I am so tired I am so tired all the time edition
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Everyone below me in this thread is a double nigger
Want to buy some xbox gold but can't decide if I use my old account (all my stuff) but with my real name or make a new account with a fake name so I can play with guys from Jow Forums.
t. Triple nigger
Someone bring me some fucking irn bru I'm in bed and don't want to leave
Shat in my mums bed and blamed the dog lids.
She should have given me money for beers.
She knows it was you lid, human shit and dog shit doesn't even smell the same.
why cant you just change the name on your old account
Don't even feel like playing games anymore it was my main hobby now I just can't.
Fuck off don't scare me like that, she's not said anything
well yeah, what do you even say to your son when he shits in your bed
Well you certainly don't say, "gee son, I feel really bad about not giving you beer money since you shat all over my bed here's 20queens."
anyone remember makro? my dad used to take me there and we'd get massive boxes of sweets and panda pops
xbox is a bit funny about stuff like that. You can change your name but your username costs a fair bit. And even if you change your email your old one is still viewable. Another thing that's really bad about xbox's, when you set up an account with an email, even if you change it, everytime you have a problem they'll email your original email which I no longer have. Starting new sounds nice as well.
I haven't used it in way over a year so I think I can get a month out of it. The monthly paying is what ruined it for me.
go fresh then lad, sounds about right
She's probably trying to get you sectioned.
Fuck me lid I could murder a blue panda pop right now
I don't like being at work
Is going for an objectively ugly girl the way forward? That was it's all about connection
Imagine dating a fat girl and actually connecting with her then she loses the weight and she's hot as fuck. That's the dream right there boyos, then you would both know it's real
>I dont want to think
who do u play lad
Once shes locked you into a relationship she's got no reason to improve
More chance of you becoming fat with her than she loses weight
Only just started but I like the DPS roles so repear, coyboy, black widow etc
>then she loses the weight and she's hot as fuck.
the she cheats on you because she realizes she can do better now that she looks good
wew lads you don't have much faith in women, do you?
Stop it I just paced round the house a load of times, she's gone to the shops so I can't even drop more hints about the dog.
You're a bunch of dicks.
I spend my free time on an incel forum what do you think
Going to the supermarket once my hair has dried and then haircut later today. Good to have something to do
What are your plans for today?
ah fair enough, you don't need to think to play dps
would have been a bit agitated if you played tank/support though
simply clear thinking lad, it's what will happen.
i spent this morning mixing cement
you said you were getting your haircut yesterday
caught lying again i see Tilde
She's gone to find a solicitor to get you kicked out the house, lad.
>You need two emails to make a microsoft/xbox account
Frig off
What do you need the cement for?
my dad's fixing the floor in our hallway
alri lads what we doing today
I just bought nioh so gonna play that hope its pretty good
piss off lad the threads were nice without you begging for attention yesterday
>Charity ad
>Children are living in poverty etc
Pretty sad
>just 2queenies a week could give Mahamood a breakfast before school
Yeah... no.
Seems to me like his parents should be feeding him
And if they can't, they shouldn't have him and he should be getting fed in care.
Hate those charity ads, pretty sure they aim them entirely towards sapping money from old ladies.
Used to be the poor had more kids because they would die now child support monies has made the poor the biggest breeders. They see their kids as an extra such and such a week which they spend on booze fags and betting then when their 18 chuck them out. Then they do the same.
Please can you stop attention seeking? Thanks.
is it harder to be a universal credit scrounger these days? there seems loads of hoops you have to jump through
Hello everybody, just a reminder that if you decide to get help on the NHS for you crippling depression and anxiety you will get a shitty counsellor who will gives you an anxiety CD to listen to
cheers NHS, I'll just pop that into my portable CD player and be done with all this nonsense
It really depends on who your job coach is. Mine makes me do volunteer work and courses so I am basically working part time. Except I get to skip a lot of days.
>he doesn't rant nonsensically about the 'threats' that he will destroy to get help he needs
My doggo is dead :(
Sad feels
I'm not trying to get sectioned and ruin my career prospects lid
Sorry to hear lad. Mine died a while ago I knew I shouldn't have bought him that juice he kept going on about. Pic related.
