Fembot thread

Fembots are trashy, worthless, tattooed, slutty, porn addicted, mentally ill, rape fantasizing, childish, low self esteem having, semen slurping, sex toy using, masochistic, academic failures with daddy issues who dream about having a partner who beats the shit out of them while loving them.

And that's why I like them

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Don't u think ur definition of fembot is a bit generalized?

>robot attempts to flirt

S... Stop describing me so accurately!

>Fembots are trashy
Eh. Not really. I keep to myself and don't do anything particularly trashy or gross.
That's subjective.
I've never gotten a tattoo before, and I don't plan to.
Nah. Kissless virgin and I don't even talk to anyone.
>porn addicted
Porn is disgusting and I don't watch it. Doesn't do anything for me.
>mentally ill
Nothing too crazy aside from the usual clinical depression, anxiety, etc.
>rape fantasizing
Nah. I barely even have a sex drive.
How so? What would you consider childish
>low self esteem having
I guess so, yeah.
>semen slurping
Nope. Completely disinterested in cock/semen and have no experience with it.
>sex toy using
I own no sex toys at all.
Not so much, no.
>academic failures with daddy issues who dream about having a partner who beats the shit out of them while loving them
I did average in school. I don't have daddy issues. I don't particularly want to get beaten.

You were almost entirely wrong, op.

It seems ludicrously specific actually.

Plz be my gf originally.

How the h*ck did a bunch of girls on a board for social losers on a website full of social malcontents end up getting stereotyped as trashy whores with nipple piercings anyway?

>I don't have daddy issues.
lmao. Sure girl, now back to browising a board that despises girls again like a good mentally sound girl.

Because they're girls. Girls are all the same you know.

subjective but nah
nah im cool
hell no nigga
im a virgin (no oral or loopholes or what the fuck ever)
>porn addicted
vomit, fuck porn
>mentally ill
being mentally ill is for 15-year-old tumblr girls.
>rape fantasizing
if you count me being dom and fantasizing about forcing a robot to do lewds, sure.
ya got me
>low self esteem having
true, but not fully.
>semen slurping
nope. virgin
>sex toy using
>academic failures
highschool was arbitrary but i got info uni
>daddy issues
actually i have mommy issues

nice job though faggot

I think it's more that there's a lot of you who fit that stereotype.

Where do I get a low self-esteem virgin fembot gf?

>"domme" girls

Is there anything more disgusting?

>tfw no slutty trashy mentally ill fembot gf

Cringeworthy too. Claims to be dom while replying to a long list of accusations and meekly trying to give the best answer to please a robot. How commanding of her, kek.

i could be considered trashy because im a dirty neet, and i definitely am mentally ill with low self esteem. im not any of the other things though

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If you are not a hypersexual slut what good are you?

It's just annoying. So many supposedly dominant women end up being into it to satisfy some psychological need rather than a sexual one. As a result they end up secretly wanting domination. Lots of them are into cuckolding for that reason.

>Tfw every girl I've known has behaved like this

Females were a mistake

This. It doesn't get them off. It doesn't get them wet.

Worthless post. Objectively.

how orii

Tfw no masochist daddy issue sex obsessed gf to punish for being a bad girl

You'd think Jow Forums and Jow Forums would be the place to find such a girl... But sadly no.

>fembot I heard you and your internet friends call brazilians monkeys

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Why are 2B cosplayers such thots.

fembots post your husbando

for me, it's vyro

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Has he gone full norman yet.

fembots post your tits

I-I don't think so.
No yet. I wouldn't mind having a few. Kinda wanna get a couple face/neck tattoos after retiring and be an edgy grandma.
>porn addicted
>mentally ill
Not sure.
>rape fantasizing
>low self esteem having
>semen slurping
>sex toy using
>academic failures
My a-levels were garbage but I think I'm on track to complete my masters degree with Merit. Also won a prize during final year of undergrad because the program I helped write was run on a supercomputer and subsequently resolved some open problems.
>daddy issues
Not my fault he's a compulsive liar raising another man's kids with his third wife who secretly wants him dead so she can take his land.
>who dream about having a partner who beats the shit out of them while loving them

Can't stand girls with STEM backgrounds. You need dick.


