Anyone else think that this whole incel scare mongering is going to lead to more violent attacks? I do. These people already feel desperate and that they are unloved and do not belong in society. Now society is osctrisizing them even more, we are actively telling society's outcasts that we think of them as dangerous evil monsters who need to just kill themselves or be locked up. I don't think it's crazy to think this will lead to even more shootings. If our goal is to end these attacks we've taken a huge fucking step in the wrong direction.
Anyone else think that this whole incel scare mongering is going to lead to more violent attacks? I do...
Normies have always loved screeching at the outcast of the week, calm down. You should be more worried about trucks of peace than fucking incels on the Internet.
Trucks of peace?
They should be more concerned about he Nazis on Jow Forums.
incels have branched off from r9k. we are mostly normal.
and no. other incel websites like reddt and incelsme doesnt have the robot script.
No really, its kinda retarded to begin with. They attack a group of people that generally accept that they are universally hated. Because they know "incels" or in this case robots won't fight back.
Its like they're screaming at a bunch of monks living peacefully in their monastery on top of some high mountain.
Okay everybody I personally know says I'm garbage, now the media says I'm garbage too. Why should that bother me?
I can see it causing people to go over the edge a little if their mindset is "well, everyone thinks I'm a bad person anyway so fuck it!" I can also see attacks against "incels" and anyone who the normies can deem an incel. We're heading to a stage where it will become a thing to start recording some random guy and berate him all because he was alone or something. That's what I fear.
If he would say that he might as well just do that with or without the media's influence. Also nobody likes bullying not even normalfags.
I want to see more shootings'n'shit. Normals can't understand a thing until it becomes dangerous.
monks don't run people over in their cars though do they? when normal people say incels they don't mean virgin men, they mean men who call themselves incels and post stuff on the internet about wanting to kill and rape women etc. that's what incel means to the average normie
Well that's the correct definition no?
Not only are incels hateful pieces of shits they also have extremely high standards and want nothing less than a blonde bimbo bitch
Incel literally is just a shorthand for "Involuntarily Celibate". Nothing more. Just men who cannot get a parter because they have no social skills and/or they're unattractive.
>cannot get a partner
You misspelled "don't want to".
You're crazy, I'm an incel and I want a fat brown girl who just loves me
normalfags dont care what the term actually means
the media said incels are resentful and dangerous misogynists and thats what matters to them
"user, you just need to dress better and be a little more confi-..."
You do know Eggy is no incel right?
>just try harder you fucking loser, it's all about your bersonalidy
What is wrong with that poor bastard?
I though women couldn't be incel?
Yes woman can to. But it's really rare. When they are though they usually become a trigglypuff, bragging about how they want to kill all men but nobody judges them for that.
It will be like the school shooter meme after Columbine
It will never go away because the normalshits will still have free reign to do whatever they want