Is becoming a Catholic priest the endgame of the incel movement?

Is becoming a Catholic priest the endgame of the incel movement?

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Yeah, depends if you are pedophile or not.

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I sometimes wonder. Monastic living sounds more appropriate in most cases though. I'm an unconfirmed Catholic (self-catechized), some people say I'm priest material, I consider myself too insane. The steady companionship, focus and industry provided by the monastic model sounds ideal for many unhappy men.

The key I think to fixing incels is 1 Corinthians 7, where Paul talks about celibacy unironically being the Christian ideal. The idea of approaching prospective relationships with our neighbours in terms of what we can get out of them relative to what we'll need to give is utterly uncharitable, and the normalisation of such behaviour is what has killed our civilisation. Most Christians throughout history have been married, both for Paul's explicitly stated reason (people want to fuck, at least make it legitimate through marriage so it's not a sin), but also because after the world became Christian it became possible to arrange marriages in such a way as to have both parties see the deal as bigger than themselves, and something to be sacrificed for. The idea that our relationships with others are something that's meant to do anything for us at all is such a problem.

Clergy are meant to understand this principle better than anybody, but unfortunately rather than self-sacrifice it's been corrupted by attitudes of lust, and unnatural faggotry and perversion. Carnal-minded men took over in the 60s and now it's all kinds of fucked. If you consider yourself an incel you're also carnal-minded and don't belong. We need to win hearts and minds first. You can't throw a white collar on Elliot Roger and expect harmony.

yeah, you get rewarded with free cunny lol xD

That's an unusually well worded reply for this board.

I'll consider myself to have written a nuanced take on the issue when I'm able to produce a page of writing without resorting to the word 'faggot'. It's a terrible habit, just loses you with a lot of people. Never worth it.

A spade's a spade, man.

True, but referring to it as a coon-stick will lose you a lot of potential sympathisers regardless.

I think monasteries and the ilk was one thing from the past that genuinely made life better for involuntary celibates. Use to, it was very respectable to be a monk, priest, or abbot. Now very few places to take on the career exist. In the past, you could find success, friends, and respect taking on a religious position.

Generally, you need a degree (preferably in something like theology, but other graduates are considered) before you enter a seminary to become a priest. If you have a degree and are a Catholic (baptised and confirmed) then you are in with a shot.
The interviewing process is strict and hard; they really need priests at the moment but they don't want any nutters or pedos.
The way Catholicism is practised actually depends A LOT on the country in which you live, surprisingly.

The Catholic Church is dying in the west. The number of Catholics who have left the church has skyrocketed in the past 20 years and the numbers at mass keep decreasing. The chances are unless you live somewhere like Poland, you will end up listening to the confessions of old women.

I try not to hold a romanticised view of the practice. It's not meant to be a retreat, though it was often treated as one, it was meant to be a spiritual attack. A community built entirely around living up to Christ's example and striving for holiness. If treated as a kind of concession it defeats the purpose. Some people did use it as a kind of retirement plan or easy way out of the typical grind, also parents sent excess sons they couldn't feed there, this created problems. Whenever Europe went through particularly hard times apostate monks would often appear as head rabble-rousers leading mobs against this or that.

It was a respectable way to go, but it really demands a lot from a person. Not what a life of manual labour and raising a family will do, but in its own way I think to really work it demands hope, faith and charity from all involved. It goes back to the Elliot Roger thing, he wouldn't have been happy being sent to one. I might be, but I'm not exactly the archetypal incel.

Really 'incel' as we understand the term wasn't really a phenomena back when monasteries were a thing. Remember this was before the sexual revolution and contraception. If you slut around and give up your virginity to Chad behind a fence you're suddenly a social pariah and you're stuck raising a child. No beta orbiters are coming along, no welfare, you're living off of alms forever while being considered a shameless sinner punished for your carelessness by all of your neighbors. Parents were all eager to get decent matches for their daughters so that someone else would be providing for them, even if you're an ugly, spazzy fuck there'll be someone for you most likely due to numbers probably evening out due to clergy skimming off excess men, which would compensate for the natural fortitude of males lowering their infant mortality rate slightly. You might get stuck with a fat, dirt-poor peasant waifu but you'll most likely have someone.