>crippling depression and anxiety
>has a career prospects
yeah thats your problem of not being taken seriously
shit, sorry lad.
at least you know they lived the dream NEET life
>I'm not trying to get guaranteed bennies for life lid
For what purpose?
I really wish they weren't so strict anymore
Remember when i was on benefits they tried to send me on job courses, i'd say i would go but i never did and never got any shit for it, actually put down that i had gone most of the time
>getting older
>still in retail
>everyone there when i started as gone
>other than the managers and a couple of old people everyone is younger than me
>tfw i'm going to be that old lifer
Any of you lads seen that fucking lad who surfed an 80 foot wave? Looks absolutely terrifying
You have enough experience to move on as well lad quit bitching alot of people can't even get their foot in the door.
>bunch of dicks
T. A lad that what in his mum's bed
I was placed on temporary leave by my Uni (not kicked out) so it's not all over just yet
do we have any clear optics on the kind/style of knickers that tilde wears yet?
If you're really bad you can go into a mental health ward voluntarily means you won't get sectioned and you can take a year out of uni.
you seen that lad who jumped over a shark whilst wearing a leather jacket?
mental that was
It's called dead end for a reason
Minimum wage experience gets you other minimum wage jobs, there is no moving on (unless you develop skills ect)
You can get into an office or call centre with retail and customer service experience.
no but would you like to see mine tee hee
lads I somehow arranged at date off of tinder with an italian tourist. Shes p qt but I have the feeling that there is absolute zero percent chance of me sleeping with her. Do I cancel?
lads guess what I was sitting weird and then my right leg went numb but also my right testicle also went numb
Indeed he did
The lil dogo
>mummy making her shit tier 'hot dogs' for din din tonight
I'm 25 with literally no job experience and I never went to uni.
my only hope in life is to become self-employed desu. I'm decently smart so I think I could be successful doing something, but I'm just so lazy and every time I get the motivation to start something, I end up becoming depressed after a month or two and sink back to wallowing in inertia
Get off your arse and buy tendies then.
means ur a gay
Would be pretty good if that was real
you'll be cannon fodder for the next war
if i had the option i'd much rather just have a bowl of super noodles
means u just had a mini stroke lad
ill be at ure funeral in 6 month
What about moving up to store management?
You have a drivers license? If you've had it longer than a year you can take up driving jobs, taxis, deliveries etc or a bus or truck company will pay for your bus or truck license.
Are they not real hot dogs? Not particularly hot or not made from real doggos?
it was real lad i've seen the video
What exactly you buy wasn't the point la
Shit in her bed lad
we have noodles in the house, if mummy said 'do you want to make noodles or me make hotdogs?' i would say 'i would like to make noodles'
but mummy didn't ask and she's already bought the buns
Prove it's real then big lad
All minimum wage shit too, or near enough. Call centre work is fucking horrible as well. Good luck getting an office job when you're competing with graduates and people with office experience already.
No one gets promoted they just hire externally. Been a bunch of lay offs and restructuring within management lately too so there's no way up.
Where's the lad that shat in mummys bed? Formal request for an update please.
See a careers advisor you're not as far up shit creek as you think.
here you go lad
it was a while ago so the footage is a bit shit
lad are you fuckin retarded
hes not saying the food is the point, he's saying you could just go out and buy what you wanted to eat and make it yourself instead
>make it yourself instead
if mummy said 'do you want to make noodles or me make hotdogs?' i would say 'i would like to make noodles'
but mummy didn't ask and she's already bought the buns
you're the problem here lad just make your own din you lazy lout
Ok lads got my food shopping done for the day:
>2 x 80g bags of cool original Doritos
>chocolate orange
>wine gums
any manchbros here? I think Im gonna stroll around town next weekend during faggot pride.
wonder if the pakis/chavs will beat me up in this getup
I'm pretty sure if you showed some initiative and bought and prepared your own food she'd be pretty happy. Baby steps and all that. Plus most buns last a couple of days.
>mummy is the only one who can make food in my house
>mummy please read my mind and make the food i want
absolutely sad lad
Didn't even see the shark lad
is this a cute girl? then yes pls
i move back there for uni on sept 8th, luckily i won't be there for this fucking fag parade
tfw 23years old
tfw never been to gay pride
is it a national thing? maybe I should go to Bristol
The day happy days stopped being happy. Glad I'm not old enough to have lived through that tragedy.