I request a thread for Ideal Girlfriends !

I request a thread for Ideal Girlfriends !

Attached: gf die.png (720x720, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:


fall for meme gf

Attached: gf feminized.jpg (680x275, 23K)

gf diapering

Attached: gf mom poo.png (809x720, 49K)

gf love book

Attached: gf book.png (1152x648, 35K)

Take your fantasy and be ashamed

Attached: 1515026702836.png (1190x557, 39K)

>I request a thread for Ideal Girlfriends !
I deliver

Attached: bullygf.png (800x400, 49K)

>image dump thread on Jow Forums
You're not making this easy, user.

Attached: 1531184337549.jpg (680x639, 58K)

Now that's a perfect pizza pie

This is essentially nagatoro then user.

I know, pretty much

Attached: 1525324438191.png (820x820, 43K)

This is (mostly) my gf, it's great to have someone who really depends on you. It gives you the confidence to better yourself. Not to metion it gives you a reason to do so, since she needs someone to depend on to keep her stable.

anybody have a Tall Girl GF image?

does this one work for you?

Attached: 1501052107490.png (1280x720, 108K)

>not having a mommy GF
Why even live? To just suffer?

Attached: F5987231-0FDE-4758-BAE8-41EAAE3C40ED.jpg (767x480, 55K)

>ywn bury your face in a woman's breasts

Attached: not literal art.jpg (900x750, 220K)

this ones is... strangely nice

Pls mr user, I need that David Bowie gf, gimme that pls

>she will never exist

Attached: sketch-1533673569322.png.png (1366x768, 127K)

nuzzles and licks

Attached: tulpa girlfriend 1533058586327.png (601x412, 15K)

fuckin based and redpilled as hell

Watch out for best gf

Attached: 1526866365905.png (500x600, 38K)

Ooof... this one sure is fucking dark.

please connect USB to port

Attached: Printer.png (798x500, 35K)


imagining getting playfully and also seriously angry in this kind of relationship is amusing me greatly
>tfw into mommydom but not toilet shit

Attached: 1533535700653.png (1249x691, 85K)

oof my dick

good taste, Jow Forums is a GFD board

Attached: gfdgf drawn.jpg (1080x1080, 96K)

Throw yourself into a woodchipper.

I fixed your meme so its more accurate

Attached: 1534492370578.png (601x412, 13K)

truly original comment that is really worth posting

Attached: file.png (595x432, 27K)

>t. roastie butthurt she'll never be like the gf in that pic

>using the omote manji

Attached: annihlate.jpg (268x277, 17K)

>when someone posts your OC
good taste the both of you, keep hoping lads

Attached: 1524189091664.png (782x1304, 451K)

Always stick your dick in crazy. Just don't use your real name, let her know where you live, or introduce her to anyone you know.

Attached: 1512967672179.png (968x705, 41K)

Sometimes I wish Jow Forums supported multiple image posting like a lot of other chans do. At least on the image dump boards. It would make things so much easier.

Attached: 1507087379879.png (680x290, 115K)

just use pic related and add as many images as you can to your .zip or .7z before it reaches 2MB (this board's upload limit)

I think the image might not work so get it from here

>and once again something In cannot have, for she likely does not exist

Attached: gsg gf.png (400x400, 24K)

Youre a fucking sociopath and your girlfriend wishes for a better life everyday

>Just don't use your real name, let her know where you live, or introduce her to anyone you know.
maybe that's why I can't find a bf

>I stole fourty cakes just for you

Attached: fourty keks.png (2920x792, 572K)

>think thread is fucking stupid
>See this
I'm both aroused and sad that I'll never meet a woman that perfect.

real Russophile hours

Attached: Tsarist GF.png (400x400, 28K)

I want one where her IQ is ramped up by about 20 points above gifted so she has no choice but to be intellectual, dark, and bubbly at the same time

40 cakes?! That's terrible!

posting the classic version first

Attached: clingy feedee gf.png (853x479, 135K)

posting the even-more fetishized and over-cluttered version

Attached: lactating clingy feedee gf.png (853x479, 159K)

As far as I know you haven't been able to embed images like that for a long time. Thet fixed that becuase people were using it to distribute cheese pizza.

Attached: 1516487487653.png (754x584, 34K)

went from not hot to diamonds thanks to lactation, thank you

Let's split the difference.

Attached: 1515443665362.jpg (886x525, 77K)

for some reason I believe you are Serbian.

I've got the GF for you right here.