It's the endgame of the boypussy movement.

>Really 'incel' as we understand the term wasn't really a phenomena back when monasteries were a thing. Remember this was before the sexual revolution and contraception. If you slut around and give up your virginity to Chad behind a fence you're suddenly a social pariah and you're stuck raising a child.

Monasteries did take social refuse I believe, but more in the form of cripples, invalids, children of the very poor and orphans. Couldn't fit that in the last post. I find this topic super-interesting and want to know more about it. Also I'd like to start praying the hours soon.

My studies (Law) aren't directly related but my priest studied Law too. Might ask if he did theology too or just studied that in the seminary.

In Australia most young Catholics are ethnics of some variety. At least they're practicing, but I worry about their kids. The culture rapes atheism into the skull from such a young age. The upside I see is that those who remain will be the best of the flock. The purging of the Cultural Catholics will ultimately make the Church stronger. Christendom is dead, the social default is now neo-paganism/capital-worship/materialism. The Catholic core that remains will all be hard-practicing, child-teaching, reproducing Christians who will serve as a good foundation for a smaller but stronger Church which will grow over future generations. The Church has died before, it'll die again. I'm not afraid it'll leave for good, only about the souls it will miss because of its current state.

Tl;Dr nigga sum it up in less than three paragraphs or add a tldr at the end

tl;dr being a monk only works if you aren't an edgelord and sincerely want to be a good Christian. A monastery isn't a pill that'll rebalance/rewire your brain and attitudes. It's a means of living up to a certain ideal. Without that ideal it's no good.

Really, the ideal is the cure to inceldom, not the means. Incels need to become Christians.

>The Catholic core that remains will all be hard-practicing, child-teaching, reproducing Christians who will serve as a good foundation for a smaller but stronger Church which will grow over future generations.
Meh. Maybe. It is hard to predict. The USA in the 20s/30s was arguably less religious than the USA in the 1980s/90s. The US had a massive boom in religiosity during the late 40s/50s and early 60s with a huge revival movement with Billy Graham and all that. You are right, history isn't a linear digression from religious faith.

However, I think that the Catholic Church has got a lot to up against these days. Kids from devout families leave the Church as well (or kids grow up in devout families but become cultural Christians then their kids leave).

These days, for most educated people, supernatural beliefs are hard to maintain without a community around you telling you reinforcing the belief system.

>The culture rapes atheism into the skull from such a young age.
How? Do you have any examples of how the culture does this in 'the west'? (I am from Poland originally).

I actually think that education is the key to winning people back. Materialism is intellectually empty and a total dead-end and only took over by hijacking cultural discourse via media and education. The old theology which the Church has always stood on is as solid as it's ever been. The really conservative churches with the really impressive services tend to attract real high-brow crowds as well as young people. Really the answer is pretty much to undo Vatican II, pretty much the ultimate mistake so far in Church history. Modern history at least for sure.

The Church needs to speak hard, accept it has enemies and fucking fight them. Capitalism preaches emptiness and turns us into rats, contraception turns human relationships into a sick game, sodomy is disgusting and the human anus is not a sex organ, abortion is an abomination in all circumstances, God is real, miracles happen and Jesus wasn't a nice philosopher like Confucius or Buddha, he was the word incarnate, prophesied and delivered.

I'm not sexually attracted to children, so sadly the priesthood is out of the question for me.

I am really considering it, since I was a child everyone has suggested that I should become a priest, last month my aunt who was a nun died, and her last wish and words to me were that I could live a life devoted to God, the only thing holding me back is that I consider my self a degenerate piece of shit that do not deserve to be in that kind of position.

All forms of Christianity are cancer and should be eradicated.

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Pretty much everything we're taught to value runs contrary to Christianity. It's all about individual liberty, sex, personal satisfaction and ultimately nihilism. Look at our movies, our tv, our culture in general. Art is meant to exhibit what we all agree to be good, true and beautiful. We don't believe in any of these three concepts anymore. Good changes every other day, truth is relative, beauty is an oppressive and unfair concept. We aren't explicitly told to be atheists, but our entire worldview which is handed to us is an atheist one.

