25+ thread Early edition

hey boomers.
what are you up to guys?

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Whose side were you on as a kid, based on this?

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core x tho the first thing I played games on was an apple II

>changing at work
>someone comes in and asks if i can come with them
>get ambushed by the HR people and colleagues
>they want to talk about me not performing well
>list a few mistakes i made and want to know why i'm struggling, if they can help
>can't tell them it's because i cry every day and want to just die
>sit there, can't come up with anything, just sigh an shake my head

They are going to transfer me to a worse place, with a bigger team, worse colleagues according to one person and I have to start all over. I liked what the old place did and the only reason I felt discomfort was that some of the colleagues were condescending sometimes, but that's because I was incompetent.

I feel so powerless and I have to go and confirm that I want to go to the new place today. I can't stay at the old place now, because they know I'm weak and they don't trust me. The new place will probably hear the reason I switched and they won't like me when they see how incompetent I am and they're apparently even a bigger team and meaner.

Just let me die. Just let me die peacefully is my last wish so I don't have to deal with the sad thoughts. I am not complaining that my life is hard. People in way worse conditions have more will to live. But I don't. I was born faulty. If there was a way to trade with them and for me to just disappear, I would sign it.

I woke up at midnight so I've been drinking coffee and tinkering with Jow Forums shit. I'm not looking forward to the actual day, I have to go to the DMV and get a new license. Normally when I have to do some kind of obnoxious, stressful administrivia I have a drink beforehand, but they'd probably frown on that.

I never owned a console of any kind, I played my games on the various computers we had around. First some Color Mac from the 80s that we got from my aunt (who was the principal of a school, when they replaced them she gave us one), then the 486 running Windows 3.11 that my dad used to dial in to work, then the Pentium Dell he got to replace that, and then finally, after years of saving almost all of my allowance, a P3-500 that I spent years playing every possible variant of Half-Life on.

Late gen x. Super Mario Bros was my game for several years.

gen y early man 100%

[spolier]/rjyZyMN join the 25+ general discord if you like, no kids allowed[/spolier]

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> condescending

Sorry you are having a hard time at work brother but it really annoys me when people cry about being condescended to. People are just trying to be nice and adapt to your stupidity, timidity, or general incompetence. Would you rather they just take you outside and shoot you?

use slack u dumby

reminder to take the 2D pill and stop fapping to gross roastie whores.

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IRC or nothing

>use slack u dumby
Not a bad idea, but don't you have to use your real name?

Fucking assholes, was the mistakes so bad? its fine venting this out. The HR should actually not fucked you over that way, fucking human. Hope it will work out at the new place.

hey user, why not use discord?
I run my own R9K server and I just kick all retards.
on this 25+ hone we are kicking retards plus anyone not old enough

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I don't know if condescending is the right word.
For example one colleague asked me if I knew what one of those snake-oil pills for improving memory was (they used their exact name). I said yes and then they told me perhaps I should start using it. Then another time I when I was about to hit my head, they said "it's not like it would do a lot of damage" in a somewhat serious way, but they added "just joking" at the end.

I don't blame them, they just gathered without telling me beforehand. They also said they were sorry. Everyone is doing their job.
Sometimes there are explanations for the mistakes I did, but I'd have to rat out on or implicate others and I just don't want to do that. There is no way to win, so I just stay silent and let it all happen because it out of all options, it's the least damaging one.

I can already feel failing at the new place and then I might have to kill myself. Somehow I feel like that if I actually did kill myself, it would absolve me of everything, because it would show that there was indeed a reason why I was so bad.

Core gen y boomer.

Just trying to get a job and escape neetdom. I tried to have my shit together by 25, but it didn't work out. 25 now and only like 75% of the way there. Just need a job and my own place so I can be miserable independently.

Fucked it up with the one and only girl to ever be into me. Time to drink the sorrows away lads.

early gen y, got my snes in first grade or so. born 89

oh, well it sounds like they were being dicks, not being condescending.

