Monday I am heading to prison to serve a one year sentence. Anyone here ever been to prison?
Can a robot survive in prison?
Monday I am heading to prison to serve a one year sentence. Anyone here ever been to prison?
Can a robot survive in prison?
What are you going to prison for? Can you greentext the story?
What are you serving for?
feminize immediately and offer your supple boipucci to the largest and most powerful negro there
No but youll probably be fine. What did you do?
Where do you live? Origamoli
A year for possession of 5oz of something you are not allowed to have in Texas. The law says you can serve up to 2 year for just 4oz, so I guess I am lucky with only a year
Start extracting your own teeth now OP, it will be less painful than when Jamal does it for you so you can succ like a trout
>that you're not allowed to have in Texas
Lemme guess, THC?
Listen up fish, your prison meat from now on. And since your fresh meat, well boy, your going to broken in by all the old meat. Some festering with skid bubbles, others got herpes, you'll be damn lucky if someone without HIV doesnt split you right in half. They might break your teeth in the first day, until they mold you into being their designated sloppy.
What can I say, it helps with the thoughts you get at 3 am and you realize how pathetic your life is
So, reality?
Lawyer said I should have stuck with alcohol like everyone else
The first day fine the biggest, toughest looking guy in the yard, and you suck his cock
What kind of prison is it? Have you done any research into what the conditions are like where you're being sent? Is it near your home?
I am told that the prison I am going to is not all that bad, as far as jails go. I will be put with other G1 prisoners (the lowest level of security)
Your lawyer is smart
Make yourself look hard
Cut your face a bit or some shit.
Not been , but majority of my family have served time at some point depends on if you're male or female.
Males - gain muscle mass and be carful about pissing people off(unless you intend to assert dominance).
Females -get yourself together with other inmates, you are more likely of beating but far less likely to be killed as a woman.
The Ruben M. Torres prison.
It is close enough that my grandma will be able to visit me.
You think life is pathetic now wait till youre a whimpering toothless dumpster OP
Get fucked druggie fadfasf
Doesn't look all that bad from my very limited search, as prison goes.
Are you going to take any classes/join any of the job training programs if you get the opportunity?
You'll be peachy OPie, no sadistic shit goes on in low sec. Just be generally respectful to other inmates, don't be afraid to stand up for yourself if anyone gives you shit.
Don't be peter gazing.
Don't gamble.
Don't buy or sell drugs or any other illicit items.
Read a lot.
Learn how to play cards.
>Low security prison
Probably, just to pass the time
Wouldnt listen to these guys OP just start anal training now
People who take advantage of their level 1 quickly find themselves promoted
oh and one more thing:
Snitching will get your shit pushed in real quick. Handle your own business, and pay no mind to anyone else's. You see nothing, you hear nothing, you know nothing.
If I remember correctly G1 is essentially minimum security in Texas. As far as prisons go, this is pretty light. They normally only hold nonvoilent offenders and drug addicts. You sound be ok as long as you aren't being an ass and keep a low profile. Don't do anything that will get you sent you to G3 level prisons, those are the ones full of gang members and voilent offenders
Dont accept anything from anyone no matter how seemingly insignificant it is (extra food, supplies, etc). also obligatory prepare your boihole with vaseline
>anal training
this is stupid
also gambling is fine if you have money
wrong. Get in good with the COs. They dont give a fuck and will bring you shit from the outside if you are charming enough. Make as many connections in prison as you can and gain wealth. Befriend the strong blacks/latinos for protection
is correct, you have no fucking clue who a guy might be connected to and those people might be some of the worst out there, or should i say in there. one guy in for a nonviolent offense (this time) giving you a twinkie and you accepting could mean you owe favors to very dangerous friends of his.
Arrested for marijuana? Fuck the government
You'' come out a trap user.
Ready your bum.
Check out on YouTube fresh out life after penitentiary this dude who did ten years in prison gives his input into what goes on inside
>I broke the law and now Im being sent to jail, wtf!
>Laws are moral because they are the law!
I know your response is bait, but you should kill yourself anyway for wasting my time
If you look strong just act it, never stand down, never look like a bitch.
If you are weak then your best bet would be to offer your boipussi to the toughest inmate who will take it and do your best to please him. He'll probably have an urge to protect you if you can please him enough. Preferably somebody with a real long life sentance so they're desperate.
Oh yeah you'll be fine, most confrontations will be nonexistant or very very minir. Just don't stand down if confronted, mind your buisness, learn to play cards. Card games can help make you friends and that means defense. Read lots. Be polite, respectful but strong and you'll do fine. Disregard last post, didn't know what kind of security you'd be in.
Served a 1.5year sentence (livin in austria tho). it wasn't to bad, I spent most of the time reading or working out, avoiding contact to the other inmates as much as possible. desu the guards gave me more trouble than the other prisoners most of the time
>desu the guards gave me more trouble than the other prisoners most of the time
What happened?
are you from a mafia movie?
he's going to min security
they're (mostly) just people
OP, why dont you just flee to a different state and wait for texas to legalize it?
Because if you get caught now its a 10 year sentence
>1 year in prison for having weed
amerilards lol
Shut up faggot go back to reading gay Mafia fan fics
Call everyone a punk and stare in their eyes until they look away
called me a faggot for reading multiple times, threw my stuff around, two of them were generally really abusive
eat shit faggot
Wow that sucks ass OP. It's so screwed up that our justice system is willing to fuck peoples lives over with a felony conviction over what they put in their body. Here in my state a low level drug charge would get you put you in a minimum security facility and you wouldnt really have to "survive" there. It would be mostly just boring. But idk how Texas works. I just know Texas is notoriously harsh on drugs and they give out lengthy sentences in scary jails and prisons.
God I love living in the Netherlands
i was in jail for some time,just imagine it like being on a ver very bad highschool,just keep your head down, dont be an ass and you will be fine, also you should know this, you are not going to get out of there without fithing,sooner or later you will get in a fight,if that happpens the best you can do is fight back, even if you dont have any chance of winning,is worst if you dont stand up for yourself