Just speak to the average westerner about Christianity, they simply don't get it. Chesterton's old analogies about it being hard to recognise Christendom's value from within apply doubly today, as we're all living in Christendom's corpse. People think they know what it is and think we're better off without it but also lament the passing of 'common decency', which is in fact just the last decaying remnants of the standards set out by a God these people turned their backs on.

Not entirely anybody's fault of course, the world wars broke generations into being too exhausted to pass the torch down, this combined with technological advances and capitalism kicking into overdrive created prime conditions for the Boomers to become the worst generation in human history. Utterly convinced they had something nobody else before had had and that the past few thousand years of history had taught their forebears nothing they threw it all out and now their kids and their kids and their kids have nothing. This blame game ultimately leads back to Adam so it's kind of pointless.

tl;dr we grow up within an entirely atheist framework which is treated as a standard or 'neutral' one and the only exposure 99% of people will get to Christianity will be extremely poor and light if not utter garbage.

I was raised secular, came to faith thanks to books.

Then, can you explain why everything that is destroying your race also goes against the words of the christian God?

You can live for God without being a priest. It'd be nice to be one but it's not everyone's responsibility or calling. Not feeling clear on what you're meant for is an awful thing though. Remember St Francis' words, "If God can work through me he can work through anyone." If a person doesn't consider themselves a degenerate piece of shit frankly I'm inclined to suspect they might not be taking their faith seriously enough.

Have you seen Biship Sheen's sermon on the difference between 'nice' people and 'awful' people? It's quite a good one.

Religion has hurt humanity so much throughout history and it still continues to this day. Luckily I feel religion will all die out in the far future as people learn that it is the biggest soft evil in existence.

>Have you seen Biship Sheen's sermon on the difference between 'nice' people and 'awful' people? It's quite a good one.

Thanks user, I'll check it out.


So why did we do it? Well, there are historical reasons, and there are current reasons. Historically, we always have had a surfeit of shortsightedness - or at least, the farsighted people among us were not in the policy-making positions. To a large extent, of course, we didn't have any policy when we settled the New World. We just let entrepreneurs do their own thing, and that thing nearly always was based on individual profit rather than on the general welfare of the race. We let a bunch of greedy businessmen plan things for their own benefit: cheaper labor, bigger markets, more profits - those were their considerations.

And among the greediest of these businessmen seeking a bigger market for their wares were the Christian priests, hell bent on converting savages and saving Black or Brown souls. Christian universalism certainly played a major role in the destruction of our world. We should have lynched every missionary who had the crazy notion that Blacks needed Jesus instead of their own voodoo gods or that Mexicans needed the Catholic Church instead of their jungle temples, where they liked to cut the hearts out of their prisoners and eat them.

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Do you want to back up this sophistry at all or just dismiss one of the most important themes in the history of human thought based on vague charges of 'hurt' and 'soft evil'?

How can you even quantify these things without religion? If any one religion is right then by their own rules they're the only ones not hurting us or inflicting soft evil upon the world. Dickish as it sounds you really do need to refute each one more or less.

>Luckily I feel religion will all die out in the far future as people learn that it is the biggest soft evil in existence.
It won't die out in the near future though. Currently, religious fundamentalists have the highest fertility rates.

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Bishop Sheen's sermons are all absolute kino. They could probably serve as a fantastic gateway into faith if memed. His old show was like Jordan Peterson without the sophistry, pill-shilling or general bullshit. Also Sheen was at least twice as educated but never put on airs.

now THIS is podracing.