>born in 1989
>here in Ruskieland we had Dendy (clone of Nintendo), with lots of pirated cartridge's
>my father, who served conscription in spetsnaz, used to work with department of ecology and run some survival courses for high school kids
>after blessed 90's(tm) came, lack of salary forced him to quit and he started to work as chief of security for some half-criminal businessman
>one day wasn't home for a few days and when he returned there was a bandages on his head
>"Ah, i just fell during training"
>only few years ago i learned that they got attacked that day and it was grenade fragments barely missing and "just" scratching his head
>one day neighbours came during the night, i think they asked for medicine of something
>still remember how father grabbed a gun from locker before coming to the door
He risked his life during that hellish years and make my life much better than most of Russians. And i ended up as a failure, that can't even graduate from university.
Ah yes, Dendy. That businessmen bought me one as a gift. Was fun to play it. Funny how one pic can bring completely unrelated memories.

Its a job out of plenty other ones, i understand its difficult to change places like that, especially for us. please dont give up. we are here

>what are you up to guys?
It's Friday night.
There's Korea time and highshelf whiskey to look forward. Going to the first work party I've been invited to in months tomorrow night.
An older married female coworker suggested to ME that we should get a few drinks with another older married female coworker in a month or so.
I'm apparently very good at my work according to my boss.

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nice to hear user, good luck man

good job. However, you are now in a tricky spot. You could try to get drunk with these older ladies and try to have sex with both of them but they are your coworkers at a job you seem to like and do well at. Not a good plan.

Oh well. Just go out and have fun. Maybe you will meet some other less complicated people through them

>You could try to get drunk with these older ladies and try to have sex with both of them
I highly doubt this is what she had in mind.
I'd also be more worried about their husbands than anything at work.

No worries, they could have a dick contest and everyone would be laughing.

another aimless day of mostly playing Final Fantasy 14 because I am addicted to it now. spending the last 30 minutes before bed to post on here and chastise my self for not committing suicide when I was 15.

Got a new lightbulb for my room, been using a desk light for the past year, feels strange. Exciting times

oh right, I missed the married part. Also very complicated. Better keep it professional

The one I was speaking to said something like
"You'll be able to go over to a woman and say those two over there aren't enough".
So I doubt I'll be dicking them but I'm sure it will be a fun night whenever it is.

woke up a few minutes ago
gotta be in early today, but that's alright. I took monday and tuesday off
gonna be an easy day of wagecucking lads

early y, grew up with gen. X.

I feel this. Just want a job doing something low-skill, isolated and tedious but every job is filled with teams and wild corporate policies and quotas and teamwork and garbage. Can't even stock shelves these days without being assaulted by HR claiming you're not contributing to team morale.

Sorry you're dealing with this. Wish I had something decent to say. All your information about the new place is second-hand so just try to go in with a fresh outlook. People exaggerate about everything.

So you were too poor for Genesis and SNES and had NES instead?

>tfw can't do text-only anymore
nope and the nice thing about it (or IRC) is that it is already a work tool for many people who are cucking away in an office all day

I feel really bad for the people working for faggot companies who have forced MS Teams down everyone's throats

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>weirdo autistic slovenly sperge who has been oscillating between neetdom and low level wage cuck jobs for the entirety of my adult life (I'm 28)
>older normie sister is getting married to some normie chad
>she absolutely INSISTS on me being a member of the bridal shower no matter how much I protest, my parents insist along with them, my father even mockingly suggests that i may finally lose my virginity at the bacchanal that takes place among the members of the bridal shower after the reception
>they do all of this knowing I'm a sperge autistic weirdo that creeps people out who should have been euthanized long ago
why do they torture me so? they're just cruelly prodding a wounded animal at this point

I just want a small weeb bf from Sweden who is okay with older guy ;_;

Chances are they love you and you exaggerated. You made it sound like they're doing it to spite you, when i fact they're doing it because they love you and want you to be there at an important moment in their lives, because shared happiness is the best happiness.

Obviously I understand how it is to be at such a place, because I have to go to my sisters wedding eventually soon. I feel shame about myself and I don't want to be there.

