Does anyone actually think Trump is a racist?
Does anyone actually think Trump is a racist?
i dont. media needs to go.
Trump is the most racist president we've ever had.
Far leftists do, but it's more of a delusion.
no hes not. illegal immigration is in fact illegal.
You're confusing anti-PC with racism
I'm fucking insulted by that statement.
We've had waaaaaay better than Trump.
They're called undocumented workers. Human beings cannot be "illegal."
He should be. We need an openly racist president honestly.
No. But then, I don't think Darren Wilson, Michael Drejka or George Zimmerman were racist, either. I think 99 percent of racism accusations are just race hustling. Beating on the well worn drum of white guilt has become a racket for people with nothing else to say.
wrong, i said illegal immigration is a crime i didnt call a person "illegal". that person is criminal.
nah, but he is a tool
>big if true
seriously who talks like that
They didn't cross the border, the border crossed them via the illegal Mexican-American War
Not same guy but i thought they were called illegal immigrants
Sure humans can be illegal.
Do they have US citizenship, or a green card, or a passport?
If the answer to all three is "No" then they are illegal. Quite frankly, it's disgusting we're just deporting them and not treating them like invaders and killing them.
They actually are the same thing
Trump is a racist but he doesn't really think in racial terms like a white nationalist would. He thinks anyone who praises him is good. WNs think anyone non-white cannot be good. There is a difference but the media loves grouping the two together.
Theyre still illegal aliens invading this country. Diversity is a meme perpetuated to cover up a shitskin invasion.
Every illegal believes theyre conquering the coubtry for their host country. Theyre all parasites on the system.
Reality is, aside from some santuary cities, America is a white country and POC dont belong here.
Is wyoming the most based state?
Because you're such an upstanding productive member of society.
The economy would collapse without undocumented workers but you're too ignorant to see that while you reap the benefits of their labor.
then take a time machine to back when national borders were different
We don't need a time machine. We can do better by abolishing all borders.
Okay, how would it collapse? Oh right, you cant list any examples becsuse you dont have a real arguement.
Illegals leach from the system more then they reciprocate back in and their labor can easily be replaced by white engineered technology.
We would have had a cyberpunk utopia by now if it wasnt for all these illegals funneling trillions out of the system through criminality and fraud while being subsidized through taxpayers via welfare and insurance fraud.
>no fruits
>empty kitchens in restaurants
>no construction
The average cis-white male is too coddled and obese to perform such tasks today.
nah thats not this country.
>white engineered technology
>cyberpunk utopia
Get a load of this guy
All those things you said are done better by working class white folk. Im sure job sites would pay more if they had less taxes to pay to subsidize these leaches.
You have no arguement. POC dont belong here.
It actually is already happening.
>all whites are racist
>trump is white
>trump is racist
Pick only 3
Name any life altering inventions made by POC in the last 50 years. You cant.
it was happening, but no longer
Yeah, working class white folk look so productive
>trump is 6'3
holy fuck he looks like a manlet
You can find a fat picture of anyone, so what?
Everything is already globalized except your provincial mind.
so liberals and liberal media are mad they cant illegally flood America with undocumented laborers to exploit their labor.
Yes, but for most demographics it is the exception rather than the norm.
most things but national borders are not, citizenry is not.
Didnt answer the question.
I support strong border and immigration policies. But I do not think there are inferior races or that Mexicans are rapists.
why dont you just rehire the already existing undocumented laborers? because they cant exploit them and pay them as cheaply.
No, globalization doesnt exist putside of propaganda in sanctuary cities.
Your hobgoblin mexican opinion doesnt matter.
Mainstream leftists do
Far leftists are unironically more in-touch with reality
You didnt ask me a question you dumb fuck. And your opinions are blue pilled brainlet tier.
Whites will be a minority in the US by 2050, deal with it.
no they wont, deal with it.
Statistics are against you Billy Budd.
Whites have the lowest birth rates, the highest suicide rates and the highest rate of interracial marriage.
I would argue it isn't much of a norm, it is a problem, but not "the norm"
Why do you want them in your country? I'm from south america, I know people who immigrate illegally are the lowest there is, usually illiterate, they bring nothing to your country.
Personally though, I'd gladly let you take our criminals and their 18 children.
nice "statistics" Onga Bonga
We'll start mass killing you cockroaches before that happens.
shut up retard
Even the most basic grasp of reality would tell you that it's true
>even the most hubba dubba doo
Based ethno patrician. This is proof only the subhumans come through and ruin it for the rest of us.
dismantle the media.
The intelligence of the alt-right, everyone
thats funny, because other than your words you have nothing.
You dont even know my power level you subhuman cockroach spawn.
MAGA 2020
As far as I know, you couldn't just tell if you're being replaced by another demographic by going outside
You're talking about yourself bud
i dont need to because honestly youre a dumbass.
"He is racist!!!"
