Nice radioanon, did you go alone like a robot? did you camp?
Justin Hughes
As always this part of working nightshifts is the most lonely and silent, good video OP i think i can sleep to that after I finish wageslaving.
David Jones
I went with a small group which I immediately regretted because everyone is too damn loud. Did have a nice backpacking day with one of my close friends from high school, basically the only person that I still talk to. Met a nice old couple on the trail and they let me use their uv pen to purify a bottle of Creek water, tasted so damn good. We did camp for 3 nights. Pic related is from last week, went to Catalina Island with said friend and fished
Yeah, it was a very comfy day backpacking, a gentle rain most of the time until I got caught in a hailstorm. It was kinda draining being around so many people for a camping trip though, I would have preferred just the 1 friend.
Yeah, in my country they're calles Night shifts or 3rd Shifts. I work at a 7-11 and the best and worst part is the loneliness of it all, its good to be paid by sleeping, but once you wake up the feels come to you and it slowly turn you down.
Charles Parker
always wanted to try working a job like thay. next song is for you m8 ;)