How do you become more aggressive?

How do you become more aggressive?

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Consume manly media
Stop jerking off
Stop hanging around losers
Find good mentors

You only associate masculine traits like being aggressive to that man because he is attractive.Halo effect becomes self fulfilling prophecy.

>Find good mentors
That is kinda gay

Pic related.
Except not that branch, join the Marines. Graduating highschool I was 6' 0" and weighed 125 lbs. My hobbies were anime and CS:GO. Joined the Marines, went Infantry, now 175b of muscle, got a decent social life, and spend most of my free time outdoors.

Also you're forced to have a social life, and you get paid to go to college afterwards.

THE best route to go for people like us,

>being aggressive is something good

OP here
actually it's because he's a Navy SEAL

wait a minute.. what state are you from?

True but it's painfully obvious most of you had no real male influence and you'll need it if you want to catch up in a reasonable time frame

I agree with this also

why not the SEALs? Is it because it's insanely difficult?

woman detected.

yeah, I didn't think this was original either

Did you join the marines as a skelly? Wouldnt that have been absolute hell?

I'm not a woman. But passiveness is superiour.
The only reason to attack is being attacked.

This is what 6' and 120 lbs looks like

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just convince yourself everyone deserves to die nobody gives a fuck about you it's dog eat dog nobody cares about eachother its all just a facade so we can subconsciously manipulate eachother for material gain love is just a chemical reaction nobody cares about you or loves you compassion and empathy are just chemicals you don't actually care about anyone and should assume authority over people you're either predator or you're prey

exactly user the human man has entered a state of pathetic decadence and submission when humanity is supposed to be nature's perfect killer fuck morality

Yes, for most people Marine Corps Infantry would be incredibly difficult, and any of the SEAL teams are exponentially harder. Not only physically (physically, most people can get to even SEAL shape), but you have to have ridiculous teamwork ability, among mental strength, things anyone browses /r9k would not have.
I was closer to 135 going in, and I had to get a waiver for being 3 lbs underweight. As far as difficulty goes, bootcamp and physical standards are advantageous to lighter people. Think about it, would you rather have to do 23 pullups with 135lbs of weight, or with 200? Same for runs, pushups, etc. Most things you'll do are easier if you're lighter. The only exception being the ruck runs, but those aren't common.
The Marines have something called poolees, for anywhere between a month and a year, you'll be working out a couple times a week with other poolees waiting to ship to bootcamp. Being light =/= being skelly. Even at my weight I had abs and good muscles.

If you're fat going into bootcamp, you'll lose weight. If you're skinny, you'll gain.



me moo tee too lee loo i'm gay heck me

I did the exact same thing except I had to sign a waiver and now it's going to take forever before I can even join. It's killed my motivation

I regret not doing this. Now I am 25 and probably too old, but I am still a NEET virgin loser.

>6'0 175lb

calm down scrawster probably can't even squat 2 plates

Calm down robot, you've probably never stepped foot in a gym. Regardless, have you ever jogged 15 miles through hills with a 75lbs Rucksack? No? You don't know what leg strength is lol.

It's probably for the best that happened, not to sound like a dick, but if you can't keep your motivation for the year you're in DEP for, you probably won't enjoy signing away another 4 years.

Not too old. I've known older. 28 is the upper limit for recruits. Go do it user.

>t. phytofag

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Bump originsisoosisidkektk

>How does 5'8" and 135lbs look like?

Bumping out of interest
Besides military, how else could I become more aggresive n manly?
>18 5'10"
>lift weights 4-5 days a week, benching 315lbs
>Watch war videos and have a deep interest in war history and weapons
>bought a few guns, dont get to shoot them much because I am a city fag.
>watch gore and torture videos online when I am angry.
>no social life, I never had a gf or any friends.

How do I man up and be more intimidating?

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have your dick mutilated as a child

>Besides military
>Watch war videos and have a deep interest in war history and weapons
>bought a few guns, dont get to shoot them much because I am a city fag.
>watch gore and torture videos online when I am angry.

You sound like a perfect fit for the military...

Re read everything you said about yourself. Basically, if people knew you were in the Infantry, and liked guns, liked military history, are angry, watch torture videos, etc, they would think you are badass and intimidating. If they hear that shit and you're just a robot, they are gonna accurately think you're just a mentally disturbed loser who will like go on a mass shooting

I am thinking of joining the USMC infantry already but my family calls me a dumbass thinking it will be like some Iwo Jima shit and insist i become a lawyer or computer programmer. They just dont understand I HATE robot isolation life and that I want to experience shit and not be a shut in 24/7 but I cant get myself to tell them to fuck off, they would do anything to stop me and I dont want to end up a disappointment and have them call me a dumbass at my funeral if I do get wasted.