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I wish you were my gf. You sound extremely cute.

I don't have tattoos, but the rest sounds right, tbqh

Were you abused as a child? There's no other explanation

Fembots don't exist and you're a fraud, boys don't have affection and you *choose* not to have it, neck yourself roastie



I wish larpers would leave my board already.

Was it a family member and have you seen a therapist?

yup, I'm on a waiting list currently.

Public health or something? I never realized how common childhood abuse was until I started browsing Jow Forums

yeah. not really something I can bring up face-to-face, you know? until now my therapist has just been Jow Forums.

>being mentally ill is for 15-year-old tumblr girls.
Once again proving that women have all the emotional depth and nuance of a dog.

Part of me really hates girls like you and wants to make you do nasty and fucked up stuff. The other part, I'm not so sure about. I hate being attracted to you.

Do you realise you're the male equivalent of the Stacey that wants "bad boys?"

Actually this description accurately fits a grill i know in real life besides the tattoos, she's fucking trash and a waste of resources

No, I'm not 15. 99% of girls past a certain age don't care about bad boys.

How is she wrong? Stop being a "depressed" little faggot

It's not about age. It's about being attracted to people who will only cause you trouble in the end and finding it off-putting if someone is emotionally stable, has their shit together, etc because they can't give you the excitement/drama that you crave.

Absolutely true. But it's less about the drama and more about the sex. would let me slap her hard enough that she cried during sex, a well adjusted normie woman wouldn't.

God girls over 30 are so fucking boring.

And ugly too. Their bodies are usually nasty lol.

Nice trolling malescum. The future is female.

good to hear that you've sorted your life out femanon, I fucked up my a-levels and I'm worried that it's too late for me to get my shit together

You're like what, 20? There's plenty of time.

*Dips bedora*
Thanks for your help saving that poor damsel!

Reminder that calling women these things and insulting them is a result of the pain of rejection which makes them feel worthless. They want to lash out. I should know, I'm one of them.

>daddy issues
eh, you're wrong about that. a lot of them don't have daddy issues. i truly wish they did.

>Women won't fuck me so clearly they're the problem
I'm fucking FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS and I still get laid, you guys are just the charisma equivalent of a heaping dog shit pile. Quit making these shit threads and fuck off.

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Can't deny that. I've been rejected by girls on here and it makes me hate them more.

>Fembots are trashy
That's you user
like the other one said, matter of opinion
No thanks
The most sexual interaction I've had was involuntary
>porn addicted
That's you user [2]
>mentally ill
True - bpd is a fuck
>rape fantasizing
I'm a CSA victim, I don't want to be raped
Do you mean emotionally immature? idk wym
>low self esteem having
>semen slurping
Well, no idea - never done that before
>sex toy using
>academic failures with daddy issues who dream about having a partner who beats the shit out of them while loving them
Pretty accurate, basically the 1900s husband

Can't claim we don't exist and then insult us simultaneously

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>I'm a CSA victim

that's a fancy way of saying you're a field negro

It means child sex abuse victim

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>True - bpd is a fuck
the rest of your post is discarded desu, as its accuracy cannot be trusted

it means confederate states of america, you moon cricket.
your ignorance is unsurprising. that said, i'm impressed that an enward can read.

How are you accusing anons of being trashy? Trashy is a word used to describe femanons.

(especially of items of popular culture) of poor quality.
"trashy novels and formulaic movies"

Don't really need to go much further

Well if what you say about yourself is accurate, you pretty well sum up what an average cyborg is in my eyes. There's Hope for a future user.

no not really
never had one
>porn addicted
its dudes who are porn addicted
>mentally ill
social anxiety and autism fucking kill me but they can be controlled
>rape fantasizing
i dont even give a shit about sex in general
probably but whatever. i have more childish interests than a childish personality
>low self-esteem having
kind of true i'll admit that. but not to a point where i call myself worthless
>semen slurping, sex toy using, masochistic
what, is that your sexual fantasy OP?
>academic failure
i didnt do great at school but i barely passed
>daddy issues
my dad means the world to me. my parents in general really
>dream about having a partner who beats the living shit out of them
no way, i'd probably fight back more than anything

Mhmm.. yup, seems like another person I'd put up to cyborg tier. Congratulations on not being COMPLETELY hopeless user.

