What happened to all these guys...

What happened to all these guys? Over the last several years fedoras disappeared from the internet without anyone noticing.

Attached: Fedora.png (473x631, 485K)

Other urls found in this thread:


They saw all the constant shit-talking, so they stopped. It's simple. They didn't benefit from or have a community for dressing and thinking that way, and so they decided it wasn't worth it. If the big meme crowd of the internet decides something is "cringe" and bad, people won't keep doing it.

They became alt right after they failed at being classy
Now it's the news fault they can't get laid. Anyone but themselves.

They went from bronies to idol anime fans

they joined antifa

They found Jow Forums and Christ-chan, became keyboard warriors.

Eventually they stopped bothering to play dress-up once they figured out it really wasn't going to get them laid, and then presumably made their way to Jow Forumsincels

Spreadsheeted thread

7 new Uniques in under 10 minutes, all with slightly altered replies copied from previous threads.

>If the big meme crowd of the internet decides something is "cringe" and bad, people won't keep doing it.
Tell that to furfags and bronies.

Stop making this fucking thread you absolute waste of air

Gimmick "characters" come and go, like a lot of the discord personalities here, they will run for a couple of weeks and then disappear. Orbiters, "gimmick posters" and discord celebrities like indigo, sadboys, moon etc. are the current "run" of these people, they are dropping off and will be replaced soon.
Last months were "Nick" the brooke orbiter and the like.

It runs the same with threads, they will be copied ala


And run for roughly a month before they are retired or continued based on attention/replies/infamy.

It's the same with this kind of spam

Which is forced for longer, but does not promote discussion and gets 1-2 replies if lucky.

im not a brony at all but i think mlp kimda is a good show
never watched it but I've been told it teaches kids to be nice and all that jazz. so bronies should be super kind, right?

Now THAT is going in my cringe compilation.

I mean bronies at least have drastically gotten less common, I don't think we could ever stop furries though

They didn't disappear, just like bronies and furries never disappeared. At some point the hype just wears off, and you don't hear about them anymore.
Everyone starts making fun of new groups, such as incels right now. But that won't last either.

Attached: 824960309955.jpg (720x709, 34K)

Cringing is something that you do out of fear. Are you afraid, spreadsheeter?

Both of these groups still have strong internal communities keeping each other into it. There was no community for fedoras.

wow again so self-aware

Still occasionally see someone with the fedora look in real life

Sheetposting is cringe OP of this thread

It's me, the guy that coined the term
Keep reporting that spam and informing people, anti-spreadsheet user!

So you're this angry guy? You had a nervous breakdown when you got exposed earlier this week and went on a page 10 bumping spree.

Attached: 1534414393293.png (694x428, 30K)

The heck? I think you've got some wires crossed. I make christian music when I'm frustrated.

>Being so young that you don't remember 2013 memes
The fedora was generally a leftist male feminist.

Oh you're the meta-humor guy again.

In the world of post-irony, metahumor is just telling the truth.

Organized shitposters went absolutely fucking crazy in the catalog when their little larp was exposed.

Attached: image.png (1558x687, 709K)

You're this person I assume, admitted everything and broke "character" multiple times already. Same people resonsible for 90% of esoteric nonsense and spam in the catalog every day 24/7.

Attached: catalog.png (1592x1792, 1.41M)

They broke character in this thread, and dropped hints on how they view what they are doing and why.

They demonstrate self-awareness here
/a/ imouto threads were dismissed by the moderation as 'not board culture' hence the Jow Forums migration, which in turn morphed into the kind of vengeful organized shitposting you see now.


This exchange is an example of the imouto thread spammers talking out of character regarding their move by the mods from /a/ to Jow Forums and the subsequent deletion of their threads, which has led to this spam
This individual is the alai spammer on Jow Forums
You can see how far gone their thinking process is to justify multiple consistent ban evasions and spamming. Rem/kathy spammer is also one of these people, or the same person if the group is sharing gimmicks at this point. I did an experiment to see how long these threads stay up when they are exposed as spamming; 2 were deleted almost immediately after each other and yet they kept being spammed.

Attached: 1534399310545.png (845x178, 76K)

This guy in particular is a serial ban evading shitposter and continuing to spam the board, I see he had 3 threads get deleted in a row and still spammed it, posting 30 seconds after the other was deleted, he posted it at least twice today as well. This confirms it is malicious shitposting, and they have proxies or a dynamic IP, as they do.

Again this is always accompanied by a huge amount of nonsense shitposting in the catalog and bumping of shitpost threads on page 10.

This spam

Leftists are so caught up in their own web of delusions, deceptions, self deceptions, lies and doublethink that they unironically can't remember shit from as recently as five years ago and just make up their own version of history.

Rem/kathyposter breaks character

(warosu reference)
Again breaking character from the 'unstable schizo stalker' gimmick to post shit and act like typical /jp/ spammer.

Attached: image.png (624x131, 31K)

Some examples of your idiotic coordinated shitposting on the catalog, recognizable immediately by non-sensical, nonsense, self-referential injokes, racebaiting, roleplaying as mentally ill people, larping as women, teenagers, discord orbiters, trevor/"craigposting" page 10 save rave nonsense bumps and keeping shit on page 1, absolutely inane bullshti you people put out every day.

Attached: image.png (1469x682, 488K)

Please read these threads in full

Their retarded coordinated trap/incest spam shitposting brigade is chronicled in the above threads in full. This is the catalog from a few nights ago, notice the similarities to the present time. This thread is another common repost. It's spreadsheeting, same people behind 'reiko's trap harem discord, trevor on /jp/ and other dedicated shitposting nonsense

Better Catholicism than faithless fedoraism.

sorry forgot pic

Same inane useless shitposts kept on page 1/2 and nonsense bumped from page 10, whenever this topic is discussed at length.

Attached: image.png (1500x700, 372K)

>Daily reminder to spreadsheeters
>>Spreadsheeter saves it
The madmen

They have broken character before in previous threads though, so we know it's not just incidental spamming. It's vindictive, malicious, organized posting of the same threads every day 24/7.

Same people behind these repost threads, except these promote discussion and have more active participants than this nonsense

Attached: catalo.png (1543x693, 667K)

I know you're reading this thread which is why you posted it again. I've already called you out on how pathetic and unfunny you are when not behind 1000 layers of irony. You're funniest when trying to justify your inane bullshit as eloquently as possible on /qa/.

I won't link to it.