Is this guy a quack? His advice to lose weight is just to stop eating...

Is this guy a quack? His advice to lose weight is just to stop eating. Claims that starvation mode is a myth and metabolism doesn't necessarily slowdown because you stop eating. Also that more protein is conserved during long periods of fasting than what is commonly believed. (like the myth that muscles are tastier to your body's acids than fat). I'm not trying necessarily to get really strong, or look really good. I just want to lose a lot of weight. I'm 24 hours into a 72 hour fast because that's where Dr. Fung says there are tons of benefits.

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Other urls found in this thread:

At 72 hours there are tons of benefits*


Yes. He is a quack. All Chinese are natural born liars.

You racist fuck lol

>His advice to lose weight is just to stop eating
Sounds like he is right to me. He's too sympathetic to fatties for my liking, but of course he has to promote his method and he can't exactly call fatties pathetic.

Thank you

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Fasting is muscle sparing. I went from 242 to 199 by doing prolonged fasts in 45 days, longest one was 6 days. I didn’t lose any strength in the gym and I’m currently on a bulk to put on muscle before I fast the rest of the fat away and get a 6 pack. I recommend going as long as you can, don’t stop at 72 hours just because.

bro tell me more that's insane, i went 30 hours last week but broke because was face to face with one of my demons... Pizza

I've been using fasting to train fat fucks who come to me for help losing weight and train. I've been using it for about 13 years now and have had a 100% success rate. I've personally watched more than 20 diagnosed and undiagnosed type 2 diabetics completely cure their diabetes. And every single one of the diagnosed diabetics who were on insulin were explicitly told by their doctors that a fasting low carb high fat diet would make their diabetes worse. And I have yet to hear from any of their doctors an explanation as to why even before they lost 30lbs they now had perfectly normal blood sugar and blood sugar response.

I'm currently working with a fat fuck who started at 450lbs and was using 80 units of insulin a day and following the American Diabete's Association diet's recommendations to the letter through an in-home food service delivery program ran by a local hospital. High carb, lean protein. He was still gaining weight and getting worse. I started him off on a 2week:2week feed:fast cycle, and put him on a largely carnivore diet when he fed. Before the first 2 week fast was over he called me at 7am absolutely sobbing one morning because he had never been able to wake up before 1pm. Now he was spontaneously waking up at 6:30 after just 7 hours of sleep and had so much energy he was walking up and down the street 10 times a day.

I want to stress that last point. The only thing I had told him to do at that point was to stop eating. I hadn't even told him about his new diet plan. And as a result of that he spontaneously started exercising on his own accord.

It is incredibly important to recognize the role that hormones play in metabolism, not in the "muh hormones and genetics are shit, gimme pizza", but the sense that hormone signalling plays a very important role in not only satiety, but energetics. If you engineer a mouse to be leptin deficient they sit there and don't play, don't move, and don't even explore novelty. But you take that leptin deficient mouse (and human) and give them exogenous leptin injections and wham, spontaneous play and exploration and activity ensues almost immediately. Insulin is a counter-regulatory hormone to leptin. If insulin is high, leptin activity is blocked. If insulin is high, glucagon activity in the liver is blocked. Insulin regulates the metabolomics of the organism in the most powerful ways.

So we get to a point where we begine to understand the role that insulin resistance, i.e. hyperinsulinemia, is the driving force behind obesity. And this begins to tease out why low carb diets are quite beneficial to things like weight loss, specifically the insulin control. Fasting is just another way to control insulin. If you're not eating, then insulin by definition must be at basal levels, which in turn starts to allow fat metabolism to begin in ernest.

With all that being said, I am NOT a fan of extended fasts except in very certain circumstances. Particularly in cases where metabolic disorders are rearing their head. Diabetics, and people on one or more medications for depression, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, etc. And I will typically limit the people I train to no more than 2 week fasts at the most. My reasoning is that we're taking care of the lowest hanging fruit first. But we also want to begin to build muscle and work out because there is something to be said for depleting glycogen and the beneficial stress responses to a good workout. These cycles of feeding and fasting then give a good balance between these two major stressors.

how do I get my gf to lose 30 lbs quikcly?

