HGH only for cutting

Has anyone here ever done a HGH only cutting cycle?!
And if so, what did you use? Genotropin, Somatropin, Hygetropin, something else?

What were your results aand what was your diet like?

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bump for dosages

Bump for interest

bump for even more interest

>hgh cutting cycle
Stupidest thing I've read today.

You're asking like there's a difference between types of growth hormone. You may as well be asking how people reacted to different brands of creatine monohydrate.
They're all the fucking same you mong.

You can't afford real GH anyway so go buy some Hygetropin bollocks. £100 says it's just hcg anyway.

You just proved yourself worng there bud. Only Somatropin ( the REAL human growth hormone) costs several thousand euros a month. Genotropin and the rest, also Strongtropin and Jintropin, are all peptides closely related to hgh but they miss at least one amino acid.
Thats why they have similar effects, but only at much higher dosages.

Oh, and you also have no idea about hormones so stop posting in this thread

And the others cost around 400euros a month for 4 IUs

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. HGH takes months before you will notice any changes and price to performance ratio is so fucking low it's not even worth mentioning. This shit is for professionals who absolutely NEED to get every bit of advantage they can.

Professionals use low doses of chinese hgh to bulk?

I doubt it. Pros take around 20. And hgh only doesn´t build muscle. You´ll need insulin and T3 or T4, because hgh suppresses those. Otherwise it´s just a fatburnen.

Which happens to be my intent, so either help me with tmy question, or leave it be...

I was thinking of trying thaiger pharma geriostim autoinjectors. Is it legit?

Fast. It generates FREE GH.

never heard of that bro...

It won't do shit for burning fat you dumb fuck.

What about a hgh-only cut on keto?

That way water retention wouldn´t be a problem, and lypolisis is already sky-high.

Could work?
9/11 pts ?!

it´s the only hormone that can burn fat while still elevating protein-synthesis

over a VERY long period so you can forget about lowering your body fat unless you plan to pin it at least for a year

thought about a 1000 kcal deficit on keto for 4 months and 4-6 IUs of chinese hgh a day.

Did it already once, just without the hgh, worked like a charm, but this time i want to hit those last fat-depots and also i dont have too much time.

maybe 8 IUs but i´m not so sure about thyrroid suppression with more than 6 IUs.
Any ideas?

use tren

Yes tren only. You´re very clever. Much experience. Such wow.

>Much experience. Such wow.
you're a fucking retard, just stop posting here

how about you post another reply that i didn't mention the dose, ester or compelete diet you fucking mouthbreather?

Enjoy your hgh gut.

Seriously, just shoot up a tiny amount of Tren (100mg/week), a little test (200 mg/week) and cut while getting some protein

I´ve decided to never use anything but test only, and even that won´t happen in the near future.

My dudes, HGH only for cutting is getting more and more popular, you just didnt realize yet.

Well, at least in europe.

I just wanted some experience with hgh only, so stick to the topic.