This brapzilla queen claims cardio kills ass gains

Cardiobunnies btfo

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Not all bulimics munt. Loads of birds use cardio as a method of purging.

>taking advice from an instagram thot

>Healthy relationship with food
>Minimal cardio
7 meals of chicken and broccoli, eggs and oats confirmed

What language is that?

Left looks way better. I fucking hate the ass meme. Disgusting horse ass fat whore

obviously fat stores are genetic, some people hold it in their obliques, gut, ass, thighs, etc

this brapthot got lucky, a lot of her adipose tissue collects on her ass and breasts rather than her gut. She gained weight, both muscle and fat, and it rounded her out. would sniff


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She looks better on the left to me.

a) bitch is sucking in her gut
b) she's probably had lip
c) shes fat
d) shes a dumb instathot, who cares OP you're a faggot


should clarify - areas where fat is stored are genetic*

Then you're gay

A lot of these insta ass girls have had insertions haven’t they

>taking health advice from an instagram whore
Only heartlets and fat fucks shit on cardio.

4 years.

This begs the question, does cardio improve leg gains?

>a) bitch is sucking in her gut
>b) she's probably had lip
>c) shes fat
>d) shes a dumb instathot, who cares OP you're a faggot

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specifically, running/jogging

If this bitch did cardio now and kept training she'd have a shredded ass with about the same mass. It would look disgusting to 99% of straight men but it wouldn't kill her gains.

it is 100% true, round butt is round cause of fat, bitch got fat and got huge ass, wheres the cathc ?

her thighs look the same size, her butt is bigger and her arms are basically the same size too.
she just started actually training her glutes.
it's not genetics

Kind of. As a distance runner base training is essential because you'll develop endurance and skeletal muscular strength that will allow your body to handle the constant pounding that running inflicts on your legs. I don't think that has any real benefit for lifters though. Maybe sprinting might help. At most running will probably just help you get leaner.

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>>unhealthy relationship with food, training, cardio
Well there's her problem /( -.-)\

>caloric surplus
>jog routinely
>lift heavy routinely
>make ass gains
If the calories are there, the ass will be there, it really isn't hard

wow it’s almost as if she started eating enough and training her glutes, what a shocker!
>taking an instathots anecdote as evidence cardio kills all gains
>not looking at the science
>being this big of a retarded faggot and still managing to make a thread

Left unironically looks better

She’s standing up straighter on the left and almost breaking her back on the right tho

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>left: PPT
>right: APT

Photos could have been taken 1 chinky meal apart, really. Zero meaningful progress.

>Photos could have been taken 1 chinky meal apart,

Full retard

She went from qt3.14 came to meet Mom, to instathot single mom Jamal gone

Fucking 10/10 face.

How old is she?

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>link to my bootyplan
What proof do we have that these insta bootythots haven't had booty surgery?

>do cardio
>dont lift

>dont do cardio
Guys it was totally the cardio that was preventing me from making gains and not the fact i wasnt lifting. I couldnt possibly lift and do cardio, that would be crazy.

Shes pretty but has a very sloped forehead, thats a male characteristic.

>fat arms
>flexing her bum in the second pic
If she stood upright like the first pic her ass would be just as flat.

Also a massively high hairline.

>that massive forehead/bad hairline
>tiny mouth
>weak chin

Mouth and chin look good, I'll concede the hairline and forehead though.

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God damn you're dumb

>all the incels talking shit
You faggots would be lucky if this chick even glanced at you in the mirror at the gym.

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>do cardio
>burn cals
>don't make up for cals with more food
>lose mass

Hahaha that picture!

Left is nearly fucking perfect for 3D. Right is too damn big and unproportional.

Real talk

What the fuck is the point of doing cardio if you’re just going to cancel the calories you just burned by eating them?


Makes the heart better at pumping blood around the body you fucking faggot?

I'd rather left desu

She looked better in the first pic.

goddamn i wanna follow her now but then she'll know i'm a Jow Forums weirdo

>she just started actually training her glutes.

More like she just got plastic surgery.

Cardiovascular health, you think the only reason people do cardio is to lose weight?

depends on how well your fat distributes
genetics is everything


You’re the real faggot. Go choke on scoobys dick.

Slope Mongoloid forehead is not ideal

I'd like to get into that fjord if you know what I mean

Right is arching her back way further. She's probably only slightly larger then before irl

That's just a big nordic forehead


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Thin cardiobunnies >>>> (((brap thicc))) bullshit

Looks worse than Gal Gadot. Congrats.

Not a fan of those flabby arms desu
She could do with combining both cardio and heavy lifting

Stop trying to get women to lift anything more than their bodies.

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left is perfect
rights is almost kardashian disgusting