It is frustrating. It doesn't matter how hard I try, how nice and educated I am...

It is frustrating. It doesn't matter how hard I try, how nice and educated I am, how much love and support I am willing to give... Girls will always choose guys like pic related. All my life I've been told that I should behave like a gentleman, but it was all a lie.

Why even try?

Attached: emil andersson.jpg (1363x2048, 436K)

>Why even try?
so you stop shit posting this loser shit on r9k and grow a pair.

yeah stop fucking trying and accept the fact that you and the majority of us don't have good genes and get over sex

That guy is one in a hundred, and will end up with a one in a hundred woman. If you're average looking just date average looking women and marry one that has a personality you want to be with forever.

Women fawn over the idea of men like that the way men fawn over the idea of stunning women, but everyone knows their most realistic shot at happiness is a normal person who cares about them.

I already tried. I socialise, I have real friends, I ask out girls...

To be honest, I am not searching for a supermodel, but a nice, educated girl that share my ideas and interests.

I don't think it is that unreal.

Attached: tumblr_mlvonvovsH1rdpuxuo1_500.gif (500x281, 802K)

>tumblr gif
Well if you're that willing to be a cuck I'm sure you can find some fine young woman to take advantage of you and your bank acct.

the good news is they won't
the bad news is you have to actually try if you want to get a gf

>All my life I've been told that I should behave like a gentleman, but it was all a lie.
Fucking this. Parents,teachers,television,fucking everyone pushed me towards the cuck route for years then wonder why im a virgin beta,and I live in eastern europe,so i cant even imagine how much more amplified this whole clusterfuck was in the us.

not with that woman's haircut

No homo, but that is a nice hairstyle.

its too long! like a woman's.

He can be fucking bald or have tefagshi69's hairstyle and he would still look good BECAUSE OF HIS FACE.

I dislike blonde guys

A wise alien once said do or do not, there is no try.

nah, look at his nose, awful

yes he does look good

as a woman

The coping level is unreal,kek.Any 'fembot' lurking this shithole would drop down and swallow his cum like there's no tomorrow.

LOL that was mighty gay. you are a woman?

He looks like a fucking angel. Most women actualy like androgynous looking guys

I am a guy, and even I can see that you are jealous.

Attached: 14ad81dd4d21b2eb585842ae75e9492b.jpg (807x1199, 153K)

are you sure?
blonde men usually get tossed in favor of the dark hair chad

A-at least they have hair. Receding hairline here.

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Is Yoda a robot?

At least you're not like me and look like op pic but are a girl inside.

You're just ugly and a bitch and a wimpy cry baby.
Come back when you've attempted suicide at least 50 times

Why don't you take advantage of your aesthetics?

>You're just ugly
Not ugly, just normal.

>and a bitch and a wimpy cry baby
Nah, it is just that I am tired.

>Come back when you've attempted suicide at least 50 times
I am not going to judge you, user, but suicide is for cowards. Why would you do that?


m'lady does as she desires

I mean don't act like you don't go for girls that are attractive to YOU either...

If a man watches porn, does he ever watch some random ugly bitch because she's nice and educated? No. It's about sex. It's about physical attraction. If a girl isn't looking for long-term relationship or some "emotional connection" then yeah, no shit she's gonna choose the slayer in the OP image over you. That's just the way life is man, you just gotta deal with it. Maybe lower your standards a bit?

There's a lot more to life than sex

>lower your standards
Is this even a choice? "Hey bro, a sweet girl is too much for you, better ask out this egocentric and uneducated female".

This guy changes eyebrow color everytime I see him

>emil andersson
Are you sure?

Attached: 2fcf4ee2682e377b6ebc91aac02a2508.jpg (736x1104, 78K)

Those are extensions. And irl women don't like flat hair like that they like thick hair

yes faggot. be better next time

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