Yeah. Like girls who wear midriff exposing tops and cleavage and thigh high socks and whatever. Not guys.

i was doomed right from the beginning to be fair

No, tattoos are gross
>slutty, porn addicted
No on both counts, the idea of sex scares me
>mentally ill
You got me there, I have depression and anxiety
>rape fantasizing
No not really
>low self esteem having
>semen slurping, sex toy using, masochistic
No wtf
>academic failures
I go to Cambridge so no
>with daddy issues who dream about having a partner who beats the shit out of them while loving them.
No my dad is the old-person equivalent of a robot and we get along well. And aggression is a turn-off

Doomed from the moment the anxiety and autism built up too much you mean. I would say I somehow salvaged how fucked I was from the start, but you hit a hurtle pretty hard.

Seeing a lot of similarity here. Also I agree on the tattoos, no idea why people want them.

Idk about all that but they're astonishingly mentally ill and must be talked with like small children because they never developed even C level social skills

still feels like my life is running out at an alarming pace, I have a job but I desperately want to move on but the opportunities where I live are a bit shit

What do you study at Cambridge?

I'd rather not specify but it's one of the very mathy courses

>Very mathy
Well don't just pique my curiosity without divulging more!

>Well don't just pique my curiosity without divulging more!

That's... suspicious.

>muh femgineer gf!


>Not being happy to see a woman not be retarded and take a meme degree for once
>Thinking I'd want anything to do with them romantically when they described anything as "Mathy"
Absolutely disgraceful

Women taking high earning degrees isn't good you s o y faggot. It means they're less likely to get married and have kids contributing to dysgenic fertility

>the idea of sex scares me

you are afraid that some bird cunt will come and peck through your shell in order to slurp up your soul and then fuck off
which will happen at some point, so you may as well get it over with before you start to sag.
the guys you have met at cambridge are probably the most docile and well meaning sort. go for one whose chubby red cheeks protrude past his recessive chin. i'm sure you know the sort, the kind who should be called 'neville' but never are.

Fembots, I assume this is a good place to ask. Who is your favourite pornstar?

Riley Reid. Her interacial stuff is amazing.

yeah, pretty much that. if it werent for either of them i would be a pretty average normie

Racemixing is harmful to our society KYS

That's how it is for most people actually. Not very uncommon to just be ruined with a high power level or anxiety and depression. Do you have hobbies to help fill the void?

It's obviously a troll you dumb moron.

post original tits with original timestamp or GTFO

The only things I fit on there are low self-esteem and I have a little pocket vibrator type thing.

Why does every girl have a sex toy. Can't you just go without.

Also curious about this. What happens to girls if they go long without having an orgasm. Do they get cranky?

Nope. I am a boring rigid grandma
Nobody is really worthless. There's always a use to be found
I have a small flag tattoo on my rib.
I never leave the house except uni. Don't interact much with people, and I surely don't want to attract attention. It is scary
>porn addicted
Asexual by chemical imbalance. Porn looks weird to me
>mentally ill
Got a few (too many) things going on
>rape fantasizing
The concept is foreign to me
Yes, I guess
>low self esteem having
Yes. I have an inferiority complex
Yes. But also sadistic
>academic failures
I have a scolarship and I am doing well
>daddy issues
All fine on this front. My dad is the best.
>who dream about having a partner who beats the shit out of them while loving them
I am not black.

user stop using your projecting as bait. Git gud.

>boring rigid grandma
Confirmed best girl. Although that type and tattoos don't usually mix. Is there a symbolic reason for it?

shut mouth

Because I suck and it takes me over half an hour to have an orgasm with my fingers if at all, but I can do it in 5-15 with something buzzing.

I don't.