Is this tied properly?

Is this tied properly?

(I pulled on the rope and tightened it hard right after I took the pic)

Attached: 1524828564495.jpg (750x1334, 225K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Better test it out to make sure OP.

>File: 1524828564495.jpg

Hang it up and grab onto it like you would a normal untied rope. If it holds your bodyweight then it will work.

Make sure to have a long fall. So it snaps your neck and kills you instantly. Short drops have the tendency to not be fatal and leave you retarded. See you on the other side faggot

Attached: 1B351B87-5846-46A5-9610-FDAE811A465D.png (640x1136, 825K)

Nigga it's called a filename scrambler

Thanks my dudes

Attached: 1511895201848.jpg (750x1334, 192K)

No problem, always happy to help a fellow bot.

and thats the story of how Jow Forums helped a fellow robot commit suicide.

Mind sharing why made you do this before leaving?

Hey do you wanna talk outside of that thread? Maybe we could calm you down enough for you to reconsider

I can't help but be morbidly curious exactly how many anons have killed themselves thanks to our... "acts of service" now
I bet it's a high number

Don't be such a moralfag, OP is a free man.

Don't do it user you have so much to live for yadayadayada

the noose looks really big compared to OP's feet.

what is it to you, I'm not telling you guys to stop being such a heartless psychos either

Goodbye, fren.
Oh, that looks better.

If you're suicidal, at least go for a way that won't be painful and excruciating
For example, drug overdose.
If I ever do it, that's what I'll choose

Funnily enough most people who decide to off themselves are disturbingly calm, it's the guilt ridden survival mechanistic fuckwads that can't get over their fear of facing someone else leave on their own terms

>at least go for a way that won't be painful and excruciating
you should look at

wtf stop projecting your "guilt ridden survival mechanisms" onto me
I want to help because I believe in the sacredness of life and the good in this world it's worth living for
When did you guys become so cynical Jesus Christ

are you going to livestream it? please do

life and humanity as we know it is just an eventuality, there is no sacredness to clusters of particles merging and adapting to their environment over billions of years, but you do you and I'll do me

jfc who hurt you

please tell me how you plan to do it I want to use same thing

A lot of people which is why I like to watch people die

well at least you're up front about it lol

At least livestream it and call out the people who caused this.

Damn you guys need to spend less time on this board and more with your therapist

>here is a link that might help you out.

watching livestreamed suicides is my therapy

Good luck, OP.
We'll see you on the other side.

Overdose is ironically precisely painful and excruciating. The best way to die is blowing your head with lots of explosives, and hanging yourself is second only to it

Might be time for a new form of therapy? My offer goes for everyone desu if u wanna vent/talk I can give u my discord

Discordniggers should be lynched

stfu and gtfo with your savior complex

I talk to depressed anons and I dont moral fag as I want to die one day and I want to help them

I gently open the door.


Godspeed user, I hope you'll have a better time than on earth.

op you have to share with us your story before you off yourself