Fucking sucks being fresh out of HS, living with parents and still being seen as a 12 year old boy "user we brought goodies, dont overdo it with the gym"

>being an adult and letting your parent's approval dictate your life.

Try being a man before you worry about being an aggressive man.

bodybuilding drugs

And I speak on this as a man with a similar experience. I graduated with honors from high school, was accepted into U of M for aerospace engineering, but knew it's not what I needed right now. I took the ASVAB, qualified for every job in every branch, told everyone who didn't support me to fuck off and joined the Marines as infantry. I'm getting ready to get out now and start college, but my time in has made me unrecognizable to the person I was in high school, for the better.

For the record, your parents will accept it. Once you're there standing in formation in your uniform at graduation, they'll forget all of that disapproval, and act like it was their idea all along.

>aerospace engineering
good thing you didn't go for it user. it's a fun subject and all but it's for kids that want to larp kerbal space program. very few job prospects.

I want to join the army but i have a chronic brainfog, literally can't understand what people are saying to me sometimes

Don't do weed kids, really

Already had a decent job lined up, wasn't directly an aerospace job but the degree was applicable.

You'd fit right in with the Army.

you can't give advice to tie your fucking shoes

>"Just join the army bro!"
I thought Jow Forums was more redpilled than this

Even people who are redpilled can't deny that joining the infantry makes men more aggressive and assertive. Whether or not that's a good thing is up for debate, but the outcome is not.

Plus, I didn't say army. I said Marines. There is a large difference.

did you see total spergs join up that just couldn't hack it and dropped out? I don't want that to happen to me.

The great thing about the Marines is that they have the poolee system I referenced earlier. You will take monthly fitness tests, and they'll only ship you if they think you can pass. Some people get injured during training and have to graduate later, but 85% pass eventually. And the ones who don't usually either lied when enlisting, admitted to something they shouldn't have, or threaten suicide to get out.

If it is just graduating bootcamp you're worried about, if you're of average fitness you should be fine in a few months.

Infantry community is a bit different though.

You could skip the military and just do some prison time or go to jail for a couple years it's easier and you'll get good results and some PTSD.

t. Robot who has no idea what he's talking about. You watch too much cable news.

I served 6 months in county it will make you more aggressive but it's less forgiving if you can't handle it (people will take your tray if you don't fight and just generally make your life hell until they switch your pod and still then your reputation will follow you most of the time) I'm from a ghetto area so I guess it depends on your area too.

Disagree with most of that, but it's not really relevant to my main point anyways: I don't think that type of aggressiveness is positive. The military instills aggressiveness, but also instills respect, honor, self confidence, and commitment. It makes people into people you can trust to protect you and themselves. Prison and jail must gives a negative aggressiveness, driven by bitterness.

MAO-A inhibitors. Eating licorice, for instance, lowers MAO-A activity.

Attached: mao-a gene.jpg (1136x2200, 812K)

>virgin gibberish

Yah also kill your self

I've been told I'm very aggressive and intimidating all my life.
On the internet and off it
my voice is very deep and aggressive
my build is very aggressive
I'm tall
I talk angrily
I look angry (strong eyebrows)
look at people like I detest them
and not even intentionally, if I did then I imagine I'd look like even more of a testosterone ridden school shooting sperglord.
But in the end, I'm still not alpha, or chad, so aggressive isn't the key.

You sound really hot hehe
Fembot here hehe

>Fembot here hehe
Fembot (male) hehe

And I know because I'm dinaric and literally predisposed to shit like this
I have an antigen that makes me more susceptible to being more aggressive and having much more testosterone
(I'm talking about the antigen HLA-B5 and

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Masculine=/=hot '''''''''''''''''''''''''fembot''''''''''''''''''''''''
I wouldn't be here if it was the case.

if you are lucky

had a guy in high school whos life goal it was to join the marines. he literally wore all the shirts and basically pretended he was one until he finally got in. he was a year older and graduated before me so I did not see him for a while. One day Im in class and this kid walks in with crutches and an arm cast. Im thinking some random old student who got in a car wreck. No. It was this kid and he was all shaky and stuttering and the teacher hugged him. Then the teacher asked me to walk him back to the main office to make sure he gets there ok. I still did not recognize him and did not want to ask him what happen out of courtesy. As soon as we make it out the door in a shaky voice he tells me to never join the military. That second it clicked. Asked him if he was who I thought he was and he said yeah. He goes on to tell me within 1 week of him deploying he got hit by an ied. Titanium shoulder, constant back pain, permanent crutches, all kinds of medication, bad vision, all kinds of problems.

if you are going to tell people to join make sure tell them the possible other outcomes

this guy was actually a cool dude

No, not "if you are lucky".
You can't call the exception the rule. The vast majority of infantry are never injured. Especially now during peacetime. If you aren't infantry, your chances drop even lower.