>Offering a chance for you to score easy pussy
>Denies pussy directly due to autism


Ali and Mohammed can be bought for 2 sodas and a pizza.

bruh i think the person you're responding to is, like, a gurl

Haram, no girls hangs around here. Probably a trap

i'll happily attend the wedding but in all honesty I have business being a member of the bridal party, i simply don't belong there, I'm basic a large child that would ruin it for everyone
>sperge like me will score "easy pussy" just because I have to escort some roastie bridesmaid down the isle and be in some pictures
what planet do you live on user life isn't some quirky rom com, life is cruel, brutal and unforgiving with no happy endings or redemption arcs

Women don't like small weeb men

>i simply don't belong there
You belong there because they want you to be there

>mentally challenged people trying to meme

taking miles of dick at the bachelorette party is your redemption arc

I live on Tommy planet, roastie is forgiven pussy when a sperg needs to motorboat one of the bridesmaids.

Your old enough to take care of this user, life isnt a movie but act like a normal person for a day and poof there you are with ur head between two titties.

I believe in you.

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I'm a male you idiot

my sister wants me to escort one of her roastie bridesmaid friends down the isle and be in pictures


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reikko is that you? you're still here?

it's pretty funny, I listened to that discord Convo, its pretty hilarious how you folded like a cheap suit

>weirdo autistic slovenly sperge
How bad are we talking about?

No idea who that is and you'd better respect my digits.

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do you remember the guy in those old "neckbeard pride world wide" and "0/10 wouldn't bang" memes?

pretty close to that. also I'm a complete fucking wagecuck loser while my sister is a fucking oncology resident at a major university hospital


So how are you gonna fit in with the other cow bridesmaid? excuses mister

Imagine like the town borat was living in, and he is the town idiot.


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all of my sister's friends are good looking, I don't think she has a single fat friend

Lose weight, stop fapping to lolis or some special cartoon bullshit. This might be your only chance to score, before you travel to Vietnam for some russian roulette and dont have to wageslave anymore

It doesnt have to end this way.

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I'm not a boomer (27) but I'm currently on my break at work. Glad it's Friday.


>these threads are always like a /b/ thread


Your sister sounds fucking cool and very grounded.
>Lift, ask your sister for fashion+appearance advice.
If you are good at your wagecuck job look for bottom jobs at your sisters hospital and have your sister informally tell you who's who/give you a leg you.

Best advices so far. bravo

>they were being dicks, not being condescending.
What's the difference?

If you don't want to go to the new place you should just try to find a new job. You may have to work at that place for a little while until you find one, but it's better than feeling bad forever desu.

late gen x plus pretty much the entirety of gen y

after I bought the Wii on launch day plus and Xbox 360 I gradually came to abandon the vidya in its entirety. I think the last video game i actually played was back in 2012 or something like that. always wanted a Sega Saturn growing up for nights into dreams never got a chance to play it

A very attractive black woman very aggressively flirted with me at Starbucks yesterday. It's the most female attention I've had in years. It made my day honestly I regret not asking for her number.

I cannot pick jobs. I am in a new country and have to work at this place until I get approved.
I am in an incredible mess and my biggest problem is the fact that I feel exhausted and mentally blocked. There is something on my mind that's been there for the past 10 years. No matter what I think about, I am always brought back to this feeling I couldn't describe. Right now my leash is taut and I don't want to do anything anymore. I just want to stop thinking, I don't even want to know I'm gone. I didn't cry before work today and I don't know how I'm going to survive today.

That bring the situation to a whole other level, is it possible for you to move back to parents or someone you know? it seems like you werent ready for this and havent been for a long time. Have you seeked therapy before?

Late gen x
If any of you lurking at 18 - 22, go out and socialize - get your awkward, embarrassing socializing attempts out of the way young while you still have a good excuse / cover for it. It's not so funny nor cute when you have to deal with that approaching 30, trust me.

Have an assignment due today, already got it extended by a week but haven't started, wondering if I should email and ask for more time

Complete your assignment, faggot
And stop being greedy

>tfw in college surrounded by retarded zoomers

i'm 30 and going back next year and dreading this
is it weird?
also do you have any chance at all to get a gf in college as a 30 year old?

Not him but
No its not weird - be a fucking adult
Take a deep breath - relax
look nice and presentable and anything's possible

I was like that in my late teens but then I got jumped for saying something really retarded. You just have to think before you talk and even if people think you're retarded for fully thinking out what you want to say it's better than saying uhmmm every three words because you're nervous. Just pretend you're talking to your computer screen.

