well r9k?
inb4 no niggers[/spoilers]
well r9k?
inb4 no niggers[/spoilers]
I honestly thought in my head 'no niggers' before I even read the spoilers.
No shoes allowed.
No women thats it
that would make a very gay island
Put half of the population on HRT. Problem solved.
That's even more gay.
pic related is rule #1
A 1 generation population isn't wise.
I'm your fucking goddess now, worship me or get out/die. I'll do my best to be a good leader, but step one you recognize me as your literal divine being.
1 sexual partner per person
Niggers and white women only
No crackers allowed, what a good time
>No crackers allowed, what a good time
word brother, we would be so much better off without whitey
>Gets offended
>Posts a cherry picked WebM
I can post a Wikipedia page filled with wars started by whites user what exactly is your point oh intelligent huwhite maaan.
Do not talk about /b/. z
no kikes, no fags, no niggers
Still fully gay
0 damned niggers
whatchu talking about whitey, fuck off. Africa would be the most technologically advanced continent if it wasnt for white devil
>implying asians don't exist
Females must expose their soles to males upon request.
every boy and girl will be paired up as children and grow up together as a couple and will be wed once they turn 13
any girl caught cheating or who ends her designated relationship will be put to death and the boy will be assigned a new partner
>not all
asians have no souls. They could watch a fucking child being skilled alive without even blinking.
And they're still flooding white countries, so I guess white societies are still better
1. No adultery
Black dudes fuck black chicks
White dudes fuck white chicks
No ebony shit up here
WebM's don't mean shit faggot keep posting that doesn't change anything
2# No poaching
>Saves WebM's that are likely from /gif/ for racebait later on
Truly a faggot
I would unironically ban Niggers or at least Africans.
>become Great Leader
>start massive cult of personality
>no private property, all belongs to the Great Leader
>be worshipped like a God
I don't ask for much desu
No non-whites.
Shouldn't be surprised that wasn't original.
why are you so triggered if it doesnt mean anything?
Back to 2016 you go faggot, seriously man you gave it away with the WebM's
imagine being this mad
>tfw "normies" is an overused meme word now
>tfw will never be able to buy an island and put up a huge "no normies allowed" billboard without everyone thinking I'm a redditor
Jesus Christ you really are a 2016 dustbag, back to where you came from faggot.
>that webm is from 2018
I know an island like that, it's called Haiti and it's a shithole lmao
this board is dead. Not a single thread that don't derail into racebait shit. Fucking normies
>everyone screened with interviews before coming to live permanently
>only genuine, friendly and hardworking people allowed in
>no criminals or sheep normalfags who want an easy life
>no low-intelligence white trash or subhumans
>people should abide by the country's culture, i.e. no chinatowns where people only speak chinese and refuse to learn the country's language (english)
>people can still hold their own language clubs and shit but it should be in private
As for laws
>no government corruption
>government only enforces the law, defends the country and provides infrastructure for utilities like water and gas
>laws are basically 'you can do whatever you want as long as you don't put yourself or others in danger, or make life worse for others'
>anti-propaganda laws, so it is illegal to promote drag queens or homosexuality to children, make biased one sided political arguments in news, etc.
>while we're at it, may as well make public degeneracy illegal too (no gay pride parades, etc)
>also has laws against fake news and businesses/corporations fucking people over
>strict privacy law for citizens also applies, companies can't take and sell your data without knowledge
>no retarded hate speech laws and government spying on citizens at all
>harsher penalties for corporations and businesses if they break the law, no fucking around
>gender quotas or diversity quotas nonexistent, only the best person for the job will be hired
>extremely limited welfare system, so any welfare leeches can't survive
>plenty of jobs, easy to get them too
>tax is small each year and easy to pay
I have no idea if such a system would work but it's fun to imagine
We all did desu
No irrelevants allowed on the island
Hyacinth #0421
I would make it a living nightmare. I would paint things random colors and make all the structures abstract and illogical. I would play weird ambient music at all times and everyone would have to be chipped. The chips record their location and sound. No one is allowed to speak except me. They are only allowed to make screeching noises.
There's actually so much unclaimed land, Jow Forums should claim an island and make its own country.
No heretics or things that lead to it
This covers roasties, minorities, Jews and atheists
No street clothes indoors, only comfy house clothes.
Age of consent is 9
No genitally mutilation.
I meant to put genital. Oh well.
>There's actually so much unclaimed land,
I'm pretty sure this is the opposite of true.
No mods/janitors
Would die off after one generation
there is a lot of uninhabited land, but I don't think there is much unclaimed land either
Where? I don't think that's true, man. The wilderness areas in most places are owned by the government if they aren't privately owned.
lel. such a feggit island. go kill yourself cocksucker.
Women get no rights
Black people is best at running their own country into a shithole.
Most of africa has the tribal mentality. They are constantly fighting eachother in small groups. When the white man stepped in, they stopped it pretty successfully. As soon as they left them to run their country on their own, they continued fighting. Africa would be the shithole it is now with or without the white man.
Rule #1:
No virgins allowed.
Then something about artificially bred monstergirls being set loose and something about hunting you down and raping you for breaking rule number 1.
We could annex the Lagoan islands. Other than the muh micronation people, no nation lays claim to them, and nobody lives there. Just need enough NEETs for a permanent population, a government, and we're good to go.
Woman have to let me sit on their face and slap their belly until they eat my ass whenever I ask without question
Strictly no gfs allowed
Non-straight people are banned.
>A 1 generation population isn't wise.
There would be an in flow of immigrants though
Thanks for the catgirl, user. I'd trust you as a leader
Harsh but fair good good
Pretty much me perfect utopia
All communists must be crucified and line the main roads. They are pitched and set on fire to act as streetlights.
fuck off normie kill yourself originally in an original manner
On the first Friday every month everyone has to get naked and take 5g of shrooms
I get a loli
I would make it so that all pet dogs on the island would be required to be named Bark Simpson.
No other people than whites
no dicks bigger than mine 10cm max
Lolis are legal and no normalfags
No shitskins and none of their religions.
No religionfucks.
Either that or no fag marriage, unless each fag also declares on a separate form their anime waifu.
No testosterone. UwU OwO
No autists
If you go 12 hours without talking to someone, you're deported
Fuck off avatar fag.
Sub 120 iq offspring are terminated.
>no government corruption
Brilliant, laws against government corruption will stop government corruption
Regel 1)
Keine Neger!
Regel 2)
Keine Juden!
Look at various nigger islands around the world.
Or any Apefrican nation desu.
Poor nigger.
Yeah, just look for the civilizational breakthroughs that niggers made in Apefrica before even the very first WHITE man could set foot in that factory of misery to opress the poor Bl*ck boi.
He's just a stupid apefrican.
Pull the trigger on every nigger.
Hang the coon on every noon.
Suicide is completely legal any attempt to stop or resuscitate a suicide is against that law.
Illegal immigrants beheaded on public television.
That's an even worse idea
No wh*toids
fast food advertisements have to show what the food actually looks like when you order it
Why dumbass? People have to get to the island in the first place right
Cringe, yikes, and gross.
degenerates only, so we don't have them in good ol' merica
>that hitler salute he gives
based af. They were probably hitting on him so he decided to teach them on the spot why not to burn the coal.
that is a paradise also add sex robots with artificial wombs.