When you tell someone going to the beach is fun, you don't tell them about them getting cancer.

but if there is a strong current, you do warn them to stay out of the water

Yeah, but this isn't WW2, you don't put a red flag out when the current is too weak to pull a rubber ducky.

The PTSD/injured veteran thing is largely a meme. It absolutely does happen, but they're a small minority.

And either way, if you're joining the Marine Corps Infantry, you should be full well aware of the risks.

Ok, I'm in a pretty jaded mood today and reading OP triggered something I need to say.

Remember "b urself"? This phrase sting right? Well it is 100% right.
Let's make something clear. What is bullshit about this advice is thinking being yourself is a good plan to get laid or even date, we agree on that, but here's the thing.

Are you naturally aggressive? Are you naturally assertive? No? Then STOP FEELING BAD ABOUT IT! For the love of fuck stop desiring women so much that you want to change for them. THIS RIGHT HERE is the fucking trap. Do you realise o
how much pain and sadness and self-doubt you put yourself through by trying to change to please women's standarts? Trust me, I know. I have dated for a long time and every woman ever refused a relationship with me because I was inadequate. I worked for years to become adequate and I suffeted a hard lot because of it.

Do not do this to yourself. As shitty a person you are or weird or autistic, be yourself, accept you for you and if you gotta change, change for you. Enough with this manipulative bullshit, seize control back. We shouldn't have to feel bad for who we are even if who we are is deeply broken. The more you try to change to be normal and get laid, the more you will hurt yourself.

>Except not that branch
Isn't he a SEAL?
What's wrong with SEALs?

Absolutely nothing. They are some of the most incredibly men I've had the pleasure of meeting. That being said, no one who goes on r9k is of the caliber of even attending BUDS, let alone being of the 15% who pass, and then the ~50% who make it to a team.

only do this if you're more on the normie side, like cyborgs
true robots will hate it

Care to mention where he mentioned women even once?

*dies in foreign shithole for money*

>But passiveness is superiour
this is called slave morality
don't be a fucking sissy

Jocko is cool. Didn't know he was this good looking when he wasn't bald.

I dont think you want to become aggressive. Perhaps you mean masculine? Aggressive is obnoxious and will make people not want to be around you.

Do you know where we are? There's a metric fuckton of threads every hour about baww baaw women don't love me and I'm expected to just be partial and not assume that this user who posted a picture of a cliche chad, asking how to he more aggressive when this is a common quality prized by women when they look for suitable partners, when it is a common struggle amongst men to try to please these fucking standarts, when we are on a board where most people confess to their feeling of guilt, inadequacy and pain related to fitting in an relating to most people, that it is not about trying to fit in or get chicks? Give me a break, you understand clearly what I mean so don't go into stupid semantics with me.

Besides, does it really fucking matter who he does it for if it's not entirely for himself? Changing for others and to fit in brings unsurmountable ammounts of pain which is purely self-inflicted in the end. Peopke expect you to be normal when you are not and although you change a lot, deeply, you cannot change the core of who you are and normalfags will never care about your struggle and jever care for your efforts and how far you've been unless you're some sort of celebrity or part of some shitty ass feelgood video about some bum with a heart of gold who followed his rainbow dreams till the end so that normienorman can feel all fuzzy wuzzy inside that the world is so beautiful and friendly for two seconds. My point is if you do it because you're tired of being a coward, go for it and find yoyr own way, but never make the mistake of changing to please others because nobody gives a fuck. Each and everyone of us are alone in our struggle and nobody needs to feel bad for how hard it is for them to struggle in their specific shortcomings. You get what I mean now? Don't feel bad about who you are because that's who you are. The result of your struggle, your work and your pain. Nobody has the right to talk shit about that and make fun of you.

and yet you still dont have a gf

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Aggression is universally recognized as masculine regardless of looks

>>watch gore and torture videos online when I am angry.
Sadism isnt manly