ITT:that kid thread

ITT:that kid thread

>that kid who put his hand in a blender
>that kid who super glued his hands together
>that kid who used to bring vodka in a waterbottle
>that kid who got past the blocking system and got onto Jow Forums

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>that kid who sharpied "SWB" all over the school
>hundreds of times
>in urinals
>classroom doors
>on the school bridge
>on trashcans

He's my best friend now, I didn't learn he was behind SWB until after he moved schools

>that kid who would pick fights with otyher people and routinely get his head kicked in
>the midget who thought he was 10 men
>that kid who put a blob of molten solder down another kids back
>that kid who got impaled on a metal tube

>the goth girl who used to buy expired chocllate bars from shops and made mad cash selling them at break and dinner time for full price to kids
>the guys who wes built like a brick shit house but actually was a mega bro

>that kid who was amazingly good at painting warhammer and managed to get into the 'evy metal section of a white dwarf once
>that kid who thought because he took philosophy GCSE that he was a philosopher and made up words to sound smart
>the same kid who went completely batshit crazy when he was proven wrong

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>that mega right wing kid who turned out to be shockingly right in absolutely everything he said would happen

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>that kid who went largwly un noticed until he vanished then everyone spoke about him
>the kid who got you into anime
>that kid who was really nice to you
>that kid whos still your bro to this day

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>that kid who wrecked an IT lab because he got rejected
>that kid who ate a toilet block from an urinal
>that kid who had anger issues and was routinely wound up so he would freak out

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i onl;y got uni that kids because i cant remember any from HS

>that kid who always argues with the professor about anything
>that kid who routinely hands in work larte but seems to get away with it
>that kid who falls asleep in lectures but constantly pulls high grades out of his ass
>the girl who gives BJ's and sells het pictures for 5 quid to fund her uni

>that kid who thought school was like prison and got his shit kicked in trying to fight an older kid in the first week of high school
>that quiet kid that snapped and decked a kid for making a joke about his sister
>that kid who went to Syria to join ISIS
>that kid who got locked in the toilets while hiding from teachers and jumped out a window to escape
>that kid who jumped out a window to escape class detention because he wanted to get lunch
>that kid who got arrested by the police in the middle of school for molesting his brother

I didn't go to a very good school

>that kid who thought he was a vampire
>that kid who pood in a urinal
>that kid who threw a teachers laptop down the stairs

we had loads of emo kids though

>the emo kids who routinely started fghts with people
>the emo kids who would smoke weed and fuck under the abandoned railway bridge
>the emo kids who started a full school war
>the emo kid who beat a guy with a glass bong

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>>that kid who went to Syria to join ISIS

There was actually a couple of those kids, my school was about 70% first or second gen migrants from pakistan, bangladesh etc. Teachers tried to keep that shit under wraps but we heard about it on the news when they got slain by a drone strike.

>that kid who ate a toilet block from an urinal

ewww what the fuck why? why would he do that

also wouldnt that make him ill?

>that kid who super glued his hands together

kek we had that but a kid superglued a girls tits together by emptying a tube of the stuff down her cleavage

that kid who orchestrated a full school war

genuinely this kid was responsible for so much shit. he never ever got caught

>the kid who went from virgin to chad within one summer
>that kid who was notorious for shitting himself
>the kid who got his fingers caught in an escalator

>that kid who ran off into the sewer systems and was never found

>thet kid who drank bromine

>that kid who set a kid on fire in chemistry

>the kid who set fires all the time
>that kid who hung himself by accident

>the kid who stared out with a love for life
>same kid who became a bitter cynical alcoholic because he couldnt understand why people were so awful to eachother when he tried to spread love
>that same kid who now reguarly posts on here

Oddly enough im not tjat kid but i know you are here AJ, things will improve man.

>that kid who was an incredibly annoying faggot and could never shut the fuck up but still was beloved by all the teachers

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>that kid that would spread his ass open to fart in school and thought it was funny.

>that kid who has 0 personal hygiene and wouldnt even put deodorant on
>same kid who legit had mould on his blazer

>the kid who had no common sense and decided to grab the wrong end of a welding torch to see what it felt like

Warhammer is fucking stupid.

You had an entire thread to reply to and you add the most intelligent comment of the year

"warhammer is stupid"

>That kid who criticised everyone around him for the smallest things because he had no self confidence or redeeming factors so he resigned himsekf to a lifestyle of calling people stupid on a Tibetian cheese discussion fourm

>that girl who had no mental problems but once shit on the ground in first grade
>that one kid who showed us his pubic hair for no reason
>that kid who successfully hacked the school network and almost got expelled

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>that stoner kid who didnt show up much that was a total bro and killed himself

IL miss you angelo

>that kid who was absolutely obsessed with league of legends
>tfw he actually made it to master tier

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