Any zoomers on this board?
I'm gonna kick your fucking ass!
Any zoomers on this board?
22 year old zoomer here
try it gramps
18 year old zoomer here.
please shoot me
How do I know if I'm a zoomer?
19 Years old zoomer here what the fuck you gonna do ?
Also i post with my phone fuck you
You faggots asked for it
Fucking millenial scum
>Wow cool meme do you mind if I share this on r/Jow Forums?
hey thats pretty good
t. born in 2000
There's literally 13 year olds browsing this board
I talked to one yesterday
I'm 23 years old, born in 95. I'm either the youngest Millennial or the oldest Zoomer. However in truth, I'm just a 23 year old boomer.
You are because you asked that question.
Im 26. Am I a zoomer or a boomer? Probably a boomer since I dont get these young person memes.
do you know what a game boy fat is?
yes: boomer
no: zoomer
Isnt a gameboy fat just an original gameboy? The big grey one with kirbys pinball and tetris? Now that wad a handheld.
I had the one with "clear" plastic and you could see the circuitboard in it. It was dope.
Does a boomer zoomer exist?
cuz i'm one
You barely make the Boomer cut in theory desu but if you're sufficiently Zoomer enough culturally you might fall short.
yep... you got that right
Boomer here...I never called mine the Game Boy Fat. It's either just "Original Game Boy", "Brick", or "DMG".
Zoomer here I had one because of my parents.
Nice brother. Mine came with a snap on light that went over the screen so I could play under the covers. Felt like a high tech gizmo
you have to call it "the fat gameboy" or "you know, the original fat one" these days because zoomies will think you mean the gameboy color or advance their cousin let them play once when they were 4
the point is if you know what is meant by the term, even if you never used it, you're a boomer
22 year old zoomer here. come at me bro i will fucking kick you boomer ass.
You're gonna have to come up here and fight me on my ride-on mower faggot.
Anyone feel like posting a timestamp with your original game boy? not a picture of you, just the console + timestamp
20 year old german zoomer here eat a dick nerd i only use my phone to post on Jow Forums
I just realized I have no idea what happened to my OG gameboy. I got a bunch of old games for it still but I think my mom might have given it away when I got a gameboy colour.
zoomer mentality is too good.
you a millenial , a loser
I do not understand this gif
i will break you every bone you boomer faggot.
boomers are born before 88
zoomers are born after 99
the inbetween are freaks.
>the point is if you know what is meant by the term, even if you never used it, you're a boomer
Oh dear. I guess I am old.
it got stolen in the summer of '02. this is the best I can do
>tfw the bouncer won't let me back into the booma-bing club without my gameboy id because he thinks I'm a lying zoomer
>Anyone feel like posting a timestamp with your original game boy?
Some days I really wish I kept my atomic purple colour. Then I remember how much better it is to run an emulator on my nexus where I can feed it cheats and not need to put in fresh AAs every goddamn week.
>Tldr, millinails disguising as boomers and zoomers and making it seem like they hate each others.
Millinials are envious losers of the zoomer/boomer relation.
Wish l could find mine. but it was a blue gameboy advance with my 4 year old handwritten name on it.
i think the first handheld i ever had was a sega portable though
Holy fuck that Pokemon TCG game is so fucking broken.
>mono white deck
>mad broken card advantage via professor oak
>only give it six monsters since game auto mulligans again if you draw no basics
>feed it snorlax, taurous, whites that can deal heavy damage right out the gate
Goddamn I wish I was smart as a kid and I would have cleaned up at the TCG comps. How the fuck is such an unbalanced and overpowered game allowed to be played?
>gameboys and pokemon.
yup, millenial babies.
Is that James Bond game any good? Never seen or heard of it before.
18 is not millennial you ignorant retard
>tfw no atomic
>just lame opaque purple
ah.. the days of playing this during commercials while watching dragon ball z on tv, just me and my four brothers ("tvs" were what we had instead of iphones in those days)
As a kid I probably would have swapped you the purp for the pikachu one
it's cash. goldenye only wishes it were so good
>tfw spend 5 days stuck in China before realizing how to search beds
>tfw 007 theme plays when you solve a puzzle
uh yes it is dumbface