>Capitalism preaches emptiness and turns us into rats
You're going to lose a lot of support from the mainstream right. Since the late 50s/60s there has been an alliance between social/religious conservatives and economic libertarians on the right. The social conservative side has kept losing and tagging along with the capitalist free-marketeers who keep winning. It is going to be hard to change the political culture without the mainstream right on your side.
>contraception turns human relationships into a sick game
This is going to be incredibly hard to stop. Tbh, most baptised and married Catholics use contraception. Almost all of them in some countries. It is going to be seriously hard to get them to stop. You have to convince them that they go to hell if they use contraception without repenting. Most people will never believe that.
>sodomy is disgusting and the human anus is not a sex organ
These days, most people will think you're a bigot. Since the advent of gay marriage in the west, the number of people who disapprove of homosexuality has massively dropped. People don't see it as bad because it just doesn't affect them.
>abortion is an abomination in all circumstances
With this one, I think a lot of people would agree with you, surprisingly. Abortion is one of those issues where people who oppose it has stayed roughly steady since the 90s. However, not having abortions legal may create a ticking crime time bomb (read Freakonomics; tonnes of unwanted kids from broken homes means tonnes more criminals).
>God is real
You might be able to convince people of this. However, it is going to have to come up against people who are initially very sceptical and have memorised arguments against the old Aquinas arguments.

Well, you did not answer my question, and by that same logic whites without christianity should have been left to keep pillagin villages, raping women and children, torturing people for entertainment and organizing orgies because they were unworthy savages.

>You're going to lose a lot of support from the mainstream right
I think the Church has to. William F. Buckley may have considered himself a sincere Catholic but his movement destroyed what it was meant to conserve by compromising it. The real face of American Catholic economics was Father Caughlin and his hardcore protectionism and worker-advocacy. He got shut down by the CIA, Buckley was propped up by the CIA. This movement didn't take off naturally, it was pushed by secular capitalists.

The culture is shifting. Look at 'First Things', that place used to be neo-con, it's getting edgier all the time. They'll be advocating for the hanging of sodomites by 2025.

>most baptised and married Catholics use contraception
And they need to be told by their priests that they're going to hell. If the priests won't say that I will. More importantly of course we need to explain *why* the Church landed here. Nobody even knows. 'Humanae Vitae' was probably the most insightful document produced in the 20th century and nobody's even heard of it. Separating the sexual act from reproduction was an atrocity and the consequences are plainly visible. We need to go beyond the tools, we have to simply end the sexual revolution. If we don't our new Muslim overlords will. Frankly that fate doesn't bug me too much, Muslims beat kikes and atheists. A lot are great people to a strong extent. Sincere Muslims are bros, cultural Muslims are sub-atheist tier.

And this always needs to be stated, what the people will believe won't matter, what the Church teaches is true. These people have been failed by a Church which didn't impress proper doctrine upon them, but if they want to really wear their faith and reap its rewards there's also a duty on them to seek the teachings themselves and live by them.

People who genuinely believe in God don't care about getting pussy, incels are degenerate they just want to partake in the fallen world the same as Chad and are angry at the inequity

>Chesterton's old analogies about it being hard to recognise Christendom's value from within apply doubly today, as we're all living in Christendom's corpse.
Was there ever a time when Christendom was really truly flourishing? You say you hate capitalism, but capitalism, in some for or another, has been around Europe since at least the 15th century. The intellectual classes of Europe have been sceptical of the literal truth of Christianity since the 1700s. Many of the found fathers were Deists (as were most intellectuals of the time). The 19th century saw Catholic Belgium ruthlessly exploit the Congo and kill 9 million Congolese and economics inequality, poverty, starvation, incest etc.. was common across urban working classes in almost every major European city in the 1800s. When was this golden age of Christendom? Was it in the 1200s serf who laboured all day long while the Lord of the manor had sex wit the serf's wife? Was it in the 1920s when the typical working class man would come home after working 12 hours in a coal mine to to beat the shit out of his wife and kids?
Human life is objectively better in the west for the latter half of the 20th century than it had ever been previously.

>homosexuality Overton Window kikery
Yeah, I know. The key is ending the gay/straight paradigm and getting things back to 'ordered sexual acts/disordered sexual acts'. It goes back to contraception of course, contraception is inherently disordered and reduces reproduction to a pleasure-exchange. Frankly it makes crypto-faggots out of us all. End contraception, convince people sex has a purpose, convince people putting your dick in things it wasn't made for isn't a valid identity, it's doable. I think as this shit pushes further onto kids and more and more degenerate western populations are displaced by coons and arabs this shit is bound to meet resistance.