Nah, just mainlanders

lock her in a room with salt water

Eron Muskuru

>Didn't lose any strength in the gym
Either lying or you're so DYEL or didn't matter anyways

Cole pls go

That guy writes too well to be cole, I miss his obvious shitposts on /fast/ god dammit

I was working out for a few months before I started fasting. I’m not fit by any means at the moment but I legitimately did not lose any strength after 1.5 months of fasting. But I didn’t gain any muscle or strength either despite working out at least 5 days a week.

People like you confuse me and I come to the conclusion you’re ignorant on the subject of nutrition and fasting. Your body isn’t going to catabolize muscle if it thinks you’re starving to death. If you were actually starving in the wild then turning you into a heap of fat and bones wouldn’t help at all. Especially if you’re working out regularly and making use of them.

his science is just WAY off, he pretty much makes big claims out of air without any backing and every single study he talks about is not even close to what he tries to tell it does.

The only questionable thing I've seen him say is that calorie counting doesn't work. I think his reasoning behind low carb diets reversing diabetes symptoms is solid and so is his ideas on fasting.

However understand that he's trying to sell books so he's gonna say whatever he needs to say to sell books.

Personally I feel if you want to fast and lose weight quick, Cole is more geninue and more of the "bad cop" that you need.

Cole is an autistic fucking retard who thinks dry fasting can cure aids and vaccines caused his autism and actively pushes people to participate in dangerous dry fasting.

t. (hey) fatty

Fasting is a meme. Simply lift and eat at a deficit. If there was a secret trick to cutting that isn’t tren and clen somebody would be selling it. You’re not smarter than the bodybuilding greats.

I don't think you lose muscle but you have no gylcogen to burn for intense activity which results in a loss of strength. Unless you're working with really light weight and didn't push yourself you're full of shit because fat is a slow burning energy source

All of Fung's work is actually backed up.

this will result in worse results in the end

Over on the /fast discord, there is much more information and support.

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I starved for two months once, can't tell you about metabolism but I can tell you that you don't have any energy and sleep a lot and it felt like an indirect way of conserving what you have left
There were days toward the end that I slept 18 hours and only got up to piss and get water and even though I was dying I couldn't find the energy to stop it from happening, the idea seemed peaceful at the time and I resigned to it so long as I didn't have to keep suffering

it is being sold though

the fasting mimicking diet costs like $250 a week or some shit and people are jumping on it like crazy

My work likes to bring in free pizza, cakes, cupcakes, etc all the time, and fasting while staring at that shit in the lunchroom whenever I went to get water was ridiculously hard, but the feeling of resisting and seeing the weight slough off was so much better in the end. Try again bro, and this time remember what you're fasting for

>fasting is a meme
>simply lift and eat at a deficit
>eat a deficit

0 calorie dietary intake is by definition...a deficit

Some of his shit isn't well cited. He's on a one-way training to "fastville" and he's not slowing down.

He's correct that the supposed "starvation mode" your body goes into is really rather minimal. Yeah you'll burn two, three hundred calories fewer after fasting awhile BUT holy shit you're eating 0 calories so whatever.

An important fact that he forgets is that as a huge portion of muscle is water (90%), it requires only a small amount of protein catabolism to produce much larger losses of lean body mass. So if I burn 100 grams of protein fasting that's basically 1000g of lean mass lost. If I burn 90% fat by energy and 10% protein that's a HUGE amount of muscle lost.

That said, a short term fast leads to all sorts of interesting genetic signalling that appears to have lasting benefits.

Fasting is free, those people are pretty retarded.

I cant even.....

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naturally some protein losses occur, and I wouldnt recommend longer term fasting for lean fitizens. For those of us trying to cut though tis godlike.

the only good thing about it is they give a lot of research for fasting as a by product

but yeah its just a big scam and just a way to capitalize something literally free

>Trying to cut

Not exclusive. I'm around 13%, which people would call lean but I'll still cut.

What no one's discussed is fasting on a small amount of tren or similar- I think you'd dramatically improve nitrogen retention

How do you "sell" fasting you fucking brainlet?

