Prove Free will exists
Pro tip: you can't
Prove Free will exists
Pro tip: you can't
>Inteligence implies orderly
>Therefore all inteligent life is predictable with enough information about their psyche and situation
no shits nigga?
Are you going to reroll the anti-buddha?
If free will did not exist, everything would be predictable. In fact, only some things are predictable, and only to a certain degree of certainty over time. Therefore, free will exists.
I have the free will to fuck your mother
If free will doesnt exist then why would you be conscious?
i don't want to prove anything desu senpai
>if free will did not exist, everything would be predictable
Not a counterargument.
Also, kill yourself. Stop delaying the inevitable.
everything can't be predictable because any predictor is necessarily a part of everything you fucking retarded moronic brainlet nigger ape.
>not being capable of abstraction
Are you cursing out of frustration?
>gets btfo
>replies with sage hoping I won't see it
>Prove Free will exists
Define it first
you can't
Why would I want to prove that?
I simply didn't want to expose the broader community to your retardation. You suck at this.
>not an uhhh argument uhhhh
>*posts simple reasoning debunking your retarded statement*
>uhhh u are dumb SAGE SAGE SAGE
1) The universe is indeterministic on the microphysical level.
2) Macrophysical level events have high levels of probability but not absolute certainty of cause and effect
3) If animal intelligence evolved so that their behavior was highly predictable, competing animals would get a competitive advantage. Some level of unpredictability is selected for by evolution.
4) We can choose to cultivate certain habits of action, such as nofap, but for any given action there isn't a certainty that our past psychology will predict our choice. Moreover, each choice builds on our other choices so while any given act may have a low probability we may cultivate habits of action that are highly predictable
5) Gallistiel and other behavioral psychologists have shown that the behavior of, say, rats 'freezing' prior to a shock isn't precisely predictable within or across subjects. There are tendencies but not behavioral laws. Neuroscience showing that actions are made before with think about them operate on flawed models of human action.
6)The reason that prediction fails in some of the above cases isn't because a limit on what we can know, it fails because there is a genuine lack of causal determinism for some human choices.
7) For any given action, your own decision process involves probabilistic selection of different alternative options...consciously or unconsciously.
8) Finally, free will is the true *perception* that the action that you just took could have happened otherwise.
This is an account of free will where (a) some of your choices genuinely could have occurred otherwise (b) your choices don't occur at random because your past choices condition the probabilities of your current choices. That is, you have a 'reason' to end your no fap, and a reason to continue it, and the choice you make isn't just random in the sense of flipping a coin.
>Prove Free will exists
>Pro tip: you can
I don't have to bump an underage retard. Stay mad and on page 5.
>1) The universe is indeterministic on the microphysical level.
No, it's not. You are conflating deterministic as in "can we determine the cause?" with deterministic as in "does it have a cause?".
keep crying your bitch tears nigger.
Shut up, caveman.
you're literally crying right now aren't you?
I'm eating chips.
I knew you were a frogposter, too.
Enjoying watching your dumb ass slide off the front page? I am.
>stress eating
Yet another example of you being a brainlet retard that should hang himself with a belt off a doorknob.
you forgot you sage nignog.
You forgot to kill yourself, retard.
your tears are delicious yum yum yum
I just did by posting in this thread.
I'm only telling you to kill yourself because if free will doesn't exist, then you should get the inevitable over with. I'm only calling you a retard because you don't understand. You're the one getting upset.
are you conscious?
Brainlet cope desu.
>Randomness as a selectable trait
Are you retarded?
yes, cry for me, cry for me.
Kill yourself, midget mind.
keep bumping the thread. keep exposing yourself getting btfo to hundreds of lurkers.
You know, it proves that free will exists if people tell you to kill yourself and you don't.
Really, you're proving my point.
>it proves that free will exists if people tell you to kill yourself and you don't.
I feel like I have free will, therefore, I do. Get fucked gayboi
That's not a counterargument.
your non sequitur is not an argument dum dum.
This thread is retarded and so are you.
>My fee fees matter
Oh sweet summer child. Angry that trump son, are we? Dont worry, just feel like he is not in charge.
Nigga u dumm
>too dumb to recognize arguments
Kill ur self :)
>another (you) has been deposited into your account
>too dumb to monitor IP count
kill ur self :)
Your "argument" literally is "But muh ilusion of choice"
You are a nice guy op. So fun to find fellow awake folks.
>being a grown man literally brought to tears by a comment on an imageboard.
>illusion of choice
Oh look a nihilist
you can be one with your precious nihilo if you follow your own advice
If free will didn't exist we would be passengers in our own bodies just watching it do whatever it wants, it would feel a lot different. And just because we take environmental factors into consideration before making a decision, doesn't mean we didn't make the decision. If there were no environment we wouldn't be able to make decisions at all. You're just a materialist faggot and people like you should be exterminated.
>it feels like I have free will
It feels like you have a will. You didn't decide you wanted to do something. You simply wanted to.
>has never had to change what they want
Kill yourself.
Yes and that will is free to change if you will it to, though it may be dificult
>if you will it to
you don't decide if you will it to or not
Yes you do, weak-willed faggot
How do you make a decision without first wanting to?