whys it got to be asians sucking white cock 99.95% of the tiem?
Whys it got to be asians sucking white cock 99.95% of the tiem?
looks similar to mine except skin color.
It's hard to suck an Asian cock while viewing it through a microscope.
whites are ubermensch and black porn is a forced jewish meme
Every asian person has white fever, regardless of gender. We should stop pretending that racial preferences exist, everyone is racist to some degree as well as sexually racist and being an SJW is a rejection of your basic biology.
my WHITE gf loves my MASSIVE 6" asian cock
What, do you expect them to stick to only 5% of the population? Why would they nerf their dating pool like that
>he came in this thread just to larp because he's insecure as shit over the OP post
Lmao at your life kid
not larping
But I was hoping to get laughs and give people a semblance of joy and happiness even if it was for a moment - thanks user
Indeed, becuase differences breed hatred
Nobody treats that shit as well as they could imo.
We tamper people's murderous rages with socializing and the law. Aggressive sexual urges, etc. But we've yet to realize that needs to apply to stuff like racism (mostly the socializing and not legal shit) or tribalism (again, socializing)
So many inherent behaviours we have that are counter productive to our long term survival and success but we haven't thought about trying to tackle them yet
hate prejudice and racial bias is a natural instinctive reaction
This and thread-erino. It has nothing to do with racial preferences, it is just that they are the most common demographic.
thats a load of shit and you know it
why would that give people joy
It's a very simple and obvious truth
White guys are racist as shit.
Some semblance of* joy
Because I wrote it in a way that was easy to laugh at, ya doofus. Laughing at things = some semblance of joy
it was so hilarious
Why are Asian guys not allowed to larp but White men do it all the time on Jow Forums. Is Jow Forums basicslly white masculinity?
It was only intended to evoke a chuckle, but I'm glad you liked it so user
White guys are racist fags. They take niceness for weakness.
nah it was shit all around
>Take niceness for weakness
Isn't that exactly what niggers do? But to an even greater degree?
so what if thats what blacks do. it doesnt make you not a racist fag
>it was shit all around
Don't tell lies user. It's unbecoming. I saw you giggling
I'm not him, you massive buffoon. Stop interpreting what I said like I was trying to disagree with you
it was just a cheap racist joke
white people are objectively the most diverse and attractive plus white men are smart/capable without the bugman autism
which you laughed at
>Lmao at your life kid
I like bringing joy to robutts since they are the ones with the least joy of any people on Jow Forums
youre still a racist fag even if you arent him
As an asian I gotta agree. As mucha as wmaf pisses me off I cant stop obsessing over white girls myself
nobody laughed at it except you cus youre making a cheap racist joke.
wmaf doesnt piss me off. but racism does
redpilled and Jow Forumsack
You totally laughed at my tiny asian dick user don't be contrary just because you don't want to be seen as weak
What would you know about racism you pig fucking kike
both are me. im Jewish now. we're done here, you brainlet racist.
nobody laughed at your shit racist joke. it was one of those things that seemed like a good idea but became an utter failure in action.
>being butthurt on Jow Forums
Am I being memed?
Agree user.
Wmaf actually makes me feel happy. I don't see any reason why Asian women should continue to date a specific ethnicity at all.
I'm also obsessed with white girls. I think most Asian guys in the west are.
Idk why insecure ugly white guys on Jow Forums are louder and more racist than the attractive or well adjusted white men I know irl
Who said it was a racist joke?
>calls me a kike but im the butthurt one
youre a racist fag.
it wasnt a joke at all cus it was so shit.
I wouldn't say I was obsessed, but they're the biggest demographic
Why are you backpedaling user? Why are you butthurt for someone trying to bring you joy at their own expense? Are you okay?
Well, speaking for myself, I am absolutely obsessed. Cannot envision myself being with a nonwhite partner in the future.
Ah fair enough
What do you like about white women user?
it was a shit "joke". yeah you tried but in effect it was bad, just be quiet.
yep. those white whores will suck everything and everyone
But who said it was a joke?