Attached: 1515439241903.png (1206x582, 41K)

nope, I am an American who became a little infatuated with Serb culture and very infatuated with Serb history

>TFW no conceptually meta GF

Attached: 1513102741576.jpg (675x499, 30K)

>tfw bosnian
H-hello there brother

Attached: 1533709189876.png (510x634, 400K)

you are welcome for the experience, my fellow patrician

>me 5 years ago.
I am glad it is just voices in my head now.

Attached: 1534490040450.gif (500x532, 904K)

oh and I forgot to mention that I'm very very infatuated with Yugo war music, of which I do appreciate a few Bosniak artists as well as the Serbs that I usually listen to

That is pretty nice actually.
Not many people come across our culture and
admire it.
Still sad that Yugoslavia is no more.

Attached: 1513834878739.jpg (403x403, 96K)

and as well as post Yugo songs I've grown to quite like Yugo rock

lowkey it is sad that Yugo collapsed, but I have pretty Capitalistic views so I view it as perhaps symptomic of socialist policies (Yugo was more prosperous than any other socialist country due to toleration of capitalism to a large degree)

I like to imagine how a more capitalistic, meritocratic Kingdom of Yugo would have done had it not gotten memed on by the Krauts and then the commies

I need this girl

Why is everything like this?

Attached: Vegeta_Crying.png (1024x582, 346K)

My thoughts exactly.
Stay chill American friend, it will get better.

Hope you also stay chill Yugobro, and may brighter days be ahead for you all


Attached: Yugo Aesthetic.png (800x495, 416K)

don't we all man

Shame 90+% of people into it are men and very few women genuinely like being big

If you are so derranged why don't you just stalk them?

this is true, can I just get a fat feedee gf pls this is all I want in life

this shit genuinely tilts me every time i see it

Attached: 1533462879706.jpg (656x644, 275K)

I'm waiting for my yandere costume to arrive

dated these before

Maybe we'll just need to settle for fat gfs and enable them into it or have them pretend to like it

>she won't stop screaming!

>literal who folk musicians crying about muh clay

Now THIS is my ideal gf!

Attached: 7E10D183-E0A4-4C62-9AB0-2CB8B2315ECB.jpg (657x527, 44K)

agreed. that one and mix of the gentle femdom gf


Attached: d6.jpg (500x301, 24K)

tfw no bullied gf

Attached: IMG_20180710_004924.png (720x464, 225K)

Have you ever dated a cyborg?

Attached: 1501129327844.png (1000x468, 52K)

tfw no mentally incompetent gf :(

Attached: OC.png (800x600, 23K)

Would you originally help her?

Attached: FB_IMG_1527264140031.jpg (1048x494, 71K)

She could originally help you.

Attached: _0.png (883x371, 19K)

>only loves you because you'll put up with her before she dies
>freak, likely/is mentally ill, you will give her up eventually
>will act superior to you and make you feel insecure, probably will cuck you
>1% chance she stays that way forever
>is/will get disgusted with you eventually, will never have children, embarrassed of you

Top tier

Sounds like a burden

You'll show us how it looks once it arrives right?

This is the orgiinal besttt

Attached: christiancommunist.png (536x354, 13K)

even if it's sorta freaky (the last one tagged in that grouping), there are certain mental illnesses I'm okay with/think I can deal with so I don't think I'd give her up (Especially because she's an amalgamation my fetishes)

The best one right here, no other gfs can compare to that which comes from beyond the void.

Attached: 1533547424502.png (800x600, 29K)

the japs did support the white army so that's based

Best one right here, can't top her

this is the ideal gf
peak female form

Attached: 1533815060104.jpg (800x712, 137K)

hi whats you name sweetie


[ignore: originaliosiogiogis]

This is sad because aborted gf's are pretty much the only pure girls left. You either die a virgin in the womb or live long enough to see yourself become a roastie. Sad

hi thnks ok bye

(jvjnfojri fknikhkbhkbjk original)

>oh oops user I know we've been together 5 years but I just read a study saying you're just using me because you're a sociopath so I need to stop seeing you on basically last episode now
>I can recommend you to another therapist though
>have a nice life
shit tier gf

Secretly I would want for this to happen to me but instead I am this guy attached :(

Attached: received_2117138438499457.png (1920x1080, 518K)

i have never related to an image so painfully and deeply ..i feel you, fellow infjbro.. i feel you

Attached: 1421619813496.jpg (200x193, 5K)

bcuz just wanted to know

>dont hit me again

Attached: gf crystal cafe.jpg (1213x953, 129K)

fair enough x