No proofs, lol
Typical jew/lefty/nigger
actually talking bout you, bud
Not for niggers
You have been muted for 2 seconds, because your comment was not original
Says the low chromosome count subhuman underclassman unwanted in this country
MY country. youre the dumbass that cant deal. im surprised you can count my chromosomes, im surprised you can count past 4.
Trump quotes indicating racism:
>Black guys counting my money! I hate it. I think that the guy is lazy. And it's probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.
>I think sometimes a black may think they don't have an advantage or this and that. I've said on one occasion, even about myself, if I were starting off today, I would love to be a well-educated black, because I really believe they do have an actual advantage.
>[Mexican immigrants] are not our friend, believe me.
>When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us [sic]. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
>Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics [via Twitter]
In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti "all have AIDS" and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never "go back to their huts" in Africa.
Trump falsely claimed that President Obama "issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas."
After David Duke, the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed him, Trump was reluctant to disavow Duke even when asked directly on television.
Trump endorsed and campaigned for Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who spoke positively about slavery and who called for an African-American Muslim member of Congress not to be seated because of his religion.
Trump once referred to a Hispanic Miss Universe as "Miss Housekeeping."
I know you guys want a racist president but just admit you know he's a racist.
I dont do deals with subhumans desu
i know, thats why you cant deal with your own issues.
Everything he said is an objective fact, how is the truth racist?
Says the unwelcomed mexican chink who overestimates his pretention.
Not user but I forgot what site I was on for a moment and then your comment reminded me. Looks like this place got stupider after Reddit and 2016.
says the "you dont know my power level" dudebro arguing with a mexican chink like hes hot shit when he aint shit.
yeah. he's a 70 year old man
Just look at the statistics, user. What he says ain't wrong. And it applies everywhere you go. I'm not saying it's genetic or related to the skin tone but rather the education and culture Hispanics and Blacks tend to grow up in. Why are Asians always at the top? Because their culture and education pushes them to do just that. The meme "come back when u doctor" is not a meme at times. Trump is not racist. He just states the facts people don't want to hear.
>In June 2017, Trump said 15,000 recent immigrants from Haiti "all have AIDS" and that 40,000 Nigerians, once seeing the United States, would never "go back to their huts" in Africa.
>This is statistically true
So all white males are racist then right because they've sure shown all of us it's a fact.
How is calling someone "miss housekeeping" an objective fact? Not disavowing David Duke? Lying about Obama only supporting Kwanzaa? You guys are fucking idiotic. Trump is a racist, nothing will convince you though.
>Trump is a racist, nothing will convince you though.
Welcome to this whole website there's no point of arguing
An argument would be between two people with two different positions. You have no position since you are a subhuman parasite living on borrowed time mooching off the system.
Im simply reminding you of your place in this country, which is non existent to a POC.
>Trump falsely claimed that President Obama "issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas."
Wow does he have a Kenyan birth certificate as well. You sure your statistics can back you up?
Its true. Most latina illegals do house keeping because they are subhumans with no marketable skills or inteligence.
>Trump falsely claimed that President Obama "issued a statement for Kwanzaa but failed to issue one for Christmas."
I want to see you justify this user. Go on explain
>Trump endorsed and campaigned for Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who spoke positively about slavery and who called for an African-American Muslim member of Congress not to be seated because of his religion.
Hold up wasn't that the pedofaggot? Jesus Christ this guy is fucking amazing.
Its because hes a worthless shitskin mudslime
>Its because hes a worthless shitskin mudslime
Wow what an argument you sure proved us all wrong
>youre a subhuman and therefore have no place or rights!
>youre a parasite
oh. the. irony.
What is taquiya?
Checkmate faggot.
Case and point since thats all your staggered and defeated subhuman brain could muster up.
or maybe i dont have time to banter with a NEET loser. hence, irony of you telling me i have no place.
You just proved yourself a moron by taking the time to disprove your own case by trying to refute me.
>implying im a NEET
so this is a complete waste of time, at least we both agree. not a neet? back to work, Fresco.
So what, pussy?
Lmao with American luxury problems of having only to deal with Chicanos crossing the boarders illegally, while Europe is flooded with Africans and Middle East Muslims.
I don't think Darren Wilson or Zim Zam are racist, I do think that Trump is racist to certain groups.
He's got that New Yorker kind of racism where he's cool with his Indian doctor friends and happy to invite his favorite Motown black singer to a charity gala, but he absolutely despises Caribbean and African blacks and Peurto Ricans. Even if they are US citizens.
Why? He was in real estate in NYC and NJ so likely had many negative interactions with those groups.
Utopian cyberpunk is literally an oxymoron. What cyberpunk society doesn't have fleshjobs (humans) providing biolabor (slavery)?
Lol for the first time in my life I used literally correctly.
Let's just put it bluntly, he's a rich racist hick.
I don't give a shit what he says I care what he does.
So far every piece of policy has been awful.