If being 30 online is any indication of what's to come then I have to say yes. It seems like as you get older the 18 - 20 year olds want you more. Even if you get fat they think you look like their dad you just have to know which ones you can manipulate and which ones you can't.

i just hate being 30 because i look much younger and every time people find out my true age it shocks them and then when they suddenly realize that i've lived a lot longer than they originally thought, they start demanding to know what i've been doing all this time.

i'm not interested in manipulating anyone i just want an equal mutually caring relationship
also i would assume that girls who want fat guys who remind them of their dads are a minority

Ask one of those people how old you look and then start telling people you're that age retard. Come on bro. Use your noggin

using the phrase "age retard" irl sounds like a gamble in the context of pc culture.
seems like you'd have to be chad to pull that off

>Abused alcohol too much over the past year
>Now feels like I can't even think straight when sober
Fucking 25.
Kill me.

Just be mysterious about your age if you can then lol
If you feel a conversation might be steering towards something where your age might come up and you don't feel comfortable enough with them (even if its a girl), take charge of the conversation and start steering the conversation away from it. Once the question comes up, avoiding it just looks retarded, so gotta catch it before.
Plus you're 30, you have a bit more life experience in that regard, so don't worry too much. Plus nervousness might come off in your body language too.
We might not be able to keep up with the latest memes and apps and songs or whatever. But give yourself some credit when it comes to life experience.
Looking younger can be an asset too maybe a girl will like it

>We might not be able to keep up with the latest memes and apps and songs or whatever
Shouldn't it be the other way around? I know people older than us can't connect with youngsters, and some people our own age like to pretend they can't because that's what older generations are like and everybody wants to seem old, but we have the fucking internet! We see everything.

nah you can fix that. A few weeks of not drinking and you will be back to normal. the brain can repair itself.

We "see" everything sure but how much do we give a fuck, at our age, about being up to date with the latest memes, latest fashion trends, latest songs, who slept with who, etc etc lol

Yeah, it's like maybe if I was mid twenties still. I'd give a fuck but now that I'm almost 30 who really cares? If someone doesn't like me they can eat my taint and if they do like me they can eat my taint.

Exactly just focus on your studies. Interact with whoever. And don't waste too much time on a girl who is immature and isn't even trying to relate to you on your level

>tfw school starts in 2 weeks
Just kill me

You'll be fine ya doofus

>about to be 27
Is it too late to have a life? I would basically be starting from scratch. Currently I have virtually zero money, friends, family and a shitty job. I have a degree and some 'skills' I guess but having not used them and having no social skills for interviews they are essentially worthless right now. Im a lot worse off than I used to be.

I'll finish work in an hour, eat something, sleep for a few hours and then play arma 3 all night.


Too late to do it by deadline and I'm drunk

Go home, you're drunk
But go home originally

I was born in 88.

I'm slowly getting my life together. It's taken a long time. 5 years ago I went back to school and got an engineering degree. I'm finishing up my first year out of school now at a good company. I've only been here a year and I have had a 12% pay increase. So my finances will be squared away soon.

I trying to get healthy and I have lost 60 lbs. I gained 20 back though because I started to slip in my routine. I need to lose 130lbs still before I will have any sort of confidence probably.

I am still a khv who has never been on a date though. I don't see that changing any time soon.

So 6 years ago I was a gigantic fatty, living with my parents, college dropout, shitty job, and a khv.

Now I have my own place, engineering degree, good job.

I just need to make progress with being a gigantic fatty and maybe the khv situation will sort itself out. Not counting on it though since I'm pretty sure the khv is because of my complete lack of initiative. I have never even asked a woman out on a date.

Oh well, at least I have the space and money for a top of the line full room VR set up. Ill just finish that space up and live my life in peace.

That sounds amazing user. It always makes me happy to hear about robutts who have clawed their way out of this place and (hopefully) largely leave the bitter mentality behind
Find a good woman who loves and understands you user
Doubt quick fling would be quite understanding of your khv situation


Is this the old people thread?

Can one of youse please tell me what the fuck is going on in this gif and what is represents?

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