Are people who cough when someone near them is smoking trolling? I inhale deeply because I fucking love that smell...

Are people who cough when someone near them is smoking trolling? I inhale deeply because I fucking love that smell. I don't smoke despite that because I can't leave the house often and have no money but it seems great.

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>Are people who cough when someone near them is smoking trolling?
They're generally roasties or faggots flexing the fact that you don't actually have freedom in current year if it makes one of them "uncomfortable".

i stopped smoking. recently had another cigarette, put it out halfway through and never looked back.

some people have asthma or other conditions, i personlly just fucking hate how it smells and wish people would stay 20ft away from the mall door like theyre supposed to so i didnt have to walk through their toxic funes when i go to get in

you know how I know you're a woman or a faggot?

when my parents snoke and I'm near them sometimes I turn my head or cover my mouth and mose or move up wind of the smoke, but I've tried to stop judging them for smoking.

Can I have freedom to piss on your lunch tomorrow? I just think it would be fun for me and I mean if you personally don't like piss you could just eat something else.

Are you high? These are entirely different interactions.

Yes, they are very different. You don't suffocate if you decide to stay in the same room as piss without ingesting any.

I'm not going to ash in your fucking cheerios. Smoke just isn't that big a deal.
In fact I'm not going to ash anywhere except my house and car because authoritarian cunts like you propagandized and terrorized the world into bowing to your whims.

>terrorized the world
Treacherous evil plots and schemes of letting people usually breathe air. Twisted and wicked stuff.

>those digits
>being this intentionally obtuse
I hope the satisfaction of bullying others into submission under false pretenses makes up for how much it must hurt turning away from God's light.

I uncontrollably cough when I inhale smoke, since my virginal lungs aren't used to such contaminates.
Thanks for the catgirls, OP.

They are signaling their physical and mental weakness to everybody around them. You have to be a hopeless bugman to complain about secondhand smoke in a public place.

They become powerless and impotent if you just ignore them. The source of their power comes from people who listen to them, and if you ignore them, they weaken.

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I never cared about people smoking near me, but I know potsmokers are the same type of person who complains about cigarette smoke because all liberals are the same, so I can't wait to give them a taste of their own medicine and call the cops on any pot addict I see smoking in public after legalization.

except for the laws that made it illegal and a world where everyone will videotape you and call the police because it's a rational response to someone not respecting "muh comfort"
the trash thing is a good one and they don't have the power of the kike state to do anything about it
all normalniggers deserve what they get

I dont cough, but I will hold my breath and walk away, cigarette smoke gives me massive migraines from classical conditioning of my childhood

>scared of the video tape or the cops

If the cops come, refuse to answer any questions without a lawyer, and if a video player comes on, start screaming that they assaulted you for the camera, or do whatever will sully their evidence.

I enjoy life more if I just smoke in my car or while on the move so I don't have to do any of that shit
Not the hill I want to die on, but still gonna bitch about it anonymously.

They're either asthmatic or they're dicks. And don't start.

>And don't start.
if you say so

They're just being morons. Second-hand smoke is annoying at best. But so are kids, and you don't see people pulling out condoms and waving them at parents' faces whenever a little shit decides to have a breakdown.

I'm not sure what your point is. Where I live, only women and homeless people smoke.

You don't suffocate from smoke either you retarded fucking reddit normalnigger go back fucking dumb piece of shit.

When i inhale smoke, my throat just gets irritated and start coughing uncontrollably.

However I ain't gonna stop anyone from smoking in my vicinity because I don't care.

the nicotine industry is a plot run by the jews to draw money out of the white mens pocket, destroy his health and polluting the streets.

Most of them are not, especially adults. Smoke is an irritant, duh. But adults are more sensitive to it, too.