I'm going to college tomorrow

I'm going to college tomorrow.

Wish me luck frens

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>going to college

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Good luck. My first day of my Senior year is tomorrow.

You'll be fine
Socialanxietyfag here
Just relax, unless there's any of that stupid forced "lets go around and introduce ourslves" bullshit
It won't be as bad as you think it is (most of the time)

Staying on campus then?

Part of me kinda wishes I had stuck it out for college. Part of me wishes I had stayed on campus. Since moving out, Ive realized that literally the entirety of my depression was caused by living with my mother (whos great but I cant fucking stand her)

I went to college.

It was terrible. I basically spent 4 years going to classes that sucked 75% of the time and then spending the rest of that time in my room.

It was only better than high school because you could choose your classes.

Yeah. I'm getting on a plane and leaving home by a good distance

Itll be bad for me (not OP btw) because I cannot make the "r" sound. No one will know what I'm saying (r)eeeeeeeee

>start college
>most people don't know each other, but some groups start forming
>people talk to each other
>time passes
>everyone is friends with each other
>everyone talking, laughing, and even dating
>you haven't talked to no one yet
>new people arrive
>new people start talking to each other and the old ones
>they become friends with everyone
>everyone but you
good luck on college user

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You don't need luck, fren. Do your best.

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Speech impediments are shitty and potentially (probably?) embarrassing
But you know what the silver lining is? Anybody who, off the bat, makes fun of your speech, you instantly know is not worth wasting your time on. Fuck that shit.

Good luck op , make us proud

Wait. If I make fun of someone with a speech impediment isn't that just making fun of someone? Can't they grow a thicker skin and poke back at me instead of ghosting me forever?

Way too accurate. Social groups are the same as high school but it's worse since the work is harder and you're trapped in a small ass dorm room forced to be around normies

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>mfw this is me
>start uni 3 weeks ago
>mid year entry so most people already have been there for 6 months and already know each other
>go to all my classes and see normies talking to each other and planning out their social events or dates
>mfw I know I will be spending my time sitting in my room drinking cheap booze and watching anime or fapping while the normies are out having fun
Although it is pretty comfy to sit around drinking and watching movies or anime or playing vidya the loneliness is getting to me

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Are you staying in dorms? Because you could make friends with people from your dorm.

Knowing someone from here, no. You'll just come off as a faggot

No I live off campus with my parents

You're making fun of something they have no control over. Unless you're good friends that'll usually put you on their shit list, no matter what their response is.

reminder that female friends>male friends

I've been sociliazing with males the whole time, socializing with femalsis much more fun

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uni oldfag here, just bee yourself

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>tfw not allowed to choose classes
My government considers college to be an extension of high school, so you have no real choices of any sort. We even have a non-optional PE class. Not even private universities are exempt.

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I just wish they could make fun of me and get even instead of actually ghosting me forever.

Hey man good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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And you get drunk by yourself in your room in your parents' house? Isn't that weird? Are they cool with it?

And I wish I could ask a girl out without the cops getting involved, but it's not happening. You can only change yourself.

You go to bsu?

Don't say no If you get invited somewhere and say yes if someone offers you recreational drugs/alcohol as long as it's not heroin/pcp (hardcore drugs).

Don't be a fag and get all pissy when people talk about trump, either don't talk about politics, act like you don't care or act like a your a lefty, you might as well shoot yourself in the foot if you start saying things that seem even a little bit conservative.

Get over the tism and just hang out if people want you around, laugh at peoples jokes even if they weren't all that funny, drink and get fucked up as much as possible to get rid of your autism.

Don't make excuses, you have time to hang out, you will be miserable if you don't make time and socialize, this ain't high school, most people are pretty chill.

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>My government considers college to be an extension of high school
your government sucks
>We even have a non-optional PE class
your government is fucking homosexual

>most people are pretty chill
Maybe by 2nd or third year
first year is just fresh outta highschool students who feel they have something to prove

this is true

That sucks majorly user, what country do you live in that has these shitty laws?

I forgot to mention that most groups/friendships start the first week of college, for the love of god, please try to make friends as hard as you can the first week, take phenibut the first or second day.. or both of class to be chad lite/outgoing, some people will love you and some will hate you, it's normal.
Please be careful with phenibut, only take it once a week as it can be very very addictive, once a week is fine.

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I can ree really well

Icebreakers are the fucking devil

Not everyone though, it's always those three or four little queers that want to act out, not everyone is going to like you, it's just life, they are just making a fool of themselves.

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This is true. They won't have that highschool clique, and there are more serious consequences since Uni is an adult institution and not a glorified daycare. Nevertheless, I think he'll run into more those chads and queers with something to prove in first year than in subsequent years. Then by second or third year, the workload will have separated the wheat from the chaff and you'll have more people who are genuinely chill

Yes they are. I've had to do them a a couple times spaced with years and years in between the two instances, and each time i just rolled my eyes thinking is this really fucking necessary

Romania. We probably got the idea from Poland, though.

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