What's the name of this exercise?

What's the name of this exercise?

Attached: 1535563620593.webm (640x800, 2.59M)

inverted brap

Attached: inverted.jpg (600x302, 31K)

The "She was asking for it"

How about this one?

Attached: 1523313554050.webm (640x360, 1.4M)

Roided Retard Slap or RRS for short

Dude that's the park near my house
I was there yesterday Wtf
Israeli attention whores have achieved global coverage
Good for them i guess

The fuck, context behind this?

Jason Genova executed order 66 on Rich Piana and he found out. Challenged him to a slap off

RRS for short men

Tel Aviv?

Manual ring inversion

Where else
The Yarkon is almost in the frame

>being this new

The Borat Hanging Leg Raise


Attached: おしりたんてい.jpg (637x354, 136K)

the brappion

top post

Attached: 28795167_1736590519734915_5284873600355008512_n.png (514x342, 155K)

Anyone going to post that gif of the crow just hanging out upside down on the laundry?

Who was in the wrong here?

The monkey that couldn't stop while slapping was still acceptable-ish.

it´s called the insta-thot

>wears literally nothing to hide horse face

Can you stop posting this whore?

Attached: disgust.gif (200x270, 1.09M)

Attached: nohomo.webm (350x198, 1.12M)

Inverted sloot to inverted pike sloot repeated.

Top laugh

that fucking outfit

Attached: F94B9FA2-2623-431B-8E4B-57CC0FD91E74.png (849x425, 282K)

At first It almost looks like she's trying to do a back lever but then it gets into WTF-territory.

Plus she clearly has no control of those "rings" they are shaking all over the place even when she's staying still at the start of her inverted hang.

Hanging thots

Where? near the Namal?

Attached: 1526072345038.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

Attached: sniff 4.jpg (261x193, 6K)

how do i upvote

Based and Redpilled.
Sniff boiz 2018

Why do women show their ass and get mad when guys look?

Attached: 1536357301417.webm (404x720, 2.89M)

Yep. If someone touched her butt i could completely ubderstand, even it was my daughter. Dress like a ho, get treated like a ho.

Thot rings

they get mad when YOU look, fatty

Why do people shitpost for (You)'s?

Attached: 1531514505715.gif (633x600, 193K)


>the people smiling in the background


The 'it's a blue board read the fcking rules bitch'.


the thot