>how do you "sell" fasting you fucking brainlet?

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Been on IF for about 4 months now, started it with a 3 day water fast and within the first 3 weeks I dropped 21 lbs. I have recently hit a wall because I refuse to add cardio right now as Im focusing on getting my big lifts back up by slowly introducing more carbs every week. I was doing basically keto+if and now I roughly take in 200g carbs a day but I can definitely clean my diet up more. Progress is good even though I have stalled at 216 for the last few weeks as I've gotten a bit bigger and stronger. I recommend the 20:4 IF protocol especially if you like to eat a lot of fatty meats like bbq brisket or egg's since the fat keeps you full for so long. I'm thinking I'll be adding in 30m cardio 5x a week here soon to get down around 200.

>His advice to lose weight is just to stop eating.
Yep to an American this is "new" advice.

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yeah hes right. Just stop fucking eating. Your body will sort itself out for the most part by choosing what to eat for energy and what to leave as necessity. Fasting has more benefits to the obese than meme foods like kale

>Claims that starvation mode is a myth
He never said that tho, he said starvation only happens at extremely low body fat %.

He is right - main opposition (who get livid when you propose they stop eating) are fatties who can't put the fork down for more than a couple hours

Why is every other races masculinity conflict/crisis always referential to the huwhite man? Really activates yur basedbeans.

Because this website is full of wh*toids

Evil mainlanders meme

this is fucking BULLSHIT. I started on a 24 hours fast and after one or 2 hours after the 24 hours I felt so bad I HAD TO EAT because I was feeling dizzy with headaches, light-headed and even COLD SWEATING. I ate and within 10 minutes I was feeling great again. Do you want to murder people?

you sound like drug addict

i'm not having that much success with a 1kcal diet. My TDEE is around 1700 apparently (176cm 105kg) and i lost 1.5kg in two hard weeks.

Not a meme. Had to deal with their bullshit for far too many god damn years going to a UC. Taiwan is ok. Koreans are tolerable. Japs are based. HK is cool. FUCK THE MAINLAND. THE SENKAKU ISLANDS BELONG TO JAPAN.

1kcal = 1 Calorie = 1 food calorie

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eh, 1k kcal then. thanks

It just rustles my jimmies when people use it incorrectly.
t. half-autismo enginerd

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>His advice to lose weight is just to stop eating.
What else would it be? Fatties want to believe that the "secret" to losing weight is eating THIS ONE HEALTHY THING on top, in addition to all the disgusting junk they crave.

They're delusional, he's just being real. There is no secret to losing weight. The only way to do it is to change lifestyle, and nearly all fatties are too stupid and lazy to do it.

You're a junk food addict, may want to flex your self control muscle, fatty.

>you sound like a drug addict*
you sound like a fucking retard

t. weak ass soiboi cunt with no self control.

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Simmer down, fatty.

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I would have sex with Dr. Fung, daily, for twenty-five years or more, before I'd ever even choose to be in the same room as Boogie.

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I went more than 24 hours of water fasting on my first fast ever. The headache and cold sweat scared me so I ate because I thought I was truly going to die if I kept going on. The hell with you.

I wouldn't do a fast because that's fucking retarded, but yeah pretty much if you wanna lose weight just EAT LESS

How long has this picture been around?

>I thought I was truly going to die
Pls be bait. Die? After only one day? That's the most retarded thing I've read on this board in months. That's worse than mom science.

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You didn't balance your electrolytes, dummy

Children fast for 24 hours around the world in religious ceremonies. You diabetic fat fuck. I did a 24 hour dry fast at 12 no problem. Your fat fucking carcass was freaking out because it didn't have sugar, carbs, or caffeine.

Inferiority complex.

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Any loose skin afterwards? I heard fasting prevents loose skin.

I'm very sus of him since he seriously seems to think that a traditional low calorie diet literally cannot work.

Sensiburoo chuckoo user

first 1-4 reps run on creatine phosphate system
>doesnt require glucose or ketones
5-15 reps uses anaerobic system which uses glucose (aka carbs)

so you have to modify your workout to make use of the creatine phosphate sytem if youre in keto (aka lift heavy for max 4 reps)

Pizza is temporary. Gains are forever.

