Femanons, do you look down on other girls for being different? Or do you feel inferior for being so different from them?

Femanons, do you look down on other girls for being different? Or do you feel inferior for being so different from them?

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What the fuck does this post mean? Different in what way? Why are your gay ass threads always so vague?

I like trying to feel superior to girls that follow every trend and do every thing they can to fit in. Whether it's the girl that follows the latest Instagram trends, is always reading the top fashion blogs, or is a sorority girl wearing the same comfort color t-shirt her "sisters" wear I try to think "at least I have my identity." Then I realize that I'm the one wearing the same old sweaters and jeans I've had since high school and all the boys that come over are there for my roommate and not me.

Lolz im a guy but I can relate

>be girl
>dress masculine

I really couldn't give a shit either way. I know i'm a trainwreck NEET and I just want to find some hovel to die in.

Post asl and interests desu, neet out with me

>he thinks tomboys want relationships

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Whose parents' house are we supposed to live in?

Whichever, probably yours cuz my parents hate me and only tolerate me for now

i am far from girly but i am not one to shout "im not like the other girls!!!" i always been who i was since i was a kid. on the other hand i dont ever feel insecure with who i am so if girls look down on me for not ticking off all of the boxes on what a girl should be, then whatever
most of the time i prefer to spend my time own my own playing vidya or watching anime over the company of people anyway

What about watching anime and playing vidya with the company of others

I already put up two other NEETs here over the years and the living conditions here are pretty abysmal. Also I'm old, and boring, and all I do is drink, sleep, smoke, and watch chinese cartoons and tv.

Age and location desuuuu

i stopped believing in santa and other mythological creatures when i was 12.

29, NJ, so if you're in Europe i'm fucked.

that can be sometimes fun, its especially comfy if the vidya/anime is something you both enjoy

Would you care to chat? Talk about vidya and anime and perhaps partake together?

Not a eurofag but I am all the way in fl ;;

Not that user but I'm a NYbot. I'm closer so that AUTOMATICALLY MAKES YOU MINE!

Tomboys have no trouble finding relationships tho.

That's far, but still possible to drive to. Cheaper too.

I would entertain the idea of getting 1 or 2 femanon roomates at this point, but I don't want to leech off of boomers anymore.

Sounds good, too bad I'm not a Femanon :

No, I wouldn't even invite guys over to this place. I'd actually pay my other roomates to get a room if they wanted to have someone over.

sure thing, i could use a comfy fren
im busy for like 2-3 hours but feel free to send a request at my discord and ill accept it later

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It's not personal, it's just enough of a leap to leave the nest and trust people like myself around my things. I don't wanna play any fucking headgames with dudes anymore i'm tired of it.

Sent a req, I'll be going to sleep soonish so when I'm up we can have a comfy anime sesh

Dont worry desu, I totally get it. I also wouldnt invite other men to neet at my house with me, dunno if you're a dude or not, but unless it was a communal neet house idk if I would be bout that anyway.

I look down on some, I feel inferior to others.
Depends who they are.

Regardless of gender, when you get a roomate you have to worry if they're a junkie, if they will bring junkies over that can case the joint anytime while you're out wagecucking, if they will spy on you, etc. Mixing genders just adds to the laundry list of problems that come with living with people you don't know that well.

I've never done a non prescription drug in my life :^) I'd also probably never move in with anyone I didnt know pretty well, no final fantasy house for me

See I have, and I don't plan on stopping if I can help it, but it wouldn't be a dealbreaker unless I had to quit weed, which would probably be the case anyway if I moved out because I'd have no connections anymore. I would just take sleeping pills and be practically invisible.

If you moved to place its medically or recreationally legal it's easy, costs 20 some dollars to get a "doctor" to diagnose medical for your anxiety

Yeah in my state it is going to be legal next month so I'm glad I don't have to worry about that anymore, even though I have gone out of my way not to make stupid mistakes and get caught with it anyway. And the cops don't seem to care, but a couple of them have personal issues with me so the knowledge that they can't screw me over is nice.

Am gonna sleep now desu. Good luck, I hope you find good vetted roommates to neet with

Is there some fembot interested on talking to me everyday and fall asleep on vc every night here? I will give affection and will sing songs with my guitar for you ;-; also we can play videogames and watch movies/anime on rabbit together, I love old anime and old movies, and listen to music too I enjoy it and Id truly like it. I can share my discord if someone is willing to ...

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I hope so too. I'm not feeling crippling despair for the first time in two weeks so maybe things will get better. Gn user.

If you post disc I will add you, but it's almost time for me to sleep, and I don't have a mic. Not a dude, I just never wanted to participate in conversations on games in the past and honestly just haven't ever really used discord. I wouldn't reject the idea of getting one eventually.

Now that he's gone let's talk about how hard we're going to screw. Are you up right now because your sleep schedule is fucked like mine?

Can I add you instead? I don't mind if you're really a guy either I just want someone else's presence

Didn't meant to tag you in sorry

>Are you up right now because your sleep schedule is fucked like mine?
Yep been up till 5am this whole goddamn time just being miserable.
>I just want someone else's presence
If I post mine I won't know it's you who's adding me when the troops arrive. They know you're a guy, they won't fuck with you.

Okay! My discord is nothingtodo#6939 oh so you must be from the usa, don't worry I'm okay with it!! Well now you can use it to talk and stuff it will be fun I promise ^^ well add me and we'll talk!

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Ah.. never mind he beat me to it. Good night user

I don't look down on them but I dislike the way men assume that girls who dress like grandmas must be pure virgins even though many are just Staceys who like floral dresses. I'm a 27yo HHKV and I have a mini afro and dress bit like a teenager skater dude.

Since I'm a useless piece of garbage, I usually take naps throughout the day which leaves me staying up all night.

You're looking for a gf though, right?

That's exactly what I've been doing. I'm almost fully nocturnal at this point. I am 75% sure my body is shutting down because of how low my vitamin D levels are.

No? LDR is a meme and a waste of time. I just want to pretend

If I post my discord you'll add?

So now I've reached an impasse where I don't know who's who. This is why we can't have nice things.

One dude was talking about falling asleep on vc. I'm not that dude.

I hear that, my skin hasn't felt direct sunlight going on 2 years now. Hell, indirect sunlight barely touches my skin as my curtains are always closed.

Uhmm this user the first user..
Look at the pics I'm posting!

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Ok idc as long as it doesn't cause a chimpout.

Just dont wanna post discord if you arent gonna add desu

No go ahead. I'm still wide awake somehow.

Girl in image is G A Y as fuck lmao
Lesbians should be crucified

Discord is selomepe#0127 desu

talking everyday on vc honestly sounds too mentally draining. im incapable of even holding basic conversations nowadays because of how far ive fallen

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Can it be once a week?
Is me. I don't want to form any kind of attachment because I'm too mentally ill for that, but I do want to talk to a girl

a week could be nice, but i can honestly see you pressuring me all the time anyway. apologies user

They look down on stacies because they are insecure about stacies. Duh.

Please tell me where to find cute tomboys

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