When was the last time you talked to a friend IRL

Tell me how long it has been for you?

>about 6 years for me
remidner that if you have friends IRL you are a normie

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I don't have any friends, but I do talk to my boss at work once in a while, he's s piece of shit though.

I talk to other losers on discord in my server...makes life a bit better

I haven't talked to actual friends in real life in 5 years, give or take

Yesterday I bought some stuff from her. Very good stuff

Who the artist or the girl? you got her merch?
GG bro.

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5 years
I don't even know where to get a new friend

My friend sorry Im a mechless pleb

so you have friends?
must be nice man GG on that.,

i have never had a friend

I like catgirls, thanks user

Maybe while I was 16-17, possibly younger.
I'm 18 now, I've been a social recluse for a few years and I stay indoors mostly, I've avoided getting friends cause I don't enjoy socialising.

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oh hi satania poster who wont share reacts of her!!!
Yeah man, im similar man...are you become a hikki?

Been about a month since. Once a month is usually how often I talk to him and is the only friend I've stayed in contact with since I left school two years ago. Now I don't have anyone at work to interact with except my boss who's an oldfag that I never like to talk to, so I spend every waking minute apprehending when he's going to text me, so I can finally socialize with somebody.

Probably a month now. One of my old hs buddies had a bad breakup so we hung out and got assblasted.

I have a couple friends that I talk to at work I guess but we don't hang out outside of work so I'm not sure if that counts.

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>every waking minute apprehending when he's going to text me, so I can finally socialize with somebody.
do you talk to people online man? chat to anons on discord man makes me feel a bit better lel.
hey I dropped my tag in a spoiler up above add me

Last time I talked to a friend was over 4 years ago

2 days ago desu

it gets easier around about then...

Three years, no online friends in that time either.

Uh...no idea. Maybe about four or five years?

4 years ago. My friend found a new group of friends to hang out with and left me behind.

I have 4 IRL friends. I haven't seen and talked to 3 of them face to face since February, and the other one since November . I only talk to them via discord nowadays. Mostly through text chat.

Only 4 years for me. At least right now interaction in games and online is sufficient. Good luck anons.

Talking to one right now hehe

I don't even remember. Probably 2 years ago? I can't remember the last time I actually talked to a friend in-person. I used to have a friend I would hang out with but he moved a considerable distance away so I only talk to him occasionally on steam

About a month ago, user

>>the last time you talked to friends
There is no such thing, i thought i had a small tight knit group of "friends" but those dont actually exist.
The word your lookig for is buddy, because a friends wouldnt betray you, spread lies about you and leave you in the dust like a loser.
You wanna know your only real friend?
You fuckin wallet and nothing else, money is the only thing that will do me any favours.

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last time you talked to a buddy then man

Amy Rose is wearing a microkini!

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17 years. No joke. 20 years without a best friend.

What are we counting as a friend?
If it's actual friends who care about me, then never, I've never had a single one.
If it's people I used to hang out with because we had the same class together, the last time I spoke to any of them was 2 or 3 years ago when high school ended.
If I can count that one priest I got along with who did confessions, he moved to another diocese a few months ago and I've never seen him since.

20 years ago. As originally as my memory would have it.

about 10 minutes ago when they tried to get me to follow them to the beach

2 weeks ago, we went out and get wasted, might do it again tomorrow.

Why would god make a friendless virgin faggot? Ever ask him anything like that?

It's fine, I don't really need friends.

I mena nayone man, im hikki and havent talked to a non health worker or mummy for 6 years...
if you hang out with people count them as friends for purpose of the trhead.

awwww fen

I'm not sure if going to confession counts as hanging out. It was probably just the usual stuff for him, I always form attachments where they aren't at.
I think I'm becoming a hikki, too. I hardly ever leave my house anymore unless I'm forced to. Usually to do yardwork.