Why are you mad that someone tried to make you laugh, at their own expense no less?
im not mad you tried to make me laugh, it was a racist and shit joke. you can admit that.
nice racism bitch
I love my degenerate whore
She's oddly loving
It wasn't racist, and it wasn't a joke
You don't want to laugh at my obviously not-massive peen? c'mon man loosen up
youre the one that needs to tighten up honestly
You got me, i have no response
>thinks 6" is massive
Confirmed Asian
>massive in all caps
>wasn't being ironic
Do you have the right website?
confirmed ear wax eater.
How is recognizing that Asians have small dicks on avg is racist? I didn't say I want all Asians to die or that I hate them. Asians make great wingmen. Kind of the male equivalent of the fat female friend for mate selection contrast.
It's just someone trolling, relax
im probably bigger than you dicklet lol cope
Because we make them. They're ours.
why the fuck are you yanks so obsessed with race, pathetic.
LOL he said while wiped the cheeto dust from his fingers
I'm really fucking tired of Kikes making these racebait threads
Race mixing should be banned.
Seeing wmaf couples males me feel cucked but at the same time idk why but I seem to attract blonde grills the most. Why do blonde, blue eyed people usually seem to have yellow fever? Is it a subconscious thing from being possibly related to the Nazis who were allied with the Japs?
he said as he picked the cheetos dust from his crotch
shut your mouth Shlomo, you dirty rat
>"Jews!" he cried as he furiously responded on his crusty 10 years old keyboard covered in filth.
The jew screams as he is called out.
>body shaking, the brave neckbeard defends m'honor
im not even Jewish. anybody with brain cells to rub together can make sport of you, cheese dust.
So is no one going to post more beautiful exotic asian princesses sucking superior white cock?
no, fuck off Moshe, go hang yourself you hook nosed dicklet
I'm not jewish but my gf is asian and I'm white. The dynamic of them knowing you are better than them just makes the relationship so much better. Women belong below men.
yup. thats going on r/asianfemininity *snap*
LOL hahahah
whats so funny? theres nothing funny about being a dicklet.
As an Asian guy, why does this give me such a boner?
LOL nice try white masculinity
It is a never ending loop im chinese american and ive been watching the worst kind of white on asian interracial porn imaginable
i'm actually pretty ashamed of it. been trying to quit for a while, but these thoughts of our women being subjugated and taken by white chads, while leaving us asian guys behind makes me hard like no tomorrow.
Seeing other men fuck a girl is proven to make you horny. Because sperm competition - you want your sperm to be the ones to go on to reproduce, so you get horny with the intent to fuck the girl so that yours can potentially fertilize the egg
Think about it. If you see a girl getting fucked - indicator of fertility. If you do nothing you won't pass on genes for sure. if you do something, you might be able to. Hence.
dam we got some White scholars itt
So like, is it true that you guys view us the same way we view niggers lol?
You are Americano faggot. Hang in cukchell forever
I'm not white ya doofus - what I said has nothing to do with race. Just sperm competition.
Asian men dont treat women like some prize to be fought over. They treat them as ladies, and are old fashioned gentlemen. Only brainlets fall for the "treat women badly because chad does" meme.
sureeee cool story guy.
>le fedora
Asians treat women terribly in comparison to europeans in general. Maybe in Korea/Japan it might be different.
Thanks for believing me user. Nobody believes anybody here
Wrong. Europeans treat women horribly in comparison to Asians. toot toot
i dont believe you, youre a larping White fedora. *tip*
You just said sure cool story guy
Why would you say that if you don't believe me
to see you out yourself as the larping, pube bearded White masculinity poster you are.
>anyone who doesn't agree with me is white or a race i hate or whatever is convenient at the time
No wonder you're undateable
Do Europeans beat women, treat them as forms of domestic appeasement and assurance? People are traded as simple dowry or forcefully sold off into marriages for favours you dirt cock magnet.
aha no shit! you may not be a White guy but you arent a guy.
uh yeah? they invented that shit
i retract my friends cock. he will find the succ elsewhere. good day gentlemen and larpists.