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>pulling out too far on my thrusts

that actually is a thing, just to clarify. it WILL cause queefing. But shes still a disgusting slag.

he probably drank too much water. you actually can kill yourself if you drink as much water as normal while fasting, but don't intake any of the salts.

it still probably would take at least 48 hours though.

I just read a study yesterday that says the benefits of fasting apparently aren't from calorie restriction, it comes from the lack of endotoxins produced.

that is correct. the hormonal responses in the body matter way more. some people eat upwards of 3k calories a day fasted and still lose body fat.

Fake and gay

> some people eat upwards of 3k calories a day fasted

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>He doesn't count 23/1


You’re a retard shut your mouth. All you need is water and body fat

Imagine this.. don’t eat breakfast or lunch and just eat a fat dinner!

It actually works wonders

Well, Fung IS selling fasting.
And fasting is free and it works.

one meal a week is far more extreme than hard dry fasting

They litterally are.
Food isn't something they eat to keep from dying or a way to celebrate with family and friends.
It's a drug to partake in.

>carnivore diet
Way to get a vitamin deficiency

>I am NOT a fan of extended fasts except in very certain circumstances. Particularly in cases where metabolic disorders are rearing their head. Diabetics, and people on one or more medications for depression, high blood pressure,

why shouldn't you fast on bp medication?

How do I get into fasting? Any tips so I don’t die?

Want to know something?
Your body adapts to super low calories in a way that most people here don't like or can maintain.

You will lose muscle and bodymass and have all sorts of interesting and fairly bad for you changes in your body because of the low calorie and inevitable binge on terrible food thing.

Is this a gook book?

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I didn't believe in the metabolic slowdown shit until I actually thought about it.

If you ARE getting a source of food, your body is going to make that source of food as significant as possible for you metabolically by sacrificing muscle mass to lower your daily energy needs, while also gaining the energy from doing so.

If you have NO FOOD AT ALL, your body would NEVER choose to sacrifice your extremely important and critical food finding tools, your muscles, before your fat.

It actually makes a lot of fucking sense. Our bodies have evolved over millions of years, they'd never have made if it your body metabolized it's own muscle every time a caveman was starving because he couldn't hunt the local sabertooth tigers for a few weeks.

You're adapting to low calories and a lifestyle where you merely have less calories on top of going to the gym to exercise.

You're not really healthier because of it beyond being lower bodymass and not stuffing your face or stuffing yourface with the terrible shit you were eating before.

You've adapted into a form that eats less and has to exercise hard during certain periods to maintain your health and well being.

That's not as sustainable. If you have too much energy and you're suffering from disease brought on by excessive heedless consumption of foods and poor food choices then the only logical thing to do is to not eat for a while and become slightly more active in a normal way.

>Fung IS selling fasting.
>fasting is free
What he has actually done is determined where the most benefits from fasting are (~20-36 hours) and simply doubled it. This is where the SELL part comes in, because most will falter trying to make it though the unrealistic and dangerous amount of hours he suggest they will want the reading material,the supplements, the fasting "coaches." It's brilliant marketing, really.

so recomp, next

>treat weight loss by not eating
wouldn't that just cause more weight loss yfm?

If they knew how to recomp in the first place they wouldn't need to diet.
Also, recomp just makes it so that they can't actually maintain their lifestyle without a fuckton of exercise.

>the unrealistic and dangerous amount of hours
You can literally fast for 2 weeks and nothing bad will happen to you

Drink water
Take some salts (sodium/potassium/magnesium)
Go for 2 weeks at a time
Refeed with lean meat or fish and no refined carbs/sugars

This is actually where protein loss peaks and BEFORE ketogenesis. Short cyclical fasts are dumb.

>Ssank you
At least be racist correctly.

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why not just eat the salt/potassium/magnesium in pinches throughout the day instead of making your water taste awful?

or alternatively, make a much more strong solution but swig it down with regular water in a much larger volume, so you can enjoy regular water AND the benefits by having them mix and dillute in your stomach instead of in your mouth

This is what I do, I also don't guzzle water like a fucking retard just to have something to do.