What the fuck is the point of being a leftist? Don't you realize the west is going to be destroyed? Please explain to me what you think we should do. Do you not think massive waves of violent immigrants are a problem?
What the fuck is the point of being a leftist? Don't you realize the west is going to be destroyed...
No communist can refute that point.
They base their political opinions on feelings, which is why they are irrational. Thought is an afterthought to them. This is why that crazy socialist bartender who won the congressional primary in jew york is never able to explain how she would implement her policies, or come up with the $47 billion required to fund them. Because they feel really good, but they have no connection to reality.
The west is going to be destroyed regardless of what anyone does now. Xi Jinping and Putin are openly spitroasting the west. We might as well pay people a decent wage for working at shitdonalds
I hate her so much. Fucking big ass name and she feels important enough to include all of it. She looks OK at best and when she talks I sense the vapid personality, as if she reads policy from a website and regurgitates it. Hurrr muh free college
If you are so worried about violence, why aren't you so impassioned about removing guns from people?
Why even care about politics? Both sides are completely retarded anyway.
Meanwhile republishits don't have to explain where they're drudging up the 590 billion dollars they're blowing on worthless military shit. Just cut down on 15% of that and you can make sure every US citizen has their healthcare, education, and so on completely paid for like an actual first world country. Our priorities are infinitely fucked up and conservatards keep voting against their own interests because muh immigrants.
Because then I wouldn't have anything to shoot demons protesting the normalization of pedophilia.
I don't read the news. I'm still aware that my entire political perspective is likely maladapted and warped by the jews who want to have an influence over me even if only through forms of media like youtube and Jow Forums. In my opinion legal immigrants don't do shit to make a country worse and the only problem with the west is that women are too sexually liberal and there is no awareness of anything political among the smartphone generation. Prove me wrong.
Banning guns will only ban law abiding citizens from getting them. People who will break the law will get them and the citizens who play by the rules will be left defenseless against the criminals.
>Prove me wrong
>No go zones
>Gang rapes
>Protesting for Sharia law
>Openly hating the west and wanting to destroy it
No you fucking retard we don't need publicly funded education or people who can afford to heat their homes we need a giant fucking death star in the shape of trumps hairdo with lasers and a swimming pool.
The immigrants here in Sweden are all legal and they fuck a lot of shit up
We're actually doing fine and it would be a mistake to lower our military budget. It's a huge money maker and Russia and China are watching us like hawks for any sign of weakness.
>you can't be leftist and against immigration
Where are you getting any of this from? Americans commit more rape and murder than immigrants and why the fuck would someone who hated a country immigrate to it?
So you can still say, "das racist", to everything and impede our progress in an urgent situation?
>be college freshman
>read marx
>be instantly more enlightened than your boomer landlady who only let you play the beep boop machine 2 hours a day on school nights
>base your entire life around it to spite her
We need them to kill off shitskin invaders like yourself
Idiot, I never advocated for republicans. I have equal contempt for their warmongering as I do for the socialist retards who unironically think bolstering the nanny state is a good idea. I want the government to pave my roads, pay teachers a decent wage, and then leave me the fuck alone. Literally every other government "assistance" program apart from K-12 schools is fucking retarded, and the US compulsion with maintaining a worldwide empire that exists to serve the interests of jew bankers is equally retarded.
Yes we need to gas the jews.
In an orginal way.
>Where are you even getting any of this from?
Are you fucking kidding me? You haven't heard of any cases of migrants gang raping women? Have you even been to Europe recently? They'll fucking throw cans at you.
>Americans commit more murder than immigrants
Yeah, buddy, you want to know why?
1. Niggers
2. Our country is a lot bigger than any single European country
I haven't heard about this until now. Apparently the government is covering up spikes in rape and murder ever since immigration has gone up? I actually had no idea. I've read that Sweden's crime rates have been increasing for about 9 years now, but some news outlets are trying to link it directly to immigration, specifically fox news.
>You haven't heard of any cases of migrants gang raping women?
I hadn't until now.
>Americans commit more murder than immigrants
90% of the statistics for racial crime are manipulated against blacks. There's one FBI statistic that said that 51% of crimes are comitted by POC and you can find 100s of articles that replaced the words POC with blacks. More often than not most crime is committed agaisnt people of the same race besides robbery. Even though murder between races has been rising since Trump was elected.
>I want to keep all the socialist programs we already have but don't add more because that's socialism
Even the most liberal people get racist as fuck when a black family moves into a nice neighborhood.
Lmao you're retarded. Quit putting words in my mouth and read what I wrote. K-12 education and infrastructure are the only government programs that shouldn't be eliminated.
Destroying the West is their entire goal. The left is a death cult. Flooding us with migrants is how they're going to kill us.
How come places like Switzerland have a higher percentage of people with guns than the USA, and yet a lower percentage of murders? Same goes for Serbia, for example. Dont you think that the problem may lie elsewhere?
They're violent if they don't have guns too. The only solution is to keep them out