes.

It's not easy for me to get friends. My heart starts racing and my throat closes up whenever I try to initiate conversation, and that's only if I'm fortunate enough to have come up with anything that's not entirely cringeworthy to say.

Studying every day certainly does not make you smarter. Crystallized and fluid intelligence are two separate things, and though the former is correlated and affected by the latter, the opposite is false.

By being unathletic I meant I did not possess the normal man's athletic aptitude, which is to say after the same amount of training as an average person I would achieve less than them. Which is to say, I progress at a slower rate and have a lower ceiling.

It's ridiculous not to make us of the knowledge of people who aren't as suicidal as me, who tell me everyday that suicide is wrong. Clearly they see something I don't. To go further, all we are is based on all we consume based on our genetic base. Introspection is just sorting through all that data through the genetic lens that acquired it, which I am doing with every single post given to me. They think I don't because they assume I'm simply dismissing their ideas, but the truth is I have already executed all of their adviced plans and failed multiple times.

You say that life has become too easy, but nothing is different. Life is still about surviving and thriving based on ability, of which I have none. Surviving might have kept my mind busy when it was more difficult, but I'm certain no one has ever found value in a life that's solely based on survival.

As I said above, I took your advice years ago and failed many times. I can't succeed in academics with my slow mind no matter how much I study. I never managed to make friends no matter how hard I tried. I exercised and ate well but it never brought me anywhere. What more can I do with what I've been given? I am simply not a brilliant person, I've run out of things to distract me from that fact, I'm alone and I don't feel like wageslaving my remaining decade while being so.

>It's not easy for me to get friends.
Because you don't try.
>Studying every day certainly does not make you smarter.
You're actually stupid if you believe this.
>after the same amount of training as an average person I would achieve less than them
So you're just lazy.

Everything you say is either wrong or because you're too beta to change yourself.

I don't get what you're saying at all. Studying does not make you more intelligent. You're born with a certain IQ and it doesn't rise up. If that were possible downies wouldn't be having as difficult a time as they are.

Lazy... how? By giving the exact same effort as everyone else and achieving less? Are the disabled lazy? Are the talented simply training instead of sleeping? You can't deny reality.

>Tomorrow is gonna be the same as any other day, because i would be the same.
>None of these issues can be solved, none of these attributes can be improved.
You're being very unfair to yourself. You're reducing your infinitely complex behaviors and feelings to a few insults, which is unrealistic, unproductive thinking. There are skills that you have yet to learn, but you're the only one who expects you to already know everything. Take responsibility for your self-love instead of relying on others to make you love yourself, and you'll find that a lot of your suffering is unwarranted.

Your dreams seem promising and worth pursuing, except for the ultra-prestigious job/education. You can have a fulfilling job that makes use of your creative skill without being in such a competitive environment.

Those prestigious titles are proxy for an innate ability. I'm sure someone with creative ability can make use of it without thriving in those competitive environments, but I'm certain someone without it would never even be able to.

Hell does not exist you fucking stupid christcuck

>would never even be able to
Be able to what? What's your goal, just to have people think you're smart?

Not only is intelligence highly correlated to success which would make anyone happy, it's also basically the setter for success at every you do, it sets the depth and broadness of your consciousness. There's a reason that when people describe other's intelligence the use degrees of light, like brilliant or luminescent. They are able to see more light in life. My life is like a crack in an underground shelter during winter.

>success would make anyone happy
Not necessarily. And intelligence does not give you a positive mindset. A genius can live alone, dwelling on how much they hate themselves instead of doing good work.

There are many people who are less intelligent than you and happy. That's because life offers many different pleasures, and everyone can find a unique part to play.

IQ scores honestly dont mean shit. it constantly changes and studying and actually fucking trying instead of giving up without doing jack shit will help out a lot and make it so you have a chance at stuff like that.

if you get less returns for the same amount of work just work harder retard. also that probably isnt even true you just havent tried hard enough.

and i saw what you were saying befor about making friends and the more you socialize the more likely you are to make friends with people and be good at interacting so if you stop being a fucking lazy shithead you would probably be able to do what you want.

Whatever, man. Believe what helps you sleep at night, but the truth is not everyone can succeed at everything by trying. Study as hard as I might some matters come down to intelligence which cannot be improved. If you believe intelligence can be improved, you're ignorant of the truth.

Asking for a reason to live. It's not the best of ideas. Mostly because anything at all can be a reason to live, if you choose to pursue. This plight starts before reason. It's an emotional one that gives rise to negative, self destructive thought patterns. The even if everything is okay in life, something doesn't feel right or fit kind of problem. This is an incredibly okay to have, and normal problem too. No matter how far down into the depths of darkness you go, you can always find another bright shining day in comparison. For even a mundane day, with a positive attitude to one, comes off as a better more positive day. Then a day mundane in nature, approached from self destructive negativity. There isn't some miracle answer for this, it starts with you. Just like any other choice you make. But by realizing that the emotional aspect is swaying you to despair first, and then allowing logical processing to start from there. It will only give rise to self destructive habits, thought patterns etc. Coming out of depression for good really does take time, but you can always start. That is a good reason to not die by choice. You can always start something good, even if it doesn't pan out the way it was supposed to. Even if the result is bad. You can find something about it, and laugh about it, cry about it, rejoice about it. But there is always another thing left to do. It's mostly opportunity.

For me, the biggest reason I chose not to kill myself. Is that dying literally doesn't change anything given how big the Universe is. I'm happy just to see whats right around the corner these days. Key word happy, and more content than enthused. Not jubilation, not pats on the back. Just content/happy.

Attached: Reasons to not die by choice.jpg (1910x807, 802K)

That is just a very small portion of the sky we can see. Very, very small. More stars pop up, the more you zoom in. I really, really love google sky for the opportunity to witness this.