I understand the time-bomb issue completely and am all for it. A system which can only be sustained by the mass-sacrifice of the completely innocent has to die. Do I sound like I have a strong stake in progressive modernity? I'm itching for this collapse. Let us be buried under the weight of our bastards. We had our fun (culturally, I'm still practicing celibacy until marriage or death), now we have to appreciate that our actions have consequences. Again though, the overton window has shifted. The average 'conservative' pretty much thinks 'what about rape and life of the mother?' and can easily be brow-beaten into using this unprincipled argument to justify abortion on demand, as happened easily in Ireland. And of course the young Irish were most for it. The country will be a muttified coon-hole soon and good riddance to it.

Man, most people don't even know who Aquinas is, let alone understand Kant. The strongest atheistic arguments are confusing and hostile garbage which nobody wants to sift through while classical theism is really quite simple despite some scary concepts which first need to be accepted. I think 95% of people if exposed to simple William Lane-Craig tier apologetics would happily accept the existence of God. Also Locke's arguments against atheistic morality are quite pleasing, as are MacIntyre's.

The High Middle Ages weren't perfect, but they weren't the edgy George R.R. Martin tier edge-fest you're describing. For most of medieval history the average worker had less to deal with than us in almost every way. Yes there was disease, but the joke's on you. I'm suicidal so arguments about mortality rates don't work on me.

I would argue that there was never a golden age and it's probably safe to assume that at the most at any period of the history of Christendom maybe 33% of the population were heaven-bound, but it's sure as anything better than today.

How do you quantify life being 'better' in the late 20th century? Look at substance abuse, suicide rates, mental illness, social decay, crime rates, the fact people sincerely thought nukes could end it all at any moment, social unrest and upheaval. Do you have any argument beyond individual freedom (which is only short-lived pleasure and has FAR-reaching consequences we're dealing with (or rather failing to) now) and our health (which let's be honest is getting worse and worse now what with the approaching fertility crisis, the fact we aren't reproducing (meaning our culture dies so what's the point?), the shit in our food and products killing us, and again just generally health, physical and mental going to shit being a pretty good sign we aren't flourishing?). What do we have that makes you say things are so great now? Or 40 years ago? Or wherever you're saying progress led to good?

There is no convincing evidence for god. So you are just going to lie to yourself to join a fairy tale organisation

>Christian universalism certainly played a major role in the destruction of our world. We should have lynched every missionary who had the crazy notion that Blacks needed Jesus instead of their own voodoo gods or that Mexicans needed the Catholic Church instead of their jungle temples, where they liked to cut the hearts out of their prisoners and eat them.
The funny part is, neither race has completely let go of their original faiths. They still follow their ancient shit, they just dress it up so it looks Christian.

Even if God wasn't real I can live a happy and fulfilling live through religion, meanwhile what do I get from being an atheist? absolutely nothing.

let me put it in a simple example.

someone tells you he has a cake, if you believe him he will give you the cake, if don't believe him he gives you nothing. Even if the man was lying you lose nothing because you did not have a cake to begin with.

Seems like a good fucking deal to me.


not even friar chad can't escape roasties

Any anons here read kierkegaard?

>REEEEEE why cant I get a women
>REEEEEE women are all trash
>REEEEEE I feel lonely without women


ze absolute state of Jow Forums

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I don't know about 'Chad', seems a bit on the fancy/effeminate side.

My man MacIntyre told me he was wrong, so that's enough for me. Some day maybe, but I've been too depressed to read deeply for years.

No, revolution is

That qt that glances at him in the beginning. Any one gets the vibe that he might be gay?

>notices nerd with glasses pass by
>calls nerd with glasses cute
you're the gay one, user

I've considered dropping out of society and finding a monastery before, but I'm not sure how I would go about doing it. Do you just walk up and ask to join? I don't think they would accept me though. The god I worship isn't even YHWH strictly speaking so that would also be a problem with most sects of Christianity. My friends think I'm a holy man because of the things I've done in life, but I'm just a schizophrenic who's not very attached to his money that really likes doing extended water fasts and has never masturbated.