Swims 4 km

>swims 4 km
>rides 180 km
>runs 42 km

This is not an athlete by Jow Forums definition

Attached: jan-frodeno-carrera-kona.jpg (849x617, 58K)

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literally no one thinks that he is not an athlete

Wrong. By Jow Forums's standards, since he does not lift, he is not an athlete.

Fuck youre retarded

He looks malnourished.
Jow Forums cares more about strenght that doesn't involve running away from an alpha male.

The one that can beat up the other, is more Jow Forums
I would rek him

Nice strawman bud

Wrong. By Jow Forums standards, he's DYEL because he doesn't lift. Just because you aren't DYEL doesn't make you an athlete, or vice versa. Nobody on here uses the term athlete.

He is vanilla tier.
Real athlete's participate in; Triple Deca Ultratriathlon

114 km (71 mi) Swim
5,400 km (3,400 mi) Cycle
1,260 km (780 mi) Run

The fact this exists and is doable, while well over 30% of America is OBESE and voted Trump (They also think they are the best..) shows the world is coming to an end. Men has gone CRAZY. Where is God??

Attached: 1521736706545.jpg (787x768, 255K)

made me kek not gonna lie

The thing that bothers me about tri athletes is that most of them aren't "great" at any one of the sports individually. I would say 80% of them are fucking garbage swimmers, shitty cyclist and decent runners.

Science shows that brain activity and mental health increases with (healthy..) sport/movement.

Sitting and being fat literally makes you a dumber person, and will shave away years of your life, while making it impossible to come close to your potential.

Yet we hand out cancer-burgers (:read Happy Meal) to our children, and cigarettes are available to all. We make sure the children of out children will breathe in shit cause our governments are afraid to make real change. (Would be working against / voting against Oil, Sigarettes, some Health Organisations, Banks etc)

We consider ourselves to be so good while we cannot distribute food and water somewhat equally. Fuck i smoke to much weed and am a little depressed. Help me Jow Forums make me laugh!

>reply to this thread or the cardio skeleton will run away with your gains

I can't fucking believe that people can do this shit, I was proud of myself when I ran 10km some time ago and then I got this absurdity thrown into my face, not cool.

Triathlons are also biased towards cyclist.


>lifters can fight because they raise a barbell


Nobody who lifts is an athlete.
Lifts are static movements, athletes are dynamic.

Kek this. Jow Forums is full of gymcel dorks that do no outdoor physical activity but believe they’ve been granted magical anime fighting abilities.

Jow Forums only focuses on roided bodybuilders, every one else is dyel and athletic ability is not taken into consideration, welcome to 2018 and looksmaxing

I'm a decent lifter and it gave me a HUGE advantage when I started doing wrestling, I could overpower guys who were years ahead of me in terms of technique, as I was pretty much to newbie. Shame I had to quit. By the way, I'm not a gifted athlete or anything, by any means.

Pretty sure that user meant street fighting, not a sport like wrestling.

generally yes but Kona last year showed the opposite. runner overtook better cyclist
and Jan Frodeno cramped out after going too hard while cycling

That’s because most of this board is too beta/socially retarded to do things like team sports or even run outside where people will see them.

>lifts are static movement, ethletes are dynamic
>dynamic means movement
>static means that it doesn't move
>lifts are not dynamic
>athletes don't lift
*nobody on fit lifts or is an athlete* FTFY

He looks like shit

Except it doesn't exist and isn't remotely doable.


Uhmmmm try again sweetie

Did someone on Jow Forums offend you by calling you a cardio bunny instead of an athlete?

>3,400 mile bike

Holy fucking shit, you'd have biked almost 14% across the perimeter of earth during your ride, that's unreal

I thought an Ironman was incredible, this is death-tier right here. That, or you become a god once you finish with a pulse

It's done over multiple days obviously. Apparently this is done over the course of a month

Even still, that's fucking insane. You'd have to be in peak human condition to survive that sort of shit anyway

>body/musculature of an 80 year old

reminder that an athlete is someone who plays a sport, if you don't do a sport then you can't call yourself an athlete.
reminder that a sport is a test of your skills.
reminder that skill is the effective use of your strength for your sport;
reminder sports require different sets of skill, thus training and requirements for said sport are different to others.
reminder that skill are not appliable for any other sport outside of your own, the strength and technique developed on your sport will not transfer effectibly to most sport.

Thats the whole point retard. Its not about being the best at any one leg, its abut being a